Making Enlisted a Better Place №6

They got limited for a reason though in the beginning you already had 8 squad men premiums lol

i simply got no Place for all my lovely Regular and Premium Squads :biblethump:

i want to buy some more,
Only 10 Squadslots say NO :residentsleeper: :kreygasm: :wutface:

So far most of the updates are good.

Jumping constantly, AI not too effective, LMG bipods are always down

Movement Fix

Please implement one of these 2 options,

  1. Disable jump completely and add “Press Space to Jump Over Trench” option.
  2. Make the jump only available when the stamina is above 75% and the jump itself will reduce 75% of the stamina

Because jumping constantly is extremely unrealistic. A lot of players will agree that it ruins the theme of a WW2 based game and makes the in game movement look bad AND MOSTLY IT TAKES AWAY THE REAL WAR like feel from the game.

Also when jumping down from floor above, please add an animation with an option say “Press space to climb down the ledge”

AI Fix

AIs right now aren’t that effective. Please make the AI as strong and focused as a human player who aims correctly and shoots to kill instead of just being on the ground with their squad leader, then the Squad based gameplay which Enlisted was meant to be from the beginning will come to life and make the game more realistic in terms of battles between two squads over the domination of a strategic position in the map such as a street or alleyway or a corner of a road. And also please make the Ai always face the direction the enemy usually is, if an enemy flanks surprise attacks then that is a different matter and just like real life obviously the player should be in trouble.

Please also implement a “take cover” order where the AI would go to prone if on a plain without covers or if there are cover available they will choose the nearest one.


what do you think about prices of premium squads ?

i have not a single issue with current prices or i woulnt bought them to begin with.

and yes , people would buy more if they were cheaper, but publishers wouldnt make as much money if the price is high for months first.

imo in current state in which most of them are , they are little bit overpriced, especially G41 and others you mentioned with reloading not fixed

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oh yeah, thats selling a “broken” item at some degree.

i mean its still 50 euros. its the price of a full game or lots of other things besides the game content. for sure.

would they sell more at 5 euros? ofc.
would they make more money? i m not in economics, but i would guess no.


saw this comment on Reddit once:

I hear people say this pretty often, but, I never hear them back the idea up with anything.

Please understand that the vast majority of players in a free to play game never buy anything; no matter how good the deal is, you will usually only see less than 20% of your playerbase ever buy anything more than the minimum needed to participate (which is $0 for a game like enlisted). Sometimes it’s as low as 2.2%

In this subgroup of people who are willing to buy things, some do care about cost, like you, but a significant margin (typically varying between a quarter and a half of them) are whales, who don’t care about cost. They have money to burn and they will dump it on whatever they feel like. they will buy the thing they want if it costs them $10 or if it costs $100.

Look at it from the developers’ perspective: would you rather roughly double, triple, or maybe quadrupel the number of players who buy this tank pack if you are lucky by pricing it at 1/6th of the price? What about at 1/12th the price?

Statistically, you are likely to be missing out on money by doing that, because while you will sell more copies, your total revenue will go down, because you aren’t maximizing the profits of the whales.

“Well, the whales will just use the money they saved and buy other in-game stuff.”

Yes, but assuming you’ve adopted this as a business model, those things are cheaper, too, so the maximum amount of money you can extract from a single whale is heavily decreased.

I think it’s easy to argue that making these bundles cheaper is the ethical thing to do, but they are running a business here.

they won’t make more money by cutting the cost back to entice the majority of the playerbase because the majority of that majority statistically won’t ever buy, no matter how good the deal is.

maybe it explains better than i do.


as you said they should have more capabilities to provide for their price, but last thing i would want from a squad i paid for 60 bucks or even 40 is to be nerfed again, i would keep them the bonuses they provide, its not that big of a deal since they die pretty much quickly, yes they can cause havoc if they are given chance but i assume only one premium squad would be in use for most players so they would play the game more with campaign squads anyway

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none of us want that again.

we already had the squads (cbt) nerfed (mg30, mp41 as examples) but that nerfs i fully suported. 7 assaulters on a squad with an extra slot for a tnt/grenade with the best perks was just too much.

i trully wanted to see more soldiers on the squads, i trully do. ill they do it?

yeah, on a new squad like the MG one in moscow, not on the old ones.

the problem of "not adding up on old ones, and pushing the OP barriers on newer squads will grow as time goes. and nothing will change. - its just my prespective on the take

squads will become more and more broken by design, and not by intention to make current/future ones worth to play comparing to a fully upgraded one.

do i want to see current ones better? ofc.
did i bought knowing what i would get in return? ofc.

i may not have a huge way to convice others here, since most may not even own one.


I would buy, BUT I CANT EQUIPP THEM because i got all Squads max. Level and Upgradet and put so much Shit in them.

Gn8 @Shiivex Hold Your Ground You`re Right!

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why does the g43 fire faster than the other semis not select fire riffles but strictly semi atuos why has there been no balance changes to fg42 yet

and that should be changed, i think game has grown up enough to deal with this question, all CBT players do own at least one so it would be nice gesture from devs to try new changes, im looking forward to one of these episodes that will talk about premiums

present an idea, open a topic about it, explain yourself, and let the community either support it or be against it.

if its done right, without unbalance , you will have my support.

untill then, its all in “lets hope they read this and one day change them”.


you too presented some solutions , imo not bad ones, ill watch this thread if dev replied here

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The game is very good and these changes are going to make it excellent. I would like to say that the Russian pistols have improved a bit, I feel that when I shoot they do not do any damage. Cheers.

god no >w<

Please improve uniforms and add more visible kit/gear back to soldiers for No7


Since economy update has changed upgrading vehicles to bronze orders, is there any plan in the works for some sort of compensation for the lost silver orders players had spent on vehicle parts?

@Keofox Excellent update! I had been waiting for this one for a long time. I would suggest adding the option of getting the entire squad to repair the vehicle at once (higher repair values and speed). This option would make the experience more interesting, since players would have to choose between the risks and benefits of having the entire squad leave the vehicle to repair the tank.

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