Making Enlisted a Better Place №4

Hoping for a reply, but eh…

@Keofox , with the perfecting of the cross play function, is there a plan to let pc users turn crossplay on/off like console users, or the option will remain console exclusive?

  • I think out of all my games today(as of making this post), as a defender I won only 1 game, but in that said game, the enemy team was really bad, prob too many AI as they did not use any airplanes or tanks.

  • It feels like auto lose as defender. Very unfun, feel like just leaving and find new match and hope to be an attacker.

  • People start to understand how things work and they just rush-flank with tanks PAST the objective, and farm you as you try to walk 70-80 meters to point. It’s a suicide especially as it’s a lot of open field. With no cover. Spawn camped.

  • Some rally points save you the incredible length of 10 meters. Yes 10 meters.

  • On some maps it feels like they are not even worth trying to build, you will lose the point regardless if you build it or not due to the distance being too far. Not having any incentive to even build a rally point, it’s not very good gameplay in my opinion.

  • Losing a rally point now to random artillery/mortar or plane bombing runs, it’s more punishing than ever.

  • There are some areas where you cannot build as you are either too close to spawn or too close to objective at the same time.(example)

  • Retaks are not possible anymore. Or at least a chance to fight for it. Once you lose a point it’s gone. (Talking about Invasion or Destruction)

  • On average now, compared to a normal spawn point, if you build a rally point you save ~25 meters, which is in a lot of cases insignificant.

  • Keeping things the way they are(even if the distance would be readjusted to a lower value) would prob require a lot of rebalancing on a lot of maps or even alter core things such as capture time or defuse time to give defenders a fair chance. It would just be a lot of work to look at all maps individually and solve each capture point problem.

  • Also I think this is an indirect buff to airplanes, planes like P47D on Normandy, with rockets that clear 10-15 people per drop. Thinking of it, this change might even affect weapon choices, close range weapons having less value.

Hope adjustments come fast enough or simply restore the change for now until you come up with a different approach that does not destroy defenders this bad. I understand you guys have good intentions but we still want to play for now and it to be fun, so don’t leave it like this for too long. That is why I said, revert the change untill you come with better solution.








“Working as intended”
Thanks @sfh0525


then pls updata about :Adjust the position of all bunkers and Temporary shelter。
the position of all bunkers and Temporary shelter be done by old rules
not Apply now

did you think it is funny? @keofox


At least make time to capture points longer now, whole balance will go to shit.
When attackers get to point, defenders take twice as long to reinforce.
We go back to balance from start of game when no one had engineers.

Speaking of improving the Rally Point. Can there anything be done about having a safe Rally Point, that is not in danger of being destroyed behind sand bags or cover and the genius teammate spawns on it and starts shooting at 100 meters away, keeping the Rally Point in “Active battle nearby” and unusable…Very annoying.

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So I finally had opportunity to play after the update and your “slightly” increased minimum distance means in 3 games I wasn’t able to build any meaningful rally point. It was in most cases completely impossible to place (restriction zone from objective and default spawn simply overlaps) or there was just a narrow gap somewhere in the open that would save maybe 10m. You really should return the values back quickly as this really makes rally points completely useless and engineer with it.
It didn’t improve balance but make defending objective during invasion or destruction much harder. Once defenders are gone, attacker now has plenty of time to cap because defenders now have to run extra mile to the objective and it is much easier for attackers to block approach routs with tanks, mg, arty so once enemy gets to the objective for the first time, the objective is very likely lost for defenders. Please think more about changes as you clearly have no idea about their impacts. Spawn 50-60 m is ok, it was possible to have it closer on same maps and that was a problem but if you tried to fix it by choosing another random number and make rally points buildable on like 5% of map then you didn’t fix it but made it much worse.


I think something had to be done, but I just played allies on Normandy and Manor on invasion was impossible +80 metres away, I get the intention but some maps may need adjustments, please don’t kill the engineers who actually build rallys.

Still trying it out with open mind.

i agree it needed to be fixed but im afraid that they made it worse. some maps i have to build 80 meters away…

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Tomorrow we will undo these Rally point changes and show you how to redo them so that they do not affect most of the capture zones in Enlisted.

Great. HUGE. Thanks to those of you who, in a polite conversation, were able to report specific mechanical problems.

  1. It is suggested that when we have a good improvement project in the future, we can improve it together and launch its supporting projects. And make the project more accurate, universal and applicable.

  2. for the update of ne’w mechanism, the detailed contents can be published in advance。After real updata,some players who feed back useful information can be selected to award the forum medal, or meager virtual card or military pay.

  3. The testers are selected according to certainnew conditions, and they and the representatives of developers / operators are granted the permission to test new content on independent servers, custom competitions or public servers according to the content updated in the future. And require the personnel participating in the test to submit the standard test report.

【4.i forgot it. THE arrowhead mark is useful. Pls dont cancel,leave it for us.thanks】


i second this.

Since my reply was “officially” highlighted, I also want to point out that I’m glad that the change is being reverted for fine tuning.

Even leaving aside extreme and obvious examples like Ministry Garden conquest having become a single giant no-rally-zone, an arbitrary +30m distance increase everywhere was overboard.


It might be beneficial to consult the community about such changes in the future, like you did with poll about bikes and slots in which they should belong. Talk to us, and together we can find a way for such mechanics to work.

We are here to test afterall, so we are okay with changes. Even as big ones like this. But they really should be well thought and prepared to prevent such situations where you need to quickly back up after their implementation. It’s a win for both sides.


This makes sense. However, the combat areas are on most of the maps too small for rally points to be built on the flanks because they are then too close to enemy spawns who simply find them by accident.

Furthermore, most maps and most zones of the maps do not have enough or variation in terrain cover for this to work at all.

This makes sense on some of the larger conquest maps. On invasion maps, it just does not work. The change has made rally points almost pointless for the defenders, and it is very very difficult to actually find a place where to build them.

In my opinion, the whole map design has to be reviewed and adjusted in order for spawn restriction to be increased so much from the objective.

A game like hell let loose has a 100 meter restriction from the objective. But the maps in that game are huge compared to those in Enlisted, and there is no combat area restriction based on objective (such as those we see for invasion).

If maps would be much larger, this change would be very welcome. In my opinion, having an additional game mode specifically designed for huge maps (and have such maps added) would be outstanding.


Yes, agree with consider getting feedback on major changes like this. But all been said above, Thank You for rolling back :+1:

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