Making Enlisted a Better Place №7

they were fine before the nerf, now they are useless if you have FG-42s, AVSs etc. You literally making your life more difficult by using them instead of full auto. It was an unnecessary nerf and still surprise me how people even trying to support it :clown_face: :joy:

so i guess you dont use tanks, airplanes, StG-44s, PPSHs etc? this or you know you are just a hypocrite :clown_face:


i share the same input.

its rare i see players jumping like this was combat arms lmao to dodge bullets .

i dont know what matches some players are playing…

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true, it is annoying when you come across a bunnyhopper but it is very very rare in my experience

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Now I wonder why would you think that.
But for your information, no I´m not usually using planes (if I do, it is usually fighters), but yes I in fact use tanks. I would be an hypocrite if I would use them to camp in grey where not even flankers cant reach me, while lecturing you about not doing so, which I´m not doing.
There is huge difference between things you tried to compare, and you know that.

Other than that, nice try to insult people without any real reason or evidence. Of course, any further discussion is pointless on this matter and will only lead to deleted messaged and derailed thread.

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Agreed, it’s only happened to me once because the guy who killed me heard me reload and figured I would be holding the angle, which I was. Goes to show that it is the ideal counterplay to corner campers, as if you jump it they hit your legs and you kill them instead.

i mean, all fair and square, but what i noticed in this forum, people arguing that semi autos were nerfed beyond reason are usually the same ones against fg42’s/avs/etc.

they want their beloved semi autos to fire as fast/act as a fg42/avs etc but wont use/praise against fg42/avs what ever insted.

i m still trying to understand why A can be acepted on all troops and need more rate of fire , and B cant and needs to be nerfed…

just because it can go full auto on a 15/20 ammo clip?.

make me understand this plz.

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Shiivex makes another good point. If semi-autos had their rate of fire raised to the level they once were at or beyond, they would be just as powerful as select-fire rifles, and the disparity between those with high-level gear and those with mid-level gear would greatly diminish. Personally, I think the tradeoff between the ammo capacity of SF rifles and the accuracy of SA rifles is a good deal, if the SA rifles could actually shoot as quickly as necessary. It would make the choice actually a decision on adaptability and engagement range, instead of fire rate.

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true, with ONE tank you can get 100+ kills with not even dying while with FG-42s etc you need multiple lives. :joy:

also starts putting :clown_face: emotes in his sentences then arguing that the other guy “muuuh trying to insult me”. What a pathetic attitude :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

mainly cuase “MuH Fg-42 tOo StRoNk, iT iS GeRmAn iT cAnNoT bE sTrOnK” :joy: :joy:
Like nobody reeed about the AVS and some people just reee a bit for the AVS now

this is exactly why i insist the nerf was pointless. They just fucked up players with no high gear. All semis were fine imo. I was even using them instead of full autos, meaning that i didnt use full autos squads, for personal “historical” reasons

i m still trying to understand why people dont use m2 carbines in every type of soldier and have a solid cqb pray weapon with 30/90 base ammo .

i use it alot, i find its the best “smg” us have in normandy,for every type of soldier… yet, everyone complain about sights and no one use it…

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idk since Allies Normandy is the only campaign i am only lvl 15. But yeah i ve heard about other very good players as well that is is a very good gun, a beast on CQB.

Also lets say that FG-42 reeeing in Normandy has some merit. In Berlin it is even more weird. AVT is as good as an FG-42. So both factions have a very strong fullauto. Also imagine having literally all camapigns only with M1s, G43 and SVT-40s as end-infantry weapons. Like boring as fuck

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That’s the whole point of this.

I believe SA rifles should have their rof buffed. Cause at this point they shoot as slowly as some manual rifles, which is just laughable. It also creates problems in moscow (AVS x ZH). And it¨s also an unnecessary nerf to semi auto carbines.

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my poor VG-5s in Berlin are still crying with the nerf :cry:


Maybe because the sights suck so badly that the gun is only usable from the hip. At that point, it’s up to the player if they think that’s worth it. Personally from the few experiences I’ve had with it, I’d rather use assaulters with thompsons.

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in my point of view makes sence why it was done.

do you need more firerate than this on a fight?

if this isnt enough,

use an smg/select fire gun or a MG.

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So if it doesn’t exist and it’s not an issue for you then you’re :100: fine with Devs tweaking the spamming of the jump mechanic.

Currently a mechanic that’s designed to help players negotiate terrain is being utilized in ways other than its intended purpose. That being altering the behavior of your hit box in a nonsensical, unnatural manner via jump - sprint - jump. If you’re fine with that why not have jet packs? Teleporting? Etc.

you also have to take in consideration the following:

it doesnt affect me but its usable in some situations, and i rather have the option to jump than be like HLL that when i have to make a jump i m cemented to the ground god knows why.
isnt that visible, and players are complaining about anything that kills them at what ever rate to make the game easier for them with whatever “realism” argument they can find, just, again to make the game how they please for them. rather than evolving and changing how they play to be better in the game.

"i rather have what i cant do or have removed /nerfed than do it myself because “realism” or “p2w” or “i m bad but i wont tell that”

when , hopefully for you, they fix this, you will find another reason to complain about the game.

“you” will change something that makes this game what it is, what ever this or that issue for you is, just and simply because were ever you look there is someone jumping around, and players that play this for countless of hours a day dont notice the same.

if you alow me, its rather skill issue or you have your boots cemented to the ground and want others to play as you wish to be played against.

Nah. It’s utilizing/abusing a mechanic created for negotiating terrain in order to unnaturally alter the behavior of your hit box.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

If you’re fine with that and it’s only a skill issue then why not allowing us to fly around via jump pack like Space Marine?

Also I never suggested cementing players to ground is the answer. Why make things up?

Perhaps Add 3 seconds of gun sway after every jump which compounds if you jump multiple times. Also perhaps each jump(without being followed by a vault mechanic triggering) drains half your stamina. In addition low stamina( < 20% or so) would disable jump ability.

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I’m okay with that, can’t wait to see FG-42 users seethe when it happens.

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