Making Enlisted a Better Place №64

Love the changes. Keep it up but sorry for posting again about the default camo for the Jäger regiment in all campaigns. Isnt it plausible to just add the (original) default camouflage back as an option then just removing it completely from a campaign?

This is an amazing change! My engineering anti-aircraft squad thank you very much :slight_smile:

I would have a few more AA improvement suggestions to consider:

  • Add more ammo to AA there is really not enough! I must constantly replenish them with an engineer.
  • Make the AI engineer refill ammo at the AA when I use it.
  • Add an option for each engineer to build one AA.

It’s funny how people on yt are overreacting about AA being able to aim lower than before, they scream that we will go back to old times where everyone was using AA against infantry (they forget that quad AA is not there anymore).

While in real games nobody is using AA in such manner because it takes 3 bullets to kill a single enemy, reload is long, ammo count is small 20/40 and you can get murdered instantly by the enemies because you are so exposed.

One dude hopped on my AA, killed one person and left it since you can kill people quicker with a BAR or a boltie.

AT rifles stock just went up!

Not removed but if you play as the Americans BR3 you will be matched with JP BR5 most of the time.

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Play games you will see nobody is spamming them because dmg against infantry is so weak (3 bullets to kill) and you get murdered by a single AP shell. Which is a good thing HMG should be used against infantry and AA against the planes.

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The Moroccan premiums have Bulge customization, Thank you…oh and for AA unnerf too.
Next is SAS and Normandy options :wink:

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God’s be praised. They listened to me about the Ai! Let’s just see how much they’ve improved.

Theres also the benefit to the pilots. AA gunners will probably get distracted shooting at infantry (you know they will), drawing tracer fire for the pilots to follow.

its almost a nerf :stuck_out_tongue:


I remember them mostly from soviets using them while they were defending the gate/broken fortress wall on Monastery, gives me chills all the time when I remember it. Of course I was on the recieving end since I mostly played Moscow axis back in 2021 when I tried Enlisted for the first time… Oh how the time flies by…

I have same bug.
A few days ago, I thought it was my internet problem, but seems like it is a bug…

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Anyone else getting graphical bugs now? Various gun sights often aren’t rendering properly and I’ve had a semi invisible APC too.

you mean like this?

and something like this right?

actually these 2 are normal picture mmm i guess im delusional

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Can you change how auto equip/preset works? It always picks one unupgraded weapon instead trying to equip the best from the list.
Kar98k which game picks for me from saved preset:
Kar98k i own:
Also auto equip of BR tiers needs even more work it should pick the strongest weapon of it’s BR for each class. Sometimes it works fine for example BR3 and riflemen it will pick G41 (it needs a reload buff but it’s a completely different matter) but sometimes it will pick trash like MP 35/I instead Beretta or ZK-383. It’s also weird how it always wants me to take Luftfaust instead of Panzerfaust 100/Ofenrorh:

And as you can see also tries to equip FG42 instead FG42 II.

We should have a button that would equip entire lineup with BR weapons of your choosing, changing loadout of APC/UC every time you wants to play different BR is annoying.


For me the actual sights were warped so you couldn’t aim. Happened with the Farquhar rifle and the 100 round Browning - I’ll try catch some screenshots later.

Was there an in-game chat update that I didn’t see somewhere?


I’m unhappy about the AA angle change! This update reversed a previous nerf that prevented players from using AA against infantry. The dynamic of the game will be different now, with players abusing AA against infantry. AA should not be used against infantry, period!

Imagine : Hitler or Staline crying because Ennemy is using AA gun against infantry and not only against aircraft :joy:

Or ‘’ my enemy is using a lot off ap mine, I can’t rush ‘’

Or ‘’ my enemy use tank / canon from cover position, isn’t fair play’’


Back to building AA in buildings again I guess…

Is that modded mission? Mod authors can allow chat between both teams