Making Enlisted a Better Place №4

Where is the torture :thinking::thinking:?

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@Keofox the dev can fix this?


Bugs that haven’t been fixed for months.
Balance problems.
There is no dialogue with the community.
But will we introduce an update that breaks the whole game? Of course!

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You are right. But I’m hopeful this distance will get tweaked more as the devs collect new data. This “make Enlisted a better place” formula works kinda well, so I believe the devs will rectify a bit if too many players are unhappy. We are still kinda testing, beta and all :thinking:

I myself preferred the previous rp distance, as I’m a sneaky bastard… I’ll have to see what I can do to adapt till the devs perfect the system more.

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yes. Fix coming soon


I just really hate the “max it out then dial it down” idea especially when introduced at a fixed distance regardless of map/mode/specific point. It feels lazy because it is. It must be too time consuming for them to fix all the points individually so they just changed them all.

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Or AA wrecks inside buildings

I know what you mean… Thankfully it’s the sort of thing they tweak constantly: spawn point location, cap zone size, cap zone locations… At least we know it will be addressed eventually as time goes… (better than not 🤷)

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from 39 to 72 thats nealy 2x


So, let me get this clear @Keofox Instead of encouraging players for building rps you did quite the opposite lol I mean what :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


More running instead of gunning.
Back to mortar squads and ordering bots to run for me.
I mean we all knew rally points won games, we wanted people to build more, now we won’t have any. I guess that’s balance, just feels so lazy. More camping, less people playing objective again


Actually on Airfield map, the average distance becomes 80 - 90m , where in another about 20m we have the initial spawn itself. Plus the allies get reinforcements if they destroy the balloons. They get about 900 reinforcements. Also on every map Since the spawn is very far away, once the attacking team starts capturing the point, it becomes impossible for the defending team any chance of retake. This gives attacking team more advantage. In Normandy, where the axis attacks, it becomes easier. So I think, we need to reduce the distance by about 20m. or remove it, though I like calculating from the edge of the circle.
For some maps, this might work but for some other it becomes very advantageous to attacking team.

It’s really apparent on fresh campaigns with no rally points at all- so like we are about to have now.
Attacking with 2 people on point, it’s capped before defenders arrive again. Competent attack always win/ defense is 2times harder, if You die, You have to pray for good teammates.
Inb4 all maps gets “increased time to capture specific points”, i just don’t get this poor balancing


Heres how it will go: assaulters reach the point, spam explosive packs and grenades, storm in with SMGs and then gun everyone down as the defenders attempt to reach the point again from a very predictable distant location normally lacking cover so they are killed or the point is half taken already.


The purpose of building the spawn point is to reduce the loss while on the way, now the distance has been increased to make everything worse. Moreover, there are not many locations suitable for the construction of the resurrection point. After the change, the spawn point may have to be built in some inappropriate places but very close to the point. I hate this change and change it back. Why do you like to make changes to things that players have never asked for? At least you should seek players’ opinions before making changes. :upside_down_face:
By the way, I like the rhythm of the battle in the past. I built a spawn point 40 meters away from the point, then rushed into the point of battle, died, and entered the point of battle again within ten seconds after resurrection. I like this fighting rhythm. The current changes make the game experience closer to Tunisia. In fact, I think the newly added map has a lot of Tunisia. For example, the quarry in Moscow is the worst map I think in the game, because its combat distance is too far, and the field of vision is extremely wide. I need to run long distances and avoid enemy snipers and tanks to find a suitable place to build. The birth point is difficult. Now the distance has been increased, making this map even more disgusting. I hate Tunisian map design. I think the most ideal map design is the Vysokovo Village in Moscow that you originally designed. It is the most balanced and interesting map I think is designed. Normandy’s Le Bre invasion and Ruins of Vaux invasion were also good. :upside_down_face:


You can at least dismantle them with “J”.

This is IMHO worse issue as you simply cannot do anything with tank wreckage. Once parked in a way to block key passage, it remains there. I have lost many objectives by this shady tactics as they simply parked tank in a doorway of our spawn or the only doorway leading to objective from our side, disembarked the tank and let it blow up turning it into permanent obstacle that prevented us from reaching objective relatively safely.


You spoke truth " may have to be built " try it out before you claim that it breaks the game. Without changes like this the game becomes dull and predictable. Now with this change the dynamic may change on some maps.

But at this point we really dont know until we try it for a bit … just chill out …

If the devs had to run every change by the community first then nothing would ever get changed. No, the devs have access to much more data than individual players will ever have. They are really the only ones who can make those calls.

Now with more data comes a greater responsibility to be very careful with the changes they do make. The way they implemented the custom battles was terrible. They should have had the foresight to know there would be exploits.

And Soldier progression without giving the ability get more silver was also not a good decision.

The rally point change may also turn out to be too much but in cases like this it really does require trial and error. So give it an honest try before saying you hate it …

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I am a dedicated engineer, but what Keofox said does make sense.
Surely, some of our preferred rally points will become unusable and we will have to relearn new positions, but I am not against that.
Probably I will not dislike a slightly slower pace of the battle.
Let’s see how it works, probably some adjustments will have to be made (e.g. in conquest maps and other maps where spawn points are close).

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Maybe on conquest battles they can go back to the original settings since those games are meant to be faster …

However I have heard a lot of players don’t like conquest for that reason and refuse to play it …

I dislike hearing my new recruits huffing and puffing and having to stop and rest before making it to the point. :wink:

This whole idea sounds like communist-style shared poverty. Since most players won’t and don’t want to build rally points, they will have to be nerfed to ensure that those experienced and skilled players(btw the 80% skills this game needs is building rally and playing for objective) won’t be OP compared to those campers and snipers. So why must newcomers learn or at least try to be better? They can just sit and wait for everything that skilled players have to be nerfed(from dispersion to rally points) and still camp, sniper, and farm K/D.