Making Enlisted a Better Place №5

Each update of “Making Enlisted a Better Place” focuses on a particular aspect of the game or a particular mechanic, where we fix bugs or add interesting features.

The realized improvements mostly or even completely are based on the feedback you leave in the special topics and discussions on the online communities.


These guys are called in to “talk” to the toughest enemy in a safe hiding place. And they know their stuff.

We focus this episode on one of the most tactically challenging, but incredibly deadly classes of soldiers. The flamethrowers are now even more powerful, and the Flametroopers themselves are more resistant to the all-consuming flames, just as they were in reality.


A quick reminder of the mechanics that work in Enlisted for such an unusual weapon. The jet of burning flammable liquid has a very high direct damage - a direct hit will kill the enemy in just over a second. But even if you miss, the flammable liquid hits the surface, splatters and continues to burn, causing less severe but longer-lasting damage by setting enemies who have stepped in a flaming puddle on fire.

Now another effect has been added to the mix that will increase the effectiveness of flamethrowers at close range. A burning cloud will form around the jet in a noticeable radius, setting fire to nearby enemies! This will allow you to literally set the whole crowd on fire at once instead of targeting each enemy individually.


For all its lethality, a flamethrower is also very dangerous for its owner - and here we are not even talking about the fact that Flametroopers have become a priority target for enemy soldiers. Accidental contact with burning droplets on the body does not add to health, which is why every soldier has been instructed thoroughly, therefore, Flametroopers prefer to wear special fire resistant suits or at least close-fitting uniforms. The lover of bright flames in you, also left your suggestions concerning this.

Because Enlisted Flametroopers also choose the right gear for their job, the burn time when stepping into burning flammable liquid is noticeably reduced for this class. The fire will just take longer to reach your body and you will have more time to get out of the danger zone.

This defense will work for any flame, whether from flamethrowers, fires, or Molotovs.


Fine motor skills are affected and a soldier will only think about one thing: how to douse the flames as quickly as possible. In such a situation there is not much thought about confident shooting.

This was one of your suggestions and now we’ve taken it into account in Enlisted as well. A burning soldier will no longer be able to effectively aim and shoot. You can, of course, squeeze the trigger, but the enemy will no longer be susceptible to your Flametrooper from death as easily as before.

The terrifying weapon is even scarier now.


  • Fixed a thrown grenade model ‘sticking’ to the hand.
  • Improved interaction of grenades and explosives with window openings and other objects to which they might previously ‘stick’.
  • Fixed rare twitching in dead soldiers’ bodies.
  • Fixed spontaneous continuation of fire in the Fw.190 A-8 20mm cannon with 105 shells left in ammo.


Our team regularly checks the most important forum topics for your feedback, and reports back to devteam when we notice issues with gameplay mechanics and ideas for improving the game. We watch our communities and other Enlisted sites so that one day you’ll see your idea in the update notes or in this weekly series.

So share, suggest, and report!


Wow, finaly some salvation for flametrooper class! They really needed some love. We have been suggesting these things ever since CBT.


Will have to play to see how good it is. Never being a fan of OP flamethrowers in other games.
Not sure WW2 flmethrowers rushed to get in close combat, I believed they were used more as an indirect fire weapon for area denial (using the arc of fire from the liquid) to hit inside enemy trenches, and to force enemies out of holes and bunkers.

A burning cloud will form around the jet in a noticeable radius, setting fire to nearby enemies! This will allow you to literally set the whole crowd on fire at once instead of targeting each enemy individually.

How big of a radius does it have? Edit: half a meter radius more or less

A burning soldier will no longer be able to effectively aim and shoot. You can, of course, squeeze the trigger, but the enemy will no longer be susceptible to your Flametrooper from death as easily as before.

Finally, a buff to the molotov.

Because Enlisted Flametroopers also choose the right gear for their job, the burn time when stepping into burning flammable liquid is noticeably reduced for this class. The fire will just take longer to reach your body and you will have more time to get out of the danger zone.

Will they be affected by aim reduction as well? How big is the damage reduction?

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im here to see the excuse’s that people make up about how its unfair that flame throwers have been buffed

good that they haven’t become oneshot weapons, definitelly more viable than before.

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I wouldn’t say it was rare but great work.


well no, the chemical that they use that is akin to napalm would stick to the firing step of bunkers thus sucking all the air from within the bunker thus suffocating the soldier’s in the bunker with carbon dioxide

Really nice to gave some love for flamethroopers, it will be more enjoyable to play now.
I have a good suggestion to make more realistic, make them explode when someone shoot at your flametrooper back.

Btw you fixed the FW190 autoshooting canon but every FW (the one in Berlin and Tunisia too) still have the manoeuvrability problem, when this will be fixed Keofox please?

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Yeah, essentially forcing them out to avoid suffocation.

unless there is another door far away from the firing platform they aint getting out

i think it would be a idea for the tier one flamers to have a shorter range but a larger spread and the high tiered ones to have the longer range but less spread

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All nice things. Even I can’t complain.

Finally flamethrower will be a great crowd control weapon in CQC.

When one day “customisation” update hits, I hope for option to dress my FT soldiers in some firing protection gear including face protection. (So they can be spoted by the enemy with ease :upside_down_face:)


I really like how MEaBP gives deserved love to to the classes less used by majority, but definetely admired by me (what a happy coinsidence). First engineers, now flametroopers…

Overall big thanks for that @Keofox , that is really great and definetely needed for a long time update. Keep it up, you are doing great job.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but this would never have happened and is a common holywoodism.

A ruptured Flamethrower tank at worst would have just doused you in flammable liquid.
The only part to ‘explode’ would have been the tank containing the pressurised propellant, which would have popped like a deodorant can if hit, but the likelihood of this was slim.


All good improvements however if I could add one thing: allow more squads to have flametroopers. Allowing an engineer squad to take one or others would make me want to improve them instead of simply passing over them


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you are forgetting that the pressurised propellant is flammable and that there is a flame at the end of the flamethrower? it would not be instant but it would make ye go up in flames

The flame is at the oposite end of the flamethrower. You would have to be increadibly dump to aim the “hose” (with ignition mechanism on) behind you, while the tank is leacking.

Yes, a flametrooper in an engineer squad would be amazing.
For an example soviet assault engineers had flametroopers with them.

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Thank you, you have started fixing (not fully) FW too, double thank you! About to hit 27 on Normandy so flame troops incoming, might have to try these on bunkers on DDay again.

Oh btw DDay seems to come up an awful lot in Normandy right now…