Making Enlisted a Better Place №6

@Keofox good. Now when are air guys going to get some loving?

me parece excelente el trabajo que realizan los desarrolladores , desde mi punto de vista de jugador diario la experiencia es bastante buena , lo mejor que pueden hacer es escuchar a los usuarios que dan un feedback para traducirlo en mejoras es pero poder ayudarlos desde mi punto vista ,y gracias por escucharnos
pd: hagan la IA MAS INTELIGENTE XD :sweat_smile:

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Bueno Hermano.
Intenta hablar inglés o traducirlo en google

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Yes, Quadro same issue with me, whenever I try to chill out with firends in custom games random people join and ruin the match.

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just to throw my two cents into this discussion since i’ve actually been talking and looking into this a lot recently because of Enlisted.

One huge factor of MTX’s is that you need an initial purchase to get people to have a psychological investment in the game, and it will make later purchases easier to swallow. That’s why the starter bundles exist in Enlisted (and other games), it’s just that no one bothers with them because theyre so terrible lol. Most of what people see is a big old $60 price tag on a premium squad and that immediately scares them away and turns them off from buying anything.

I really do think that they’d make more money in the long term by focusing on smaller transactions through cosmetics, premium squads, and the BP as their prime money makers. Honestly, I’d go as far as to make Premium a one time purchase of $30 with all the benefits it has now, serving as your entry purchase to the game. Then premium squads and cosmetics (knives, guns, uniforms, etc) serve as your primary source of income.

EDIT: also, the more people that have premium, the better. Players without premium struggle to play through different campaigns due to XP requirements. A player who isn’t playing Berlin isn’t going to purchase a premium squad from the Berlin campaign, and that’s a lot of potentially lost revenue


sound modification

The updates are awesome so far!

Movement Fix

Please implement one of these 2 options,

  1. Disable jump completely and add “Press Space to Jump Over Trench” option.
  2. Make the jump only available when the stamina is above 75% and the jump itself will reduce 75% of the stamina

Because jumping constantly is extremely unrealistic. A lot of players will agree that it ruins the theme of a WW2 based game and makes the in game movement look bad.

Also when jumping down from floor above, please add an animation with an option say “Press space to climb down the ledge”

AI Fix

AIs right now aren’t that effective. Please make the AI as strong and focused as a human player who aims correctly and shoots to kill instead of just being on the ground with their squad leader, then the Squad based gameplay which Enlisted was meant to be from the beginning will come to life and make the game more realistic in terms of battles between two squads over the domination of a strategic position in the map such as a street or alleyway or a corner of a road. And also please make the Ai always face the direction the enemy usually is, if an enemy flanks surprise attacks then that is a different matter and just like real life obviously the player should be in trouble.

Please also implement a “take cover” order where the AI would go to prone if on a plain without covers or if there are cover available they will choose the nearest one.


Also please implement the animation of mounting the LMG on any surface where the height of the said surface is correct and it should look like the bipod is sticking to the surface and one more thing would be awesome if the bipods were down only when the LMG is mounted instead of being always down


loool … for the next comment promess

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Hey, Einstein WE are the CUSTOMER, THEY CODE, WE PAY, dispicable shill.


uh oh shill can’t meme

We both know how this ends

Re just the 1 crew exiting vehicle - was this set to “T” by default, or did I set it to “T” and not notice??

Because “T” for me is also medkit - so every time I used a medkit inside the tank I would also leave it!!

I’ve reset it all of course… but not sure if “T” is default for medkit and leaving tank, or are my own settings - if they are the default then they need splitting up!!

I’ve reset leaving to “O” for “get Outta here”!

T is default for healing/repair the tank.

if the tank is damaged, and the soldier inside also have a medkit, the medkit animation plays first, always. if you dont want that, remove the medkits from your tank crew.

on the outside, now, and ever, if the tank, and soldier is damaged, using T to repair will both heal and repair same time, and on rare ocasions will heal only first then you need to do the repair.

T, was the default.

Thanks for the clarification - I have no problem with “T” healing and repairing at the same time…

However why should I want to remoive medkits from my crew? They get wounded often, and I use 2 medkits with htem as well as 2 repair kits in a large backpack.

The corect solution is that leaving the tank is not the same key as healing - so I have reset my key for leaving, and there is no problem at all.

I only ask for one thing in the game. Improvements to the AI

Firstly - Any way to control the moronic AI’s in the squads. Only being able to say “wait about here” to then watch them run about over trenches, stand in windows attracting the attention of the enemy for miles around is naff.

I would suggest a wheel, similar to the engineers tool, but with a lot of different options. take cover and stay down, suppressing fire towards where you shoot, tell them to throw grenade and not just walk about with them, lay mines etc

Secondly - to have some pre-set options prior to battle for the AIs (Absolute Idiots), like when you use their first aid packs. Like to automatically use at 25%/50%/75% health. How liberal they are when throwing grenades. When they should reload 25%/50%/75% etc, too many times have I jumped into an AI and found him standing in the open with 1 round in a gun.

When the game has well over 75% more AI in a battle than actual humans… these AI need to step up.