Making Enlisted a Better Place №7

Thoughts on bunny hopping.

  • needs a definitive fix
  • Consider hopping spam should severely drain stamina. 50% total stamina drain per hop.
  • less than 30% stamina jumping is disabled. Add attempt to jump animation. Add character “gasps” out of breath sounds letting player know why they can’t jump.
  • consider weapon sway for 3 seconds after any hop or vault.

It’d be fine.
It’s just people keep saying “should restrict to gunner and radiomen” why would it make more sense for radio guy to use that specific gun over a trooper? :laughing:

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Half of the front sites in game need to be easier to see.

Off the top of my head:

  • Kar 98k
  • Winchester
  • Vz 24
  • Berdan II
  • SMLE

Actually, these sights are some of the best in the game (dunno about berdan though, don’t have it)

Not the best front sights on console and that’s even on a 60” screen.

Not only is the size of these front sight post issue, it’s an artwork issue. On many sights the front sight has a metallic silver dab of paint on the top of the front sight post. This dab of paint that contrasts with that darker colored post of the front sight and this makes it much easier to see the front sight in any lighting.

I mean I’m on PC and I see them perfectly well.
Maybe it’s because I have poor eyesight irl that I can see them well. :thinking:

Never noticed that.

What console do you play on? Ps4 or 5?

Anyway, you guys also paint bunny hopping like everyone is doing it and isn’t the case at all in-game. Atleast my experience…

Hyped for the Shotgun improvements, thank you for listening to us on this.

  • Please do something about select-fire weapons and the danger they pose to future gameplay meta (FG-42, AVS-36, AVT-40 and sniper variants). Cap their semi-automatic rate of fire like the SVT-40 and M1 Garand for example, or lock them to a different class so people aren’t clamoring for fully-automatics like another generic Call of Duty title.

  • Fix the matchmaking system and prevent it from putting us into matches in regions of the world which we have not selected. Stop making us waste valuable XP Boosters in high latency servers which aren’t fun to play in. We can wait for a match in our own selected region(s).

  • Create a prompt (when XP Boosters are active) which asks us if we want to join a server with listed information (Gamemode, and Map). So we can decide whether or not to use an XP Booster just yet.

  • Touch up the uniforms and add more gear to player models like the earlier builds of Enlisted.

  • Add the 10v10 (20 AI) feature back to Custom Matches since XP Gain was nerfed. Implement an option to hold an offline/private match for fun.

  • Fix or make significant improvements to the bipod/mounting system offered in Enlisted, it just doesn’t cut it and leads to frustration when trying to setup an LMG.

  • Do away with the current bullet dispersion system and have heavier recoil or weapon sway while hip firing.


Please do not touch my Vz 24. It has amazing sights for me. One of my most used BA’s in Moscow.

@Shiivex He is on Xbox. That is why his name as the @ live behind it. PSN Users on here will have @ psn.


Holy fk I m so stupid sometimes lmao.

@126447385 new or old Gen Xbox?

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Could the development team give us some details about soldier hitboxes? We know there is a head, chest and legs, are there other hitzones? This would help with determining how much the shotgun pellet changes affect their efficacy.

also :

Lol, bah we all make mistakes. All good my friend.

yeah lets make useless another class of weapons after destroying the semi-autos :neutral_face:

1 Like are so bloody destroyed that they are still backbone and majority of weapons equipped by my squads with still good success. :clown_face: :+1:

On the other hand, I´m also not in favour of limiting ROF of SF weapons. Instead they need to be class restricted and thus not spammable anymore.


Talked my Dad who’s 70+ years into trying Enlisted. He’s mostly into Co-op v bots in other games but will dabble in PVP as well. He liked the first 3 matches vs bots in Enlisted but the learning curve is a bit too steep for PVP right now.

The ability to create private co-op match vs bots with reduced exp and reduced rewards would be nice for players that want to ease into the experience. Reducing exp and rewards would keep this co-op mode from being exp farm.

it is ok to enjoy handicaping yourself with with using semi-autos instead of full ones. You can enjoy us and let us not suffer with you :clown_face:

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What I´m saying is, that if you are calling semi-autos useless, then there might be something wrong with your playstyle.

Also, instead of the term “handicaping” I prefer the term “not being toxic and abusing SFs for everyone” :clown_face:


Bunnyhopping doesn’t exist. If you get corner-jumped, then either you got heard or you were sat there too long holding an angle. If you are constantly aggressive then it wont happen.


imo, a semi auto would make sence in this game, if the pace was as slow as on hll on open maps. even then, i m not sure they would have a spot as “meta” weapon to choose from

untill then. Smg’s/Selective fire rifles/mg’s will be the best choises always .

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