Making Enlisted a Better Place №8

Premium Squads will wait… but remember cant equipp more then 10, so i will dont buy more.

We still dont know how many TK triggered the punishment. Also can you guarantee your dead nade, or mis-artillery will not TK lots of team members? I take this risk when playing RO2. After all, if a really misfortune TK caused a ban. I only lost one server’s access. And up to 5USD of buying that game.
But I have spend 300~400 USD here. And I hate this vague condition for a severe punishment!
There’s always a chance even a good player caused a massive TK.

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A question about custom match: I am making some of my friends join Enlisted, but we found out that custom match mode is NOT AVAILABLE for new players… but we do not know what is necessary to unlock it. Any information on this matter?


I have already very bored of this game. Not having new weapons, maps (not a reversed or a refit to other modes), new mode, for a long time.
And the most recent previous economy changes takes me two WHOLE DAYs! Of dismantling weapon for parts. This game has consumed too many of my energy, but not giving me enough new stuff to explore. I am switching to other games.

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the vote change actually ruined custom, we need training room for deferent maps. or password plz


@Keofox thanks for the post and I do say I am liking the changes to pistols. Also I appreciate you confirming that weapon damage is tied to the ammunition and not the gun, so at least that makes understanding balance passes a little clearer.

I had some suggestions here, hope you guys take a look.

perhaps consider stopping match leavers from queing until the match they left is over? But give a minute’s grace period or so, because sometimes we still get the same map twice in row, and people often leave train and destruction on sight.


If that idea gets implemented, you won’t only have people leaving matchs, you will have people leaving the game entirely.

There’s no fun in being the only human player in a team of bot, or clueless campers and getting stomped. It’s a waste of time. As such desertion is a good thing because one’s own fun must always come BEFORE others, even if it sounds selfish. When I’m with campers only that avoid cap zones like if they had “cooties” I let them camp alone, go on my merry way and find myself a FUN match.


i guarantee you people have left the game already because of how common it is to see at least half a team leave because they lost the 1st point or because they’re getting stomped. Having essentially no punishment for this is a big cause and a 0.7x multiplier isn’t harsh enough. But you do have a point, and the only alternative i can see is just giving players nothing if they leave a game (which sounds just as good to me) because I leave games when situations like what you described come up. Why carry a team that doesn’t deserve it


I wouldn’t mind if deserters got 0 xp 🤷 It would still remain their choice :thinking:

I think why most people leave loosing matches is in fact… BECAUSE you get x1.5 when you win. When they know they loose and won’t get x1.5 most people don’t bother, as they just become xp fodder for the team stomping them. And nobody wants or need that…


But then we may end up with almost PvE game.
Players that see they are loosing, quit because they want to win and there is no reason to stay. So losing team is composed of mostly / entirely bots. I doubt we want that.

Imo the best solution is to further develop custom lobbies. If you want to play certain map - go there.


It’s what I meant:
You know from how your team acts you are loosing and as such not only will you FORFEIT the 1.5x xp bonus, but should ENDURE getting stomped… for no reward? Why would anyone do this?

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I’m OK with the new changes.
But there is an issue that really bothers me a lot: when you get kicked off of a battle for losing your connection for a few seconds, you can’t rejoin the battle again and you don’t even receive any battle rewards for your time and effort.
I think in this situation the player should be rewarded at least like a deserter player and receive the same amount of XP.
Please, fix this.

if ppl would focus on having fun, rather than grinding and getting rewards, there would be less deserters. would be nice…

problem with punishing deserters is ppl who lose connection would likely get wrapped up in that one way or another


Instead of “sanctions” against players that leave a match where their team is getting steamrolled, perhaps give players more rewards for staying.

Also look at some core reasons why players leave. Most of the time I leave a match is because I’ve defended 2 or 3 games in a row playing a specific campaign as a specific faction. I get tire I’d always defending! If we had actual map rotations where attacker/defender rotated from one map to next this problem could be solved. So Axis defends one map then Axis attacks next match.

With persistent server map rotation however I’d hope to still see the random match variables. The random variables keep all maps refreshing and its not always the same map playing the same way. We could have the random match variables while still swapping attacker/defender from one match to the next.

Also more conquest match modes that last longer and perhaps look at Battlefield model with 5 objectives. Conquest solves the always attacking or always defending issues and it’s a nice change of pace.


I understand your point but there are only 2 things (imo) we can do:

  • skill based mm. And I don’t like this idea as it will turn the game into competitive title to some degree
  • say it’s how multiplayer games work and don’t care

Eventually we may make bigger teams so even if there are some noobs / capmers in your team, there is a higher chance that there will be also 2-3 decent players. But I don’t know if it’s doable.

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I agree. I have played more than 400 battles and I only deserted once.
I´m not a competitive player. I just play for fun: sometimes you win , sometimes you lose.

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On that topic @Keofox, when it comes to content have any of you guys considered optimizing the campaign system. Mini campaigns for example?

have to check it out :slight_smile: but one thing i lifted my eyebrow on is the 48-50 rounds of pistol ammo ^^ thats 5-6+ mags you carry as an soldier. I know you want to make pistols value for its prize and all but making every soldier an even more killing machine with the buffs in mind, well i just have to try it out and see i guess

It’s mostly that for me already. I let ppl desert and I do so as well if I feel like it.

Skill based mm is a big no no for me, as I’m not a consistent player: some days I play seriously and end top first almost every matches. Other days I feel like relaxing and goof around. Combining those days would put me with average players all the time… which means the days I decide to play seriously I’d destroy everything… which would not be fun for me nor my opponents.