Making Enlisted a Better Place №63

Breda PG Carcano is better than FG42 and AVT-40 which is funny since it’s a BR4 gun it has minuscule recoil and dispersion.



I like the addition of the repeatable symbol

Would really like further improvements to the BP. I personally think that it feels really bad to do your daily tasks only to get no reward that day. having a free path and an elite path would be much better, plus give more value to the elite path.

This would add a free reward (that elite BP owners get as well as their elite rewards) to the following levels:

Proposed Free Chain Additions

Level 5 (2x Vehicle Upgrade Order)

  • Free Gets 1x Vehicle Upgrade Order

Level 8 (3x Game 100% XP)

  • Free Gets 1x Game 100% XP

Level 10 (100 Gold)

  • Free Gets 5000 Silver

Level 12 (2000 Silver)

  • Free Gets 1000 Silver

Level 14 (40x Appearance Orders)

  • Free Gets 10x Appearance Orders

Level 17 (3x Soldier Level Up Orders)

  • Free Gets 1x Soldier Level up Order

Level 18 (4000 Silver)

  • Free Gets 1000 Silver

Level 20 (200 Gold)

  • Free Gets 10000 Silver

Level 24 (2x Squad Upgrade Changing Orders)

  • Free Gets 1x Squad Upgrade Change Order

Level 27 (2000 Silver)

  • Free Gets 1000 Silver

Level 28 (20x Appearance Orders)

  • Free Gets 5x Appearance Orders

Level 30 (Gold Vehicle Order)

  • Free Gets 1x Vehicle Upgrade Order

Level 32 (2000 Silver)

  • Free Gets 1000 Silver

Level 35 (200 Gold)

  • Free Gets 10000 Silver

Level 37 (4x Soldier Callsign Orders)

  • Free Gets 1x Soldier Callsign Orders

Level 39 (4000 Silver)

  • Free Gets 1000 Silver

Level 41 (12x Game 100% XP)

  • Free Gets 3x Games 100% XP

Level 43 (2000 Silver)

  • Free Gets 1000 Silver

Level 45 (200 Gold)

  • Free Gets 10000 Silver

Level 48 (4000 Silver)

  • Free Gets 1000 Silver

Level 50 (Gold Weapon Order)

  • Free Gets 1x Weapon Upgrade Order

Level 52 (20x Appearance Orders)

  • Free Gets 5x Appearance Orders

Level 53 (2000 Silver)

  • Free Gets 1000 Silver

Level 55 (2x Vehicle Upgrade Orders)

  • Free Gets 1x Vehicle Level up Order

Level 57 (4x Game 100% XP)

  • Free Gets 1x Game 100% XP

Level 59 (40x Appearance Orders)

  • Free Gets 10x Appearance Orders

Level 61 (4000 Silver)

  • Free Gets 1000 Silver

Level 62 (2000 Silver)

  • Free Gets 1000 Silver

Level 65 (2x Weapon Upgrade Orders)

  • Free Gets 1x Weapon Upgrade Order

Level 67 (2000 Silver)

  • Free Gets 1000 Silver

Level 68 (6x Soldier Level Up Orders)

  • Free Gets 2x Soldier Level up Order

Level 70 (200 Gold)

  • Free Gets 10000 Silver

Level 71 (20x Appearance Orders)

  • Free Gets 5x Appearance Orders

Level 73 (4000 Silver)

  • Free Gets 1000 Silver

Level 74 (3x Soldier Level Up Orders)

  • Free Gets 1x Soldier Level up Order

Bug fixes always appreciated!

A Few QOL Things I Still Would Like to See:

  • Bought slots made optional like the Premium Slot (I know this has been passed to devs, still really hope for it to come to the game soon).
  • Either a way to buy legacy/additional companies of squads or presets that take into account vehicle and weapons equipped.
  • Fixed Perk Points (ie no RNG … just set number of perks for each tier soldier type … this would also allow for perks to be applied via preset).
  • Assaulter I’s return to the game, possibly in Tier 1, Slot 4 of each faction.
  • Japan’s Type I Rifle & 38th Engineer Regiment to be moved to slot 3 like every other engineer squad. Why does Japan take more XP to unlock their first engineer? (Can just add the additional RP as unallocated for those that already have).
  • Remove BR restrictions on Maps. Let anyone play anywhere.
  • Replace Join Any Team with Multi-Faction Selection (allow me to pick 1, 2, 3, OR 4 factions to queue as).
  • Add Squad type icon to research tree when it unlocks a squad to make it easier for new players to know where to unlock a specific squad type.
  • Reduce Pistol Prices: No base pistol needs to cost 3000 each. The current available purchasable pistols should be Tier 2 at most: Tier 1 for revolvers, Tier 2 for handguns.
  • Merge upgrade Orders (Just make it an upgrade order that can be used for Soldier, Weapon, or Vehicle)
  • Merge Gold Orders (Just make it an order that can get any gold reward)
  • Restore Sunset Premiums … if identical to a TT … just make it cost less than normal :stuck_out_tongue:
  • Restore Sunset BP / Gold Orders … I still don’t know why we remove them after a while in the first place. All I ever see it do is turn new players away as they “can’t get them”.
  • Add Average Battle Points to stat sheet
  • Dedicated Event Slot or make Premium Slot Premium or Event
  • Give option for preferred selector switch setting (Full Auto/Burst or Semi Auto) and make it set the default for any applicable guns.
  • Tech tree medic squad should have an engineer upgrade.

