Making Enlisted a Better Place №6

Leave the fox alone, he did great today!


@Keofox Sure, I can, I hope you’ve seen some of my other threads too though. I do try and write concise, well worded posts for your team to review and hopefully think about at least (I"ve done work for other Titles in the past).

A short summary for Grey Zone tank camping (and I am borrowing other peoples idea as well, because we have quite a few people competent in their own solutions too).
You can spawn protect them, which is good, and allow refills, which can work. However, in order to keep them from abusing a mechanic meant to protect infantry spawns, you need to ‘force’ them into the playable zone.
This can be done with a little map rework, by increasing the size of the playable zone a bit, and then, making it so tanks in their own grey, can move, re-position, but cannot shoot.
That would force them to get into the ‘playable’ area in order to use their main gun, and thus expose them as well.
Det packs - Remove the Grenade throw perk being able to effect them. Make them good at ‘Hard’ targets, but absolute crap against infantry. That way it would force players to choose more, which one they have equipped. And make it so we have to Get close (no overhand tossing, underhand only).
At Magnetic/Sticky Mines for the Mine slot, and only allow 1 to be carried.
Engineer AT guns. Have the standard ones right now, but allow Engineer II’s to deploy more substantial guns for Late model Tanks.

The biggest problem right now, comes a lot from the F2P model having only 1 vehicle slot. Most players choose a tank (from what I’ve seen, this is anecdotal, but you HAVE access to the Meta Data so you should be able to confirm this). So the traditional Hard Counters to Grey Zone Tanks might not be in that match.

For me personally, I cannot play planes. I get matched in games where I am one of 2 or 3 humans , the rest Bots, vs another team of 5-6 or more. So I cannot spend minutes up in the skies trying to counter these tanks when my boots are needed on teh ground at the point.
But at least if they are forced to shoot from the playable area, that would even things out a bit.

And, if all this changes, we’d need some guides on it for the new players and vets alike.

Thats all I can think of for now, but I’d gladly send you links to all my posts via message if you want to review them.

Thanks for listening.

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How would this work?

If you unlock an engineer for example, you can use any gun that engineers can use. Or a bomber, any weapons bombers unlock?

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If then who would go and buy Premium tanks like Premium jumbo? The map design, at least some maps, must somehow favour tank players for this reason

Boy you should try german tanks then you would understand what “cannot pen anything means”. Cuz they cant pen anything…

What about gun sounds? Lets admit they are awful…

Reverse more map(let German start attacking from the last point of defend map, similar to moat east and moat west) in Normandy and Berlin. Defending 80% of the time is very boring.

Ex you buy a ppd41 squad

4 man will come with the ppd41 that can’t be change and that 4 man will gain 100%more xp.
As you play and you progress you unlock slots for other classes, exacly like a non premium squad, and you place free 2 play soldiers there with the weapons avaiable to them
Exacly like a free 2 play squad.
The extra soldiers, don’t gain extra xp. Just the 4 or what ever premium ones.


This 100%
We’ve been asking for them to be fixed for months now

There’s no point they should be outright gimped especially for how much you pay for them


Just because they are vulnerable, doesn’t mean they aren’t usable.
There is NO reason to support abusing a mechanic that makes them virtually immune to retaliation.
They will still sell, I am sure.
The Jumbo, with infantry support, is deadly.
I play it with friends, and by myself, in the playable zone. When I have support, I can absolutely wreak havoc.
I feel the same way about the Panther too. I hate it when it camps. I hate all tanks camping and abusing that system. When I am in tanks, I am on the point helping my team.
Sure I die, but those are the risks. However at times I get GREAT support @40946585 where he parks himself ontop of my tank with an MG34/42 and acts as my Co-axial gun on a tank that doesn’t have its historic one. Fun times indeed.


Canister shot on US 37mm in Pacific)))


Please, one day, fix the reload on semi auto weapons like g41, Johnsson rifle in normandy, sks etc where we shoot a single bullet and it play an animation reloading the full clip (5 or 10 bullets). Makes no sence.


Please give us a new destruction target, all the same across the campaigns is boring, we want to take out 88s Blow bridges (Arnhem), radio posts are ok, but we want more.


Since you are at maybe one day we will be able to use the 88s as anti tank/aa guns…


can we please have passwords on custom games


The change you made so that object fall with the terrain cause rally points, ammo dumps and sandbags in certain situations to get destroyed right after you built them.

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Some love for PS5 player please.
Add the rumble function for the PS5 controler. It would be great for immersion!


Such a thing would probably tip me into using a controller when tanking!

seems like a cool update

What i like:
Armored resupply points; ive run out of ammo in Normandy quite often during Invasions when the enemy isnt fielding good AT, and being able to resupply the HE and .50 will be a nice change.
Crew doesnt exit vehicle unless told; this is a good thing, i hated losing 3-4 of my 5 crew when exiting the vehicle after losing my track due to someone sitting 5 feet away with an SMG. dont have to waste half a second walking away and tapping X to make them go back in.
Spawn locations/spawn protections; GREAT change seriously. The amount of panzer IV Js who just sit on a hill overlooking a spawn point is insane, and some of the vehicle spawns are just AWFUL, completely exposed right out the gate, forced to turn broadside to navigate the obstacles etc.

What i dont like: no addressing to the imbalance of some vehicles, like the M8 to the Pz. III N, or the T-50 to the Pz. III J, no fix to the M8 having overpressure that causes crew to die to 50kg bombs that are miles away, no historical gun sights (personal preference), and no overhaul to the vehicle progression in the game, IE getting the M10 as the final unlock, after the jumbo, or the fact that the casemates are the last unlocks in berlin when theyre undeniably the worst vehicles in the campaign.

And no customization. I will never pay $59.99 for a firefly, hell i wont pay more than $5 for any random single vehicle. But a customization system with historical camos/decals? I’d pay $0.49 or 0.99 for stuff like that all the time. Fake muzzle brakes for the 76mm, add-ons like a log, sandbags, supply items etc? Id grind and pay (a reasonably modest sum, a few thousand people paying $1 is going to surpass a few dozen paying $59.99 VERY quickly). But, progress takes time. Im just tired of waiting only to be rewarded with a heavier grind and more premiums