Making Enlisted a Better Place №62

I literally said let’s KEEP the Puma and up-gun it.

Let’s not start sending each other to other games, shall we?
Fortnite, Apex and CS are still free last I checked as well. And shiny.

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It’s never been that. It’s always been a great game. But now, they’re making it more and more WT

It’s not the same vehicle, replacing is still removing. And I know you still want to nuke the 44 bros from the soviet tree.

Thanks for the insult, very original to call me the gamer version of a troglodyte. Still doesn’t change anything, my point still stands.

You realize you’re not just fighting the Germans right you’re also fighting Japan and giving more powerful stuff to the Americans will screw over Japan more than it already is

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I swear the Dicker Max of all things getting brought down. When does the US get to have a huge 105mm+ cannon capable of killing literally anything in the game? Hmm? Or is that a German and Russia exclusive club? What about the M12 GMC with its 155mm gun on the M3 Lee? Or the M40 GMC with its 155mm on the M4A3? Maybe the M41 “Gorilla” that’s a 155mm on the Chaffee? The T19 HMC is a closer match being a 105mm howitzer on the M3 HALFTRACK! I’d even take the M45 which is literally the 105 Sherman but on a Pershing instead! At least that’ll have the armor to take a hit while also having the destructive capabilities of a howitzer! Why can’t we have any of these or the countless other HMC’s and GMC’s we made? Why do the Germans and Russians get to be the only ones?

Congrats on you putting greyparrots out of a job btw o7

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you do realize Japan exist right and if America were to get more stuff it would kill Japan as a whole and you already know that Germans are playing with handicaps so stop complaining

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Because most of the US arty stuff doesn’t exist in war thunder, and since the models are lifted wholesale from that game, they may not consider it a worthwhile investment to make new models from the ground up.


Panzer 4 is just cannon fodder without adequate protection
They will even be penetrated head-on by M8 tanks
Totally not worth becoming level 4

Weapon diversity is important
Instead of watching a group of monkeys and lunatics wielding Garand rifles and hurting each other with G41s every day.
this sounds boring

I don’t know which one you are talking about
But he can definitely come up with an upgraded model.
Instead of modifying the current version

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I’m starting to get the feeling and the idea that all these changes people are demanding is in response to the battle rating system going to tier 5. So many people have said removed tier’s 4 and 5 from the game entirely. That way there’s less que times due to there being less tiers. Meaning teir’s 1 to 3 hold all the equipment this game has. They didn’t want to change the battle teir system. So it seems player voice is forcing a hand.


And yet because Russia is such a big bad, Germany needs more stuff to be more equal to them! But oh my bad the Japanese obviously deserve more of a fair fight than the Americans. So let’s just all bend the US over Germany’s knee so the Japanese can slug us in the face over and over again because “fair fight” right? I mean if that’s the case we may as well just remove the M2 Carbine and M1919A6 and M26 Pershing and P-47 Thunderbolt because those just aren’t fair to the poor Japanese players. Who cares if we just get completely outclassed in every way by Germany in the process! Not like the only way any of our fighters can win a dogfight is to only Boom and Zoom and never ever turn fight not even once. Nor like all of our tanks are extremely subpar in armor and firepower compared to Russia and Germany requiring us to ALWAYS flank and ALWAYS go for side shots unless we want our shots to disappear into their armor. Oh but don’t let them see you or else they’ll just click on you and suddenly your tank is gone!

And by the way! I did not insult anyone nor did I say anything irrelevant to the game!

Nah duh I know that

I’m sick and tired of the Dicker Max. I never want to see it again. Here they are, making it so its viable again! Gotta love that favoritism towards Germany and Russia always getting the fun “kill all cannons” meanwhile all of ours are just MIA entirely

do you use chatGPT to write these?



Before Japan was added, Germany was already fighting a war on two fronts with the magical Soviets and Americans who blew up everything. So overall, the Americans are fine when they have the Germans with handicaps and the Soviets who are just magical.

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I’m using my frustration and hatred of German and Russian tanks from playing too much War Thunder to write these

Either way. I’m going to enjoy dropping 500lb and 1000lb bombs on those abominations. Put those Krauts where they belong

Meanwhile, this :arrow_heading_up: is me just happy AF that the Folgore squad finally got the love it deserved, casually scrolling through all this US-GER blabbering about who suffers the most.


As you have just said you have the weapons to solve the problem so stop complaining about Germany and just ignore Japan dying somewhere in a corner