Making Enlisted a Better Place №62

Way too good at BR 2. It’s literally a MG-34 equivalent

Not being useful at a higher tier isn’t a valid reason, it’s so much better than every single BR 2 SMG

Too good for BR 2 as well


And now we have another complaint from the “muh historical accuracy” crowd we won’t hear the end of.


Both DP-27 and MG-34 should be BR2 at the very least

Also the italian semi is just as good as the SVT-38 and its in BR2, it would only be fair

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Agreed, or at least the other BR 4 rifle Germany has.
I forget the name.

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Good changes been asking for some BR chances for so long. Can you bring Pzwf42 to BR3 and also decrease reloading time of Gewehr 41 and Sturmpistole?


BR5 should be their own BR those unlocks are more powerful than almost anything at BR4.

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The Czech one? I know it’s supposed to be good, but I never liked it personally :sweat_smile:

Post it onto bug report forum. It will be fix quicker than here

Me too kunkun.


Thanks gaijin this is actually fuckin cool

It was already like sky falling down when DF was merging the campaigns, it will be a apocalypse if it is introduced.
Furthermore, this game is losing its uniqueness. The campaigns was why i play this game at first (though i am not saying the current style is bad), if we introduce more war thunder style system, then the following photo will come true very soon:

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Because over a year ago I complained that it was utterly broken, it had the same accuracy as a Sniper Kar98k and I managed to get more kills at the normany beaches as hill top grey zone tanks.



Literally nobody said that


It really needed a buff so it could work as an alternative to the MG-34, not a 3rd LMG at BR 2.


@TheUnclaimedOne This image might interest you when it comes to you saying this game is turning into War Thunder

The ERMA EMP 44 is still BR4 which is very weird because the MP40/1 is BR3 (frankly if it was up to me they should just both be BR2 because they are still just gimmick MP40s)

Will you tell Darkflow about that for the next balance update?

I would rather get poked full of holes by British .303 than ever see that again

Screw War Thunder all my homies have Stockholm syndrome for War Thunder

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The M10 deserve a downtier more than the M18. Move it to BR III