Making Enlisted a Better Place β„–49 (for the Entities.blk authors)

From my personal perspective.

The minimap amplifies a certain feeling of boredom. Perhaps the main reason is the lack of cooperation between players.

In the default mode, it is particularly easy to turn into a one-sided battle or a PvE battle. Even if it is a sweaty battle, many players will not be willing to persist.

As compare

If there are many players in a large map, especially in a custom game with a persistent server system, players will constantly entering if someonve leave, making the game always full of players.

Because the map is so big, every player can do something in it and cooperate with each other. This gives me a certain sense of play.

And occasionally playing other special game modes (made by other players) is also refreshing in game experience.

9/10, i am still waiting for the abiltiy to add voice line and sound modding ability for the game like warthunder
(come on please you do not know what amount of content is already prepared by me :pray: )

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Hi, never be sorry for pinging me. I can do that, yes.


@James_Grove are they aware that custom/extra assets from mods are desynced in replays or do not appear?

It might be more than just this, handguns, cuploa personal weapons and some gold card weapons dont show properly.

Makes it hard to make good footage from replays.