Making Enlisted a Better Place №32

i would not call replay fully functional without rewind function…


Uniform customization coming to Tunisia when?


Do you have any plans for more kinds of sandbag shelters? I really hope to see this in the later update, because the sandbag bunker is really not easy to use now.

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Agreed. One of my future suggestions incarnate.

And not every match is going to be perfectly balanced, with the exact same number of players - unless you want to wait forever; and most people don’t. War wasn’t perfectly matched and balanced everytime, either.

10vs13 isnt issue of balance. it is a bug. matches are supposed to be 10vs10.

also this isnt war, this is a game and as such it needs balance.


Great change with Capture points
I really appreciate the last two updates because they focussed on grind fixes

Most people here on forum were asking for matchmaking, and would not mind longer queue if it meant full match.
Default game search could stay the same, just one checkbox Wait for full match and so many people happy, even if we have to wait 5-10 min, we take breaks anyway, and ususally matches start every 1-2 minutes with 50% bots.

And if You don’t think 13v10 is big deal, consider the fact this bug appears when 4-stack joins game, so those 13 players are actually people and not bots, and it makes big difference even in this unbalanced game

excellent changes, late unlock engineers was the biggest flaw in Tunisia design, and more points for actually trying to win the game is also excellent.

Tho I would argue that capturing should still give even way more points than killing someone.

Like killing a tank grants you more points than just the capturing a point, tho it is without a doubt clear which action is more important for the team.

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Happy to see engineers on tunisia at level 5. But jesus christ what took so long? This was a glaringly obvious issue from day 1 of it’s release which was over ONE YEAR ago, and now quite understandably a lot of players grew frustrated and invested their time in other campaigns, unlikely to come back.

In general, this is always a trend with enlisted. The devs do work on critical issues, but it’s just way too late for players to not get frustrated and leave. Can’t wait to see a mode select in 2024, skill based matchmaker in 2025, and then a progression rework in 2026 :confused:

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Overall amazing changes. Good job.


I’m very happy to see that one of the discussions I actively participated in was recognized and deemed important by the devs. Thank you very much guys for the rework of capture points!

I’m very excited to try out the ariel battles change. It was much needed, I hope it indeed fixed the issues. However I would like to note @1942786, that hitmarkers for aircraft gunners would be immensely appreciated.

Does this also work for the AA guns too, or is that still being worked on? (AA guns don’t seem to shoot in the correct location when using the sights, but when not using the sights and just the little marker its fine.)

Really glad you guys are taking feedback seriously. Its what keeps my buddies and I coming back for more!

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I’m seeing a surge in camping noobs recently, so this change is most welcomed. Just properly marked a tank from a plane in a match a few minutes ago, so it seems fixed.

Tunisia engineer change is a precursor to fixing campaign levels, hopefully the devs won’t let this be the last time they do this.


I’m sorry this free game does not perfectly match your expectations every single time.

Fucking first-world problem shit. I’m SO tired of hearing this petulant type of complaining from your generation.

my generation? what are you 60? i am probably older than you…

Maybe the answer is that we are given a choice. “Perfect-10 Matchmaking” (such as the type that @robihr is apparently so reliant upon for their efficacy in matches) could be an option, with the proviso that wait times might be longer. For those of us who are not really concerned about the odds not being exactly precisely even every single time, we could check the box that says “I don’t care” and join those games sooner.

I think that would be an equitable remedy for all.

I didn’t say 5 vs. 10 was acceptable. I was remarking upon your very specific complaint about 1-3 extra players being present on the other team sometimes as being both ridiculous and extremely entitled. If your real problem is with bots being present, then you should have stated it as such. That is a different conversation altogether.

no this is not ridiculous and extremely entitled. if the game basic rules are 10vs10, then i expect having 10 players in both teams. not one team having 30% more players than other. it is bug that they didnt fix for over 2 years and it is breaking balance of matches.

this is like saying that players are extremely entitled when they complain that one team is sometimes forced playing only with knives against team with rifles even though both teams should have access to rifles.

or better look at football… why dont we have football matches where one team is forced to play with 11 players, while other can have 14 or 15 players? or lets have boxing matches where 1 boxer has to fight 2 boxers. if there was such situation i would expect for you to call team with less players entitled f***s for expecting balanced game.