Making Enlisted a Better Place №62

Many many people disagree with your take (not your exaggerated take here). You already know that.

So. Same old same old.

Premiums need a pass

The P-63A-10 Is a plane I enjoyed much in warthunder. Wouldnt be opposed to it getting some bombs.

but since its only loadout is 3x250kg bombs so it would have to go up to BR 5


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Im fine with +1br, I just want relevant aircraft; which it isint right now. As mentioned id instantly buy it with this change as opposed to conpletely skipping it right now

Posted random thoughts above on air witch generally fall with yours

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I will say though I am sort of against Soviets getting premiums of other nations equipment “Before” the actual nations

Lewis, valentine, M3 halftrack, 76mm sherman, Aircobra, Better Kittyhawk etc etc

Its not like there arent cool “soviet” options :smiley:

I guess P-63 can be an exception as the soviets liked them, and therefore used them alot more than the Allies (I think)

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Indeed the P63 was almost exclusively designed and produced for Soviet Union. I beleive even the design changes in its upgrade were Soviet requests

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According to Darkflow the Pz 4 G is left to those who purchased the Full Access of Stalingrad, so even though I hope too, the possibility of it being added to the folder is doubtable.

I just can’t agree that “All Volkssturm weapons need to be moved to BR 4”, the reason is that the new players who have unlocked these weapons now will obviously make a mess of the battles in high-BR (just like those poor guys who bring a T-34-85 D-5T and Mosin M07s to face Tiger II).

I believe our experience was probably similar - the winning streak ended in the 15th round, the situation was Gogol Street South (Assault) and several Soviet players equipped with BR III weapons.

I think there are two things worth caring about: the first is the foolish achievement of 10 win-rows, whose existence is enough to reveal how bad the balance of the game is. The second is that BR III Soviet tanks could easily destroy random teams, even if they were carrying BR III weapons (Pz 4 J, of course) too, and this deep impression will obviously disrupt players’ thoughts on Soviet BR I and II weapons.