Making Enlisted a Better Place №32

I don’t know, man… this is a War simulator. Football and Boxing aren’t based on historical events where sometimes (often times) one side was outnumbered or completely outmatched by the other; and it isn’t even as bad as it would have been in real life, in most cases. Can’t you get into the spirit of the thing a little bit more? See it as a personal challenge. Find ways to use their superior numbers against them. It is possible, you know…

I wouldn’t necessarily call it a “war simulator”. It definitely matches the description of a “game” better. I say this as a “simulator” wouldn’t have things such as respawns, magic rally points that teleport you to that location, and people wouldn’t be so careless with their lives. There is A LOT of balancing that has to go in to account for those differences.

The Capture scoring thing is an awesome addition. Love it.
Many a times I’ve planted my butt in the snow on a capture point, getting it within a sliver only to be killed and get no points from the team capturing it a second later.

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So upon testing this part more, I definitely think there is a lot more room for improvement. I played in both Moscow and Normandy to test this. The Ally planes still don’t bring down Axis planes very well USUALLY. I used both the A-20 in Normandy and the Sb-2m in Moscow. In both planes I had trouble shooting down Axis aircraft. Even after dumping hundreds if not thousands of rounds into them (using A-20 thats a lot of 12.7mm both from pilot weapons and gunners, while Sb-2m the gunners fired until dry 2-3 times before the plane went down).

Meanwhile, if an Axis plane fired even a single burst at me, I would very often lose my entire tail. In addition, their tail gunner would absolutely shred me, while my gunners and tailgunners appeared to do very little to them.

I don’t know if the interaction between AA and aircraft was changed with this, but I would like to note that while NOT using the scope, it seems a little more effective. However, almost no shots hit correctly when trying to use the scope on them.

@1942786 I hope this feedback reaches you guys. The advancements are appreciated, keep up the good work!

Alright man, can we please infer the obvious larger meanings of things today? Wow, pedantic bunch. Obviously, “Enlisted” is designed to simulate the experience of War. Is it not? At least, to some degree. Is it simulating not being in a war? Is it simulating a bikini pool-party? No, it’s not. Its basic purpose is to simulate, or emulate, the experience of being in wartime combat. Am I wrong about that?

So, that’s a vastly different undertaking than simulating a basketball game or a tennis match. Is it not? Were not experiences of disappointment, fatigue, feeling that life is unfair… were those not all elements of every single war scenario that has ever played itself out on planet Earth? I’m sure they were. So maybe some people in this community need to stop expecting that a game which seeks to simulate the wartime experience will always be 100% exactly fair and evenly-matched, as if it were a tennis tournament with a referee and a bullhorn. Maybe there is room to embrace some degree of challenge and difficulty, because you know - it goes both ways. Sometimes you endup on a team with a slight advantage, sometimes you endup on a team with a slight disadvantage. You know - like in wartime.

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i have performed sometests too on custom matches - lonefighters on a non moded match.
i must say that now is way more easy to demolish and getting destroyed in seconds.
ofc it all lays down on the ammo type and if said ammo has HE into it or not.

German Axis planes with 30mm cannons filled with HE seams to knock out planes in a single burst of a second. witch i find amazing.

i also died in seconds to a p38 multiple times. i didnt even got mad into it coz was nice to see my plane getting shreded as fast, it does provide a more fun aerial gameplay.

still have to test non HE ammo types on other planes, but so far its getting better.

That’s interesting, because I’ve noticed as of a few patches ago, the HE shells for tanks have gotten SUPER cucked.

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that was fixed , it was probably an error.

even tho is still possible to destroy tanks with 20/30mm HE filled rounds, its less viable than during that week

this was today, a t70 is nothing against a 20mm but ye… (also the tanker was repairing it as far as my eye sight noticed, so wasnt a “empty tank” kill per say

tanks like t34, tiger and so on are still possible to get demolished with this guns, if, one has a nice dive on top armor plate. on sides, not as reliable . even for 30mm

I guess I meant Tank H.E. vs. Infantry; used to be able to clean up… not so much anymore.

