I mentionned that as an example, because they did, once. the first ever premium squad, was 7 assaulters. that was clearly op and p2w at the time, so they slashed them to 4 guys.
They now create squads with engineers in them, engineers even able to use lmgs.
In short, they can do whatever they want, and easily. I doubt it was such a big bug, that difficult to solve.
That might be… but some squads always had the opportunity of having a secondary AND backpacks (Tunisian motorcycles, every and ALL tanker squads…)
they completely removed that feature, thus nerfing all premiums even more. I sincerely doubt they’re not able to solve the weapon swap bug: they just don’t want to.
Every premium tank driver can take a bag and a second weapon with them, and the motorbike premium pioneer also has the option of using an SMG, as have many other new squads whose pioneers carry SMGs or LMGs
The cheapest premium tank also has the best equippable infantry squad.
but before the developers can be fair, they’re more likely to patch this feature away as well.
Unfortunately it has a lot of cheaters, almost every battle I report some and it has always been high for a year that I have been playing it. Like the player overlord0770 on the Normandy map that sees me and destroys my Caliops as soon as I appear in games. This player uses a radar mode, and an aimbot, all the players on my team have confirmed that overlord0770 is a cheater. He was postponed my I’m sure we’ll see him again soon in games. In the game it should be impossible for an enemy to shoot at the other team’s spawn points.
You know that gigantic rocket rack over your tank? First it’s making it pretty obvious, being so high, secondly it attracts “aggro” as it’s a high threat to infantry and lastly…
… you just have to sneeze in it’s direction for it to explode.
I doubt the guy cheated because he blew up your very easy to explode tank… a stuart is more resistant than it.
The will never be better until they stop with the lopsided matchmaking system. There is no reason why fulling upgraded people or ranks going against lowbies. I’m sure people will say get better,but my replay to that is if you’re so good than why are you afraid to face other fully unlocked people?