Making Enlisted a Better Place №6

This post is about tanks. Not about shotguns.
Let’s be consistent.

(imagined a shotgun tank. wow!)


Cannister shot


The 37mm US guns would be like to see you

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Would be interested to know your opinion on tabks like the T-34 (1941)in moscow and the PZIIIL.

Can we expect to see them?

To those who dont understand
This fix a bug that spawn protection only apply to soldiers, but when get a instant tank spawn kill, all crews alive, but stuck inside a destroyed tank.

July 2021
6 months later.

I would like to remind you.
Every line in this update is based on YOUR ideas, feedback and concerns. That is why they are so happy.

To be able to release more of these, we need even more of your ideas.



Can we have a UI symbol to show when there is a free spot in a tank? Or possibly when tanks need repair? (Tool box carriers only)

Does this spoil immersion?

If i would have to do “Making enlsited a better place” i would fix exploits like gray zone tank camping, suicide bombing with planes, bunnyhoping.

Maybe a weapons balance patch soon, with us finally seeing a nerf to SF rifles - to limit them to certain classes


@Keofox how about putting more areas to capture during the D-DAY on the beach, it makes me tear blood to see the Germans retreat inland for having lost the tiny bunker in the center of the beach, maybe you could do a specific assault mode for the D-DAY , I beg you


Will there be an animation overhaul?


Please this is not a shitpost


It would be better if devs would explore options of matchmaking first before adding more powercreep.

Right now, lower tier vehicles are almost unplayable if at least one PZ IV/Jumbo/Panther/T50… is present in the match.


Keofox, meet the M551 Sheridan (flechette ammunition)

Premium squads with the option to have more soldiers.

A progression exacly like normal squads. Not more not less. Exacly the same

4 soldiers come with premium weapon and gain xp, extra soldiers act like normal soldiers like in normal squads
No 5 man squads with engineers with mg
No 7 man assaulters like in closed beta
No 4 man squads without options
No more, no less, the same like no premium squads with the only bonus the xp.

Please and thank you.


Actually @Keofox , the historical ammo load out for some Assault guns in Germany (StuG III as an example with the KwK 37) had a Canister, Anti-Personal shot as part of its loadout, along with Smoke, HEAT, and Capped AP rounds. So, please feel free to add those too!
I, for one, await my StuG III Overlords.


Maybe he is trying to outwasted wasted

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i agree that premium squad should use normal squad composition and shouldn’t compose of a class that can ignore the weapon restriction MG for example like how the firepower LMG for Moscow allows an Engineer to use LMG

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Nice I like it. However what I’d also like to see for the tanks in the future is - Hull machine gun operational and to be more efficent when driving a tank. I want to feel that I’m in a tank I don’t want to be stuck on some random obstacles/not being able to go through them, trenches, etc.

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Some reload animations that are still missing

Gewher 43 empty
Non empty reloads for the gewher 41
Non empty reload for MG 34 and MG 42

These are just the ones I can name on the spot

Feel free to post the ones I missed


The fun of this game is exploiting powercreep. If not many players would leave like the case in Normandy allies