Making Enlisted a Better Place №7

Do bunny jumpers even aim?

The only times I jump and shoot is when I’m spreading the room out of panic.

And sometime when jumping through the 1s floor window too because that’s cool as hell.

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hipfire aims yes

@Keofox hull mgs right now dont work.
Further to that the StuG III is incorrectly modeled without its historical MGs. And it definitely could use them for infantry self defense.


I second this.

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Time to change my assaulters lineup a bit, for fun!


No not really, and realistically, “bunnyhoppers” are the easiest to kill.

Just pay attention to where they are going to land and its a free kill, since landing is a predictable path.

At most, the only nerf that I could agree with against “bunnyhopping” would be a scaling increase of cost per jump against a players stamina if they try to jump too often within a short amount of time. That way, unless a player specifically specs their perks into jumping, they will quickly tire out and be a bigger target than they already are.

And lets be real here, it is literally just someone jumping in the air, unlike GMOD or CSGO bunnyhopping… I really don’t see where the complaints are coming from with this

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Yes. Definitely yes!

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Hard no, I dont want to feel clunky for the sake of peoples lower quality aiming

You have the right not wanting to.

But it would make sense, and prevent crazy corners jumpers rambos.
Way too easy now, run to the corner, leap and turn 90 degree, spray. It’s ridiculous.

Leave bunnies in newer cod, csgo and bf.

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18, or 15 pellets? this result is consistently repeatable on the closest targets on the practice range

The hit power display is also still wrong. It's supposed to be 18 pellets x 2.4 = 40.5. Right now it's displayed either as 18 pellets x 2.4 damage x 18, or 40.5 damage x 18 pelets.


Either way, it’s only actually showing 15 hits on target with the 1912, and while I appreciate an improvement to shotgun performance, 9 pellets x 4.5 damage = 40.5 hit power would have achieved similar results while being closer to actual buckshot loads.

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I agree with this. 9x4.5 would also make sure that even if only a single pellet hit due to dispersion, it would still do more than chip damage. Additionally, the more pellets fired per shot, the greater the strain on hit detection.

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FWIW, the TOZ-B in Moscow also appears to only be firing 15 pellets.

For example, lets put your eyes at 0 degrees, looking straight ahead. When jumping, the weapon should ideally go down towards your feet while you are accelerating upward by about 20 degrees, then shift and aim higher as you are accelerating downward about 20 degrees. When you impact the ground again, the weapon should quickly move from 20 degrees above level to about 15 degrees below level, then level off. If you wanted to add more depth to the system, you could base the amount of offset upon the weight of the weapon you are holding, which is already in-game. Therefore, pistols would have very little jump offset and impact compensation, while LMGs and other heavier weapons such as AT rifles would have more than any other weapons.

Are you sure that weapon decals are not just being drawn over each other? Firing from a greater range should prevent that.

I repeated the test from the left side shooting bunker on the practice range, and fired one shot at each set of targets out to the farthest, and I had fifteen hits on most of the closer ones. The problem with patterning/counting shotgun hits at farther ranges is the risk of losing pellets off the target. I will say, that on the farthest targets, I was still getting 2-3 pellets on the silhouettes.

Edit: While you’re not wrong, I find it unlikely that I’d have the same number of same-hole impacts on every shot. Having 3 pellets hit the same spot as 3 other pellets every time you fire a shotgun at 10 meters is way less likely than either keofox or whoever made the change in the code typo-ing a “5” to an “8” on a numpad or vice versa.

Just played a game against premium Lewis squad in Moscow, though I was playing a different game to be honest, lots of jumping round corners, lots of bunny hopping really nice fight if I ignored them…

I think one jump ok, but should effect accuracy, not multiple as some people suggest it should leave them out of breath and walking slowly… at least LMG users at very least!

I disagree. Mg gunner restriction would only make sense for the FG and radio would make 0 sense. What I feel would be better is if there was another restriction added to each squad for how many auto rifles can be in said squad (regardless of how many/which soldiers you currently have there). For example: Assaulter/mg gunner squad could equip 1 sf rifle, engineer/radio/AT gunner squad 2, riflemen squad 3.

Great news. Loving Enlisted!

Wondering what other projects or fixes are in the works.

  • Bunny hopping spam

  • Improvements to troops skins. More gear rendering on default troops. Full customization per troop(helmets, soft caps, overcoat, poncho, bandoleers, MG ammo belts). More faces.

  • ability to to see tactical map pre match. Where I’m spawning pre match? Can we choose spawn point? More time seeing this map and make plan with friends pre match.

  • Planes. ETA on tail gunner? Great planes like PE-3 are :100: defenseless. Bail out with all 3 crew?

  • shovel and hammer melee animations via melee hotkey? Shovels for all campaign?

  • Bots not running away to die in the open when we build with Engineer.

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Radiomen shouldn’t have access to auto rifles at all… They’re… RADIOMEN!

I don’t get people. They want to restrict a type of weapon because it makes no sense to them, but they’d give it to the class which makes the least sense. Radiomen aren’t gunners… 🤦

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I mean, I don’t see why they couldn’t have them at all though. That’s another extreme. They are still frontline troops.
They should have access to them, but they also shouldn’t be the only ones with access to them.