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No. It definitely wasn’t fixed. I can understand the shell bounce to a certain degree, but when you have large
caliber HE shells from tanks and AT field guns going off right next to infantry and its not killing them, its definitely not fixed.

As far as this is concerned, I get the concept, but there needs to be some kind of balance to it. Like I said, if I have to dump hundreds of rounds into them with the 12.7mm and they still aren’t going down, there is a problem.

In addition, what kind of ammo do the axis tailgunners use? I ask because their tailgunners seem FAR superior to the Allies, even in comparison to the twin 12.7mm on the A-20. I hear it shooting until he runs out of ammo, which considering I took off the perk for increased distance of detecting enemy planes (so he only shot while they were closer to conserve ammo), I would think that would be enough firepower to take it down. Especially considering that the ground based m2 HMG that supposedly fires the exact same ammo yet shreds planes.
My point is there needs to be a lot better consistency here.

i was speaking on regards of 20 and 30 mm planes with HE filler destroying heavy tanks in seconds. was a _“bug” during 1 week or so in the past month , not tank HE

Ah. Gotcha. Yeah they fixed the aircraft part, definitely not the tank (and field gun) HE part.

in regards of a Stuart HE destroying a tiger tank yes, they fixed it.

as shown here from a youtuber - quadro: (this was the bug regarding tanks/planes HE)

this was fixed also. (you can check the plane HE part on that video too, that no longer is possible, before a single shot from a 20 or 30mm round filed with HE would destroy all vehicles (even heavy tanks)

as for overall HE reliability on explosion on a group of soldiers, mileage may vary, but i m happy how it stands as of now. even tho sometimes the ricochet of a perfect HE on a group of enemy infantry gets on my nerves x) .

as of a side note, the ability to demolish a tank is still present using a plane with 20+ mm with HE, but one as to shoot the top armor at almost 90º dive . more “realistic”… kinda.

First off apologies for the novel, but I think this needs to be explored at length because despite being a small change the positive effects it would have would be tremendous.

So might be best to take another look at how soldiers gain xp. Currently all soldiers earn perk xp for themselves, with a little bit of xp also awarded to other soldiers in the squad (unsure if it counts if they are dead - but not really relevant).

This has resulted in situations where in a match, players might want to hide their soldiers so that once their current soldier has died, they can use the next one, earn full xp, and so on until the squad is dead. Additionally, it makes levelling soldiers a pain due to the need to constantly rely on rng for good perk rerolls (and high level soldiers take longer to gain a new level). This also contributes towards players leaving matches, for if they see high level (marshal, general, etc) players on their team they conclude that their kills/xp will most likely be stolen by these guys, and they leave the game to find one with more xp.

So to help fix this I think that the full xp that one soldier earns should be awarded to all soldiers in the squad. Fixing this restriction and communicating this to players will give them more freedom in matches and make them more willing to put their all into winning a battle as they will be less concerned about losing out on potential xp. This will have a knock-on effect of decreasing frustrations with us vets when we see new players camping in the back of the map, or not using their full squad to take a point. Finally, making the grind less punishing will increase retention of mid-late game players who have established squad lineups and are at the stage where they are grinding for their desired perk setup, as it can be demotivating to spend a day’s worth of battles and not get any new perks due to the reliance on randomness.

it was not designed to simulate anything. enlisted is arcade war game. if you want milsim you are better off playing arma 3 or HLL.

Dedicated Japanese player here and PLEASE make the Japanese Ha go tank so the player can control the bow machine gun AND cannon from the commanders seat. This is a MAJOR disadvantage to Japanese players because they have to switch seats from machine gun to main gun which means one weapon is not being used while the other tanks in the game have a coaxle machine gun that allow duel weapon control from commanders seat. I understand that the tank does not have a coaxle machine gun and therefore to be fair and accurate at the same time, allow the commanders space bar default button to fire the bow gun when the reticule in infront of the tank, meaning the main gun and bow machine gun are looking at the same target and the commander can fire both.

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