Making Enlisted a Better Place №35

Those are new stuff that need new model, so it is very unlikely to be added in non major update.

I don’t think giving engineers a smaller cannon is the solution. Rather, the AT squad should get larger cannons.

I don’t think a unique sandbag structure is a good fit for riflemen. Instead, perhaps some sort of bridge type fortification to bridge between rooftops and over water surfaces?

There should definitely NOT be any kind of grenade box, for any squad, especially assaulters. The grenade spam is far too high already.

Instead, the engineer should be able to set up a bangalore torpedo tube to clear out chunks of fortifications at once.

Again, both of these just lead to really toxic gameplay. Pinging enemies makes it FAR too efficient, and artillery cooldown was nerfed not long ago because its spammed too often and doesn’t have any way to counter it already.

Instead, I suggest a radio bank that while near it you are able to target artillery strikes with a special command on targets and areas you have line of sight to. This way, using binoculars for example, the artillery strike that you call in is much more accurate and less widespread. Allowing for more concentrated fire to deal with things like tanks or emplaced weapons.

I agree with elevated nests. I think the wooden guard towers seen around the map would be a good option, or at the very least allow us to build ladders.

While we´re at the topic of the crate. The assault loadout in the crate should be SMGs instead of LMGs. LMGs aren´t really the thing I think off when “Assault Squad” comes to mind.

My suggestion for the enginners was exactly that, the 50mm Pak 38 and the 45mm soviet cannon for engineer and 75mm Pak 40 and 76mm Zis3 for AT.

For the rifleman squad, I think the point is to give accurate long range suppresion and defense/offense on points. Having a sturdy position to defend from or launch attacks from would help in that role, but having pontoons or gangplanks like you suggested is a good idea as well.

In terms of the assault squad, their main role is to clear out enemy positions with grenades and close range assault weapons. I can agree with your point about the grenade spam. Maybe have it only give out smoke grenades? Bangalore torpedo sounds interesting as well, but the TNT pack does the job well enough already.

For the radiomen, i can see what you mean. Perhaps give them light howitzers instead (75mm short barrel like what is on the M8 Scott). Something to play into their role of area denial and cluster elimination from range.

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I somewhat disagree but I’m speaking from my personal experience. I know everyone’s a different kind of player but I’m pretty practical. For example, there have been lots of times where I’m an infantry and I only go to resupply when I’m all out of ammo or health and on a good streak.

If there was a Munitions Crate I wouldn’t be one of those players who runs to point, throws grenade, resupplies, throws grenade, resupplies, throw grenade, etc because it’s not even that effective for the fight over an objective. I’m more into helping my team with the battle than farming kills, and even grenades don’t have that many kills. Obviously I’d resupply during lulls or before assaulting the next objective. I’m more concerned with using my primary weapon to help in battle (that’s it’s entire purpose in the first place), the grenade is only tertiary

Theoretically to balance they could make it so crates can only be built a certain distance from the point just like rallies so you don’t have some guy hiding in the corner with a crate

Maybe something to consider would be the fact that “AT guns” are not entirely there to fight tanks, they can also be used as field guns firing HE rounds.

Thus, what about letting engineers have the HE and AP option, while the AT squad gun could have better AP ammo as their option - so that instead of AT squads simply getting “better” AT guns, they would get specialised AT guns.

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Paratroopers shouldn’t have “2nd slots”. Their 2nd slot is the parachute ffs. Fix this OP class.


I suppose I misread it then, thank you for the polite clarification.

Personally, I see the rifleman squad as a general firepower squad, that makes its main focus as having the most troops per squad and being able to move that force onto the objective.

Now don’t get me wrong, I do think that a “bunker” type structure would be very helpful, but I simply don’t think the Rifleman squad is the appropriate squad for such a fortification. (Perhaps an engineer squad instead as its more of a defensive/ protecting structure, rather than just something for attacking.)

The main thing about the bangalore torpedos would be you can use them from a little bit of a distance, and perhaps can build them from within a trench. This encourages the use of trenches for cover as well. TNT is usually used as a kamikaze type tactic currently, while bangalore torpedos allow you to use them from relative saftety.

I still think with smoke grenades it would still cause issues for grenade spam, and here is my reasoning:
CURRENTLY, if you wish to have smoke grenades for sight line cover, you actually have to equip them on your troops. By doing this, it removes potential lethal grenades from being used, reducing the grenade spam even if only by a little.
If you have a box of smoke grenades, they are then able to retain all the lethal grenades AND be able to get smoke cover, which is actually a LOT more powerful than a lot of people realize.

To note however,

I still think something like this should be worked in if anything. Perhaps even as something for radio operators.

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The issue still arises if someone is holding a choke point or even a spawn corridor with a nearly endless supply of molotovs or WP.

I was excited to read the news to be disappointed later to see a mere copy and paste in another squad, I honestly believe that if you are going to put a cannon in the AT squad, it should have something unique that differentiates it from its common counterpart, at the time I spoke on how to add depending on the ranks because in various campaigns there are AT I and AT II, well put different types of cannons and the same with anti-aircraft, structures, etc. I am not saying that I do not like this update itself, but I expected something more and that this will be improved in the future


Ill just be positive and say thanks for another update.

88s one day :slight_smile:


If I may, please fix the AI, they’re so frickin’ dumb that sometimes they make me pull my hairs out of my head.
They still come in front of me while I’m aiming.
They still stand in the frickin’ open space to get shot.
They still don’t reload their weapons.
They still don’t change their weapons back to primary.
They still take dumb af paths to reach marked location.
They still stay oblivious to their surroundings but can randomly shoot you in the grass 200m away.
They still do A LOT more shit that just infuriates me and am pretty sure every other player as well.



Do you really like the


Fu** yeah. One one my favourite derp vehicles, along with Sturmpanzer2

And I want both in Enlisted. Could be event vehicles like the aa we got just now.

Edit: KV2 is also an absolute necessity in Enlisted. With it’s ridiculously long reloading time, could also be a free event vehicle.


I have this image on the phone, is the swedish one?

I don’t understand what you mean?

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Sweeden have this one in their tech tree or a copy i forget it

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Must be a copy. I like the old school german ones, from back when I still played WT. (Been years)

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