Making Enlisted a Better Place №63

Can you guys please think about adding some cool death animations to melee.


I see an enemy sniper laying prone on ground. I sneak up closer to them, pull out my shovel.

A buttom prompt begins to flash on the screen “Hold Melee”.

They’re still laying prone and awareness is not on their side.

After holding the melee button. I successfully trigger the animation.

I begin to flip them over so they’re laying on their back.

Then I bash their head in until teeth & blood hit my screen - like the rain drops effect.

Pretty much assassination kills…



You guys forgot to add the tech tree Chi Nu br change to the patch notes.

In Armored train escort, we should be getting points for being on the train.


And for diffusing bombs on destruction mode


And defusing should take way less time than planting.

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no idea why they decided to put random german hat in there and then abandoned the idea for bp cosmetics lol


Ppl did not liked it very much and idea guy just gave up. They should give us way to get old event and premium squads and BP would be ideal place for that.

We don’t really have any rewards past 75 so why not give us something new.

Not just free old event/premium after a long grind, but also vehicle camo tickets that you could apply at any of your vehicles (premium and event included) and also more free vehicle decals and props (they can port some from WT)


you appreciate my feedback so when you will REALLY improve game basics like bots (not just by words like last time), tanks killing through hills and whole huge buildings, grenades from wish, thrown by almost random trajectory?

More kills like battlefield would be awesome!

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HVAR nerf when ? Tired of those spam cycling and earning 5K score just by flying with 0 death
those rockets were designed to antitank not for killing infantry


Least psycho enlisted player


fsr 3 :slight_smile:

Great. Now fix the incessant grey zone campers please. It’s insufferable.

Obligatory once again mechanics shouldn’t be locked to premium or event squads and rocket artillery should be available for all Radio operators

Regular radios can unlock it in their upgrades, while these premiums, and events, and hey even the premium radio squads back from Tunisia can have them unlocked by default

Yeah, BF3 kills is what I really meant, but Halo Reach came out in 2010 :wink:

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How I feel after I get a melee kill…



I was thinking bf1 but its all the same

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How I feel after a melee kill:
200w (20)

In br1… there’s a lot of melee involved :smile:
(Fix bayonets!!!)


and now the fomo grows stronger, without these event squads i am nothing.
but yeah, cool cool cool, glad to see the gold order chi nu is finally in br 3, just wish youd done that a liiittle faster perhaps. keep on keepin on

It was not even a direct hit :sweat_smile:

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