Making Enlisted a MUCH Better Place №39

Great changes! I hope we still have an avenue for FTP Gold after the update though - I’m only 1 season away from FTP Battle Pass!

probably harmonization mode its on

you can turn off in options, and reenable skullks and chat

Wait a second, the short mannlicher can be top loaded right? Or am i missing something?

Noice, noice, noice.

But I found out that your newly launched premium squads all have engineer, can you explain it? Or do you just refuse to add engineer to weaker early squads in the past for a year?

Visual effects like this would be sweet


Oh, indeed. There is no explanation of that option whatsoever and to apply it restart is required. I was changing some settings during last session before patch and turned it on to check what it does but forgot about it. Thanks.

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Technically yes some m1885 carabine get converted for be used with standard stripper clip and not mannichler (steyr) clip so they can be forced in reload with single bullet, but those are not present in the game

You can even force the single bullet reload as in the video i posted on non coverted mannicheler but as i said it damage the clip extractor

Mannichler is a strange good rifle indeed


I will say it’s great to have engineers on the squads, But it is a shame they won’t be like other engineers in other prem squads where they also get the weapon (I.E Owen gun in tunsisa, MG-45, ect) I’m sure that might change at some point hopefully!


This is the weapon of a real Sir. Not as clumsy or random as a smg. An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.


If they can build ai, using old tricks Gearbox devs used in the old BROTHERS IN ARMS video game series, then AI would see a HUGE improvement today

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That was a single player game with very linear maps. The ai wasn’t as smart as you might remember. They weren’t making any decisions on their own and they only had to look one direction.

The only thing that game did better was the detailed command you could give the bots of where to stand and who to shoot at.

I hope you’ve also talked about LMGs’ performance as currently it’s a complete fantasy .


This is actually good imo.

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Ideas that I’m sure have been suggested before but my personal opinion.

Squads auto heal if they have a med pack available. (Similar to when they evade a grenade or incoming explosive and especially for scenarios where your entire squad is half health from an enemy air strike ect)

Additional squad orders to command your soldiers to use flasks, use smoke grenades on point or when under heavy incoming fire.

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