Making Enlisted a Better Place №62

SVT-38 will obviously never get to BR2, its literally the best BR3 semi-auto rifle what else you want?

SVT is way too good for BR 2


I think it is a good idea.
My 20rnd Thompson proposal was intended to add weapons that existed in historical times to the tech tree, practicality aside.
I think a short magazine Stg would be a good addition to the tech tree as well.


  • Have the German premium paratroopers have interchangeable weapons just like soviet premium paratroopers (makes no sense to have italian paratroopers in Moscow or Stalingrad as well)
  • If DPM is BR3 make the DP-27 BR2, all soviets have is the decent Madsen
  • PPD 34/38 should be BR2 as no one is going to use it high tiers when there is PPD-40 and PPSH
  • SVT- 38 should be in BR2

Hope someone take some of this into consideration! Thanks

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It’s actually 4 since there’s the event besal too :grinning:

Can we not change everything half decent in this game? Why not nerf P-47 first? Why should any aircraft have rockets and bombs at the same time.
Or why are P-51 D, P-40-E and Japanese Ki-84 ko fine with attack aircraft level of bombs?

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But…its still the same plane and abilities if it gets labelled attacker…

Im only talking about IAR atm. I have mentioned the rest in my air revamp update thread.

Which is to say "all fighters get a “small” payload, just not matching the attacker aircraft at their respective BRs)

Double standards and politics

These weapons are way to strong for BR2.


Meaning you think that the 234/2 shouldn’t be in the game at all…

SVT-38 - why? One of the best semi auto 1-2 below all others? :smiley:

maple syrup goes very well with alcohol. you can put some gin in it. at the “cabane à sucre” you can taste the product BEFORE it becomes maple syrup, just between the sap and the syrup. Scorching hot as it’s taken directly from the special kind of oven.

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PPD 34/38 should not be BR 2 but instead be BR 3.
SVT 38 stays at 3 and SVT 40 moves to BR 3
DP27 stays at BR 3. It’s too good for BR 2.

I express my gratitude for making lee enfield BR2, but now the unfair player base is further accelerating. When will it be resolved I am waiting for about 2years :frowning:


so, when STV-38 in tier 2 ? Only the USSR does not have semi in tier 2

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only problem is i can kill it super easy with any tier 1 AT rifle in few shots :smiley:


But G43 should be 3 as well :thinking:


M1 Garand is already tier 3 after update

I’m talking about g43…

All Volkssturm weapons need to be moved to BR 4 and made cheap (for collectors and roleplayers).
MP-3008, VG-2, VG 1-5 are not essential to the German tree as it’s already very much full with content, so they should be removed from battles where they could never even have a chance to appear, being late war last ditch weapons.

For using late war but weak weapons on higher BR, bonuses in silver/xp would be good compensation and incentive to use them, in War Thunder different vehicles earn different money and experience, I think this system can be introduced here too.