Too bad there isn’t a full auto version of it, the 4 round bursts are way too ammo consuming.

Burst variant is BR5, semi only variant is BR4.

I know, I own 4 of Carcano version which is in semi-auto only and 3 of the Costa Rica version which is select fire.

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idk man i love burst fire gun it fun (but will save up for potential return of G43k tho)

Would be about time the classic BP items come back. I really want to pick a Berdan and a M2A1 carbine for the fun of it.

what even is the difference between the M2A1 and M2 carbine tho? i still dont get that (aka i forgot it stat)

M2A1 looks different and is assaulter only.

Its M1A1 but in full-auto. Very cool looking gun.

what about it stat? is it any different in recoil?

Im not sure about that, we best check the data.

It has a little bit more recoil than normal M2C and probably different in a few ways.

About improving BP by plan a or plan b they have choosing or

You are asking the impossible now.

No, I don’t want to see king tigers in Moscow, or M26 Pershings in Tunisia

Its paratrooper variant of M2 here is the image
Stat wise it reload in 2.5 seconds while M2 loads in 2.8 and it fires at 860 round per minute in game which is more than M2’s 750 recoil is almost same with M2A1 having slightly stronger recoil

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eh it a tough sale to me ngl i might buy it for collection but idk it sound like it slightly different

You should look at the less used and worse performing guns and buff them or change BR:

  • STG45 premium squad is not used by me since it’s so weak (increase dmg per bullet and turn it into Fedorov clone or lower BR to BR4)
  • Mkb42(w)/(h) the same as above buff or lower BR (Horn has much lower dispersion and recoil so maybe buff it that way) but STG45 as a premium should be more unique
  • Gewehr 41 reloads way too slow
  • Breda BR (CR) has too big of dispersion since it shots 4 bullets at the same time it’s really hard to hit people at mid range
  • MP18 - BR2 → BR1
  • VMP - BR4 → BR3
  • FG42 sniper - too much recoil and dispersion
  • MG42 - BR4 → BR3, MG34 is just better
  • MG15 - BR5 → BR4
  • Lufthauss - BR5 → BR3
  • Sturmpistole - needs massive reload buff it takes 6 secs to reload it
  • Panzerwerfer 42 - BR4 → BR3 (everyone can have now M1 bazooka and Panzerfaust 60 so no point in keeping it at BR4 anymore)
  • Stug F/G - BR3 → BR2
  • M10/M18 - BR4 → BR3
  • SU-100 - BR5 → BR4
  • IS-1 - BR5 → BR4
  • SU-85M - BR5 → BR4
  • M4A2 (76) W (SOVIET) - BR5 → BR4
  • M4A2 (76) W (USA) - BR5 → BR4
  • Arisaka Type 38 Rifle - BR1 → BR2
  • Type 99 Rifle (Early) - BR2 → BR1
  • Japan needs a 10 mag semi auto that is not a gold order weapon at BR3 and BR4, Type 4 has too big of reload due clip (Garand has 2.9sec reload vs 4sec of Type 4)
  • Johnson M1941 - is not worth using since reload is much slower when compared to M1 Garand
  • Thompsons are barely used with exception of M21/28 Thompson and both of drum thompsons, other tommies need a buff, their massive dispersion is a problem, both Soviet and both Axis smgs can shoot straight and hit people at mid range unlike most Thompsons.
  • All revolvers are trash and should get buffed, when it comes to the cost of the pistols you should lower price of each to max 1000 Silver (same as the big ammo pouches)
  • AKT-40 - Lower the recoil of that beast of a gun

I dont have it either and not cool enough for me to buy it either Im waiting for schmeisser mk36(Hungarians used it so I need it) or Vollmer M35(BR 2 AR) to be back

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well those 2 i might buy since i need it for low br team

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