Making Enlisted a Better Place №28

All the most important unlocks are also free, thankfully. Namely ppsh for both side, the gorgeous chad KV and most rifles. Only thing that might make a difference is mkb and avt40 for engies.

All the rest can be enjoyed for free like other campaigns.

I understand locked campaign lvls isn’t fun (I’m also against it btw), but it’s in no way preventing free players to enjoy the campaign, and even excel at it.

Nice addition Keo, and as some of the other guys said above: what about “reviving” fallen allies. Not flamethrower victims, blown up guys, and poor headshotted basterds, but usual casualties.

Also, can you add the option to rewind the replays? Sometimes I find it quiet annoying to not be able to rewatch something in specific. And what about free-camera or some kind of a spectator mode for the replays as well. Not just being tied up with the soldiers. I mean, I’m not complaining I really love the spectator mode, is something unique, but those things would make it PERFECT.

Locked my ass, some one dint notice the strange new ammount of mkb and avt directly after the new major update

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What do you mean are those free unlockable too?

not really a bug. you can transfer weapons normally across campaigns, you just cant buy them in that campaign… it is more of a problem for vehicles than for infantry weapons… and btw it was 8 months, not a year :stuck_out_tongue:

but you have to play handicapped until you unlock them. against players who stormed through grind and have all end game weapons. considering that i havent finished soviet grind once, i will choose berlin or moscow over stalingrad.

Another issue that is effecting gameplay alot is the recent update to make engineer buildings more specialized.

When trying to RELOAD ANY TYPE of gun the engineer built the deconstruct is so fast it deletes the gun before it can be reloaded.

The reload speed needs to be sped up to a ratio where it wont deconstruct faster than it gets reloaded.

On console platforms we are not able to assign separate buttons for deconstruct and reload and if the setting is changed from “hold” it eliminates the ability to command all engineers in squad to help build a structure at the same time. I posted a bug report a few days ago wich has some feedback from other players too which helps clarify the issue, it titled “AAA guns in the Pacific campaign” but this issue or bug applies to ALL TYPES of guns the engineer is able to build. Without a solution to this refill issue it is essentially making a engineer built gun a one time use for console platforms because we dont have the option to reassign buttons without losing other valuble commands.

Still prefer a engineer with rifle in my PPK41 and MP41 squad.

Keo, i know im slightly off topic here but i have a few questions for the devs i think many players are getting frustrated at lack of answers for;

What is being done about the massive power creep in the campaigns?
(in all 6 campaigns players are facing issues where level 10 or lower are being matched against near maximum levels, giving one side a MASSIVE advantage. Stalingrad is the best place to see this with fully upgraded MKB-42 spam dominating games against players wielding only stock squads with bolt action rifles) and the inconsistent levelling across campaigns (STEN is level 22 in Normandy, but only level 2 in Tunisia, for example)

What is the status on smoothing out 6 separate campaigns?
Queue times have become quite hefty in the lesser played Tunisia and Pacific, while Normandy and Moscow are still lightning fast most of the day. I wouldn’t personally mind fighting more bots if it meant i didnt have to play on my phone for 4-5 minutes in between rounds, especially with Normandy being sweat central at the moment. And again, the inconsistent progression across campaigns.

Polishing existing content?
Many of the first added campaign content is suffering in comparison to the newer additions, most notably the medic class is working quite well but thus far hasnt been implemented in any way outside of the two most recent campaigns, and same goes with many of the engineer changes lacking from older campaigns. Newer game modes have been completely forgotten as well. Some of the older one-off models are in need of an update, and we’ve been waiting on explosives changes for a long time (Moscow is still nuke central). And of course, the biggest concern: SMGs and Assault rifles are dominating every campaign while bolts are left in the dust by semi autos and LMG/HMGs arent even a part of the game anymore because of how strong SMGs have become in comparison. I started in Moscow before the third campaign was added and played a decent amount in all campaigns bar Pacific, but ive pretty much stuck entirely to Stalingrad as of late just because of how much more… polished it is compared to the earlier additions of Berlin and Moscow.

oh, while im here keo;
whats the word on proper customization? The whole randomly generated soldiers is neat, but i’d prefer using my cards to change specific aspects of the soldiers, such as getting certain helmet variants (like netting in Normandy or scarred/battle damage, foliage helms, axel grease on faces, etc). It’s kinda weird how my entire sniper 2 squad in Normandy are wearing giant padded gloves while my four of the six mates in my engineer squad have foliage helmets, and my german assaulter is in his 50s, overweight and cranky but is the fastest runner in his squad.

Plus, since the entire framework for tanks is already ripped entirely from war thunder, whats wrong with allowing us to customize our own tanks instead of grinding for pre rendered models; feels like most of the gold order tanks are just using decals from war thunder anyway.

@1942786 i hope you read…
i have a Suggestion from Forum for you and some own Points to say…

Remove Shovels and bring them back with Building Possibilitys like the Engineers Hammer.
If you choose Shovel you can take 1 Build from a Wheel with Buildings and place them with few Shovel-hits.

For the new Changes i would say…
The Flak Degrees to shoot down a Airplane must be reworked…
It should not work against Infanterie alone, but it should atleast work 100% against Airplanes. Thats not the Case.

After all, my Premium Squads can have a Secondary Gun and doenst need Ammo Pouches in Future, i can equipp Big Grenade Pouches and can spam Explosivs like never before.

I cant understand this Decision, ok Premium Squads needs more Love from Developers but this was no good change.
Give Premium Squads a Engineer and Squad Slots to equipp them.

This was a VERY appreciated update. I would like to note (and I hope you see this feedback), that the medboxes are STILL rarely used by teammates. I would suggest making AI that run near it automatically pick up medkits. This increases their usage all around. It would also give players a reason to use the “increase amount of medkits in box” perk. Medics would also be more properly rewarded for their efforts if AI auto picked up medkits.

As a note, I have only seen a medbox run out of supplies one single time across all my time playing.