Making Enlisted a Better Place №38

Each issue of our weekly series focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic, in which we correct smaller, but noticeable bugs and add new interesting features.


Behind this original headline we hid a fix for a rather unpleasant feature of this weapon - the ability to shoot the jet of fire through relatively thin walls, the width of which is less than the length of the flamethrower’s tube.


The Battle Pass has an option to drop one of the daily tasks and replace it with a random new one. But sometimes it wasn’t completely random, and you got exactly the same battle task, even if you’ve already completed it before.

It looked like a bug. Yes, in fact, this can be called a bug, so we fixed it, and now when you switch tasks, the exact same one won’t appear again.


The wrecks of destroyed tanks were easily passed through by the anti-tank projectiles without collision. This won’t happen again. Another small fix for the bug you reported to us, but important enough for many people.

Thanks for your reports!


  • Fixed some battle tasks with complex conditions that were not updating correctly in combat, such as “Kill X enemies using a flamethrower, mortar, anti-tank rifle or rocket-propelled grenade launcher”.
  • I-16 type 24 — corrected the display of ammo in the game. Now it matches the stat card of the plane and has 3100 rounds.
  • BF 109 G-6 “3” — fixed the display of unique camouflage on the vehicle when looking at the wings from the cockpit.
  • Me-410B-1 — fixed a bug that caused the X-ray display to show the BK 5 cannon, which is not installed on the plane.
  • Fixed the “invisible weapon” holding animation, which occurred when the player has no weapon and uses binoculars.
  • Fedorov MG — corrected the gun class from submachine gun to machine gun for scoring and tasks.
  • Implemented the first UI improvements based on your feedback:
    • Moved the squad level purchase button to the top of the upgrade information panel;
    • Added hotkeys to make it easier to use with gamepad;
    • Several improvements to the design of squad, soldier, and vehicle stat cards;
    • Added highlighting of the entire area at the task in the achievement window;
    • If you have several completed daily tasks, you can get all the rewards at the same time by pressing one button;
    • Added a warning when trying to quit a battle that the player is about to desert. You can still change your mind - no penalty then.


Lots of exciting game mechanics have been realized or improved thanks to your ideas. We are watching our communities, other Enlisted sites and regularly check the forum for your feedback and reports.

So share, suggest, and report!


No more flames through walls?

Good lil update. Walls are my friends.




i like walls too :smiley:


The UI changes are nice. I’ve gotten used to the new UI, I still think the number of tabs could be reduced. I think this still has further to go. Still, I appreciate the small improvements you did make.


what is this hate against open space places anyway?

my flames just wanted to hug you all :cry:

on a serious note, glad to hear flame shouldn’t go through walls anymore.

gonna see in a few hours :+1:


The Muzzle Smoke bug still hasn’t been fixed : /


Very glad that the flamethrowers have been worked on. Hopefully, the anti-tank launchers will be fixed soon too.


No more flame Trougth wall? is so unreal after 2y…

Fantastic update. Great work!

Metal doors too, or can be …

Saw this the other day. It’s hiliarous :rofl:


Ahah! I saw it on reddit as well, guy got at nasty surprise.

You know what I think would help with the new UI. A battle button on more than just the battle tab. No reason you shouldn’t be able to hit it from the Squad or upgrade tabs.


I don’t know if ‘fixed’ means really fixed. I hope so but…


I make a simple test on the training ground, turns out the flames still penetrated the wall and burned my AI teammates to death. I’m not sure if they really fixed it.


I am yet to locate that “one button”, no luck so far, can anyone help the blind person?

No… not false hopes… :cry:

Sorry, I misunderstood dev’s explanation. The flames still ignite the enemies behind the wall, but you did can no longer shoot through the wall :lying_face:


Speaking of fixing flamethrowers, can you fix this horrible unnatural neon-bright blinding abomination that comes out of them and give us back what was right before the Stalingrad update when it looked basically perfect? Even the screenshot in this post shows how bad it looks like right now.

I was talking about this before, there are good reasons to fix this: Please bring back the pre-Stalingrad flame visuals (here is why)
Please just consider the visual comparison below. Now is looks bad like 2/10, and back before Stalingrad it was 10/10 perfection.


Agreed 100 %
Since I read your post I can’t stop thinking about this.

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it is funny that i didnt even know that you could shoot flame jets through thin walls… did dev actually found another bug while thinking they were fixing bug we were complaining about?