Making Enlisted a Better Place №28

Each update of “Making Enlisted a Better Place” focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic in which we’ve fixed bugs or have added interesting features.

The improvements are mostly or even completely based on the feedback you have left in the special topics and discussions on our forums and social media platforms.


We like to make the life of certain soldiers more pleasant, and today we want to bring joy to those who work with bindings and needles — the medics.


The ultimate tool for the mass supply of allied medical equipment is now useful for anyone and everyone - now, even if your inventory is full of first-aid kits, you can grab an extra one. And if you have a lot of free spaces for medical supplies, you can fill them with first-aid kits (and take one more on top) with one use of the box.

Use the medic’s box as soon as it’s set up and don’t forget that each first-aid kit taken from it will give combat points to the medic who placed it.


  • Type Hei kills now count as semi-automatic rifle kills.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the D3A1 backgunner AI not to shoot at the enemy.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the soldiers of some premium squads to replace the unique weapons. Unique weapons will be automatically returned to the appropriate squads from the storage and inventory of soldiers from other squads. At the same time non-unique weapons that were in the premium squads will be sent to the player’s store.
  • Fixed a bug that was not granting rewards for 21st level of the Pacific war campaign (M1 Bazooka and Type 5 rocket launcher) when the player had full access. All affected players will be awarded automatically.
  • Now soldiers in many of the premium squads can equip a secondary weapon that can be used by their class into the second weapon slot.


Lots of exciting game mechanics have been realized or improved thanks to your ideas. We are watching our communities, other Enlisted sites and regularly check the forum for your feedback and reports.

So share, suggest, and report!


This fix was applied also on tunisian flamethrower squads with basic rifles from campaign (for example ZH-29 in italian squad) ? Because when i buy this squad i want to change these Semi-Auto Rifles to Armaguerra Mod. 39
Is it possible ?


Now that’s an interesting change, done in a smart way.
Medics are even more useful now :+1:


you should fix bug that replaces secondary weapons on normal AT, flamethrower and mortar squads when you pick up gun.

I have really been relying on my medic squad in the pacific axis, this will come in handy.

Its great you fixed this bug, this plane has been defenseless for way too long, i quit using it because of that reason.

Im glad you are working on bugs but its not fast enough, i see major gameplay bugs didn’t get priority again. From the overall feedback from making enlisted a better place no.27 its very apparent that players want priority focus on bug repair, especially the bugs that have existed for months and ignored. Once again i ask and suggest that the next 10 making enlisted a better place be focused on bug repairs.

When will the tank bugs be repaired? All types of vehicles still dont do damage to enemies when you run over them. The anti infantry shells are not working properly, 99% of the time they only take out 1 soldier even if the soldiers are tightly grouped and the crosshairs must be exactly on the enemy for it to hit him, why even have anti infantry shells if they behave like single bullet from a rifle?

Very dissapointing that bug repairs are STILL not no.1 PRIORITY

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I still think allowing a medical to revive a few fallen soldiers would have made them more relevant in the game vs being an Assaulter 1 that can provide free medkits .
The medics are nice and all but too often they are not as valuable as a pure assault squad with ammo pouches.

However if they could bring incapacitated troops back to life (i.e soldiers not killed by explosives and not killed via a headshot) it would make the class very very interesting and change the dynamic of the game.


And……How about answering the questions from us about mods? Keo? :fox_face:

medics in other campaigns when


As far as I know, the weapons of premium units are always hard-coded. There are no exceptions to this rule.

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Is. I noticed an increase in negativity towards these problems, collected them and increased the priority to critical. I’m sure. that fixes will be released soon.


I wouldn’t want that as a player. For some guy to bring back to life one of my soldiers with a rifle into battle for a point, when it is much more important for me to take a new large squad with machine guns.

Unfortunately the concept of death in Enlisted is final. Have you had a hole in your heart? You are a corpse.


Sorry. I’m technically not very good at modding. Your next set of questions is put together by one of the Helper team members.


That is great news! Thanks


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why don’t you reply to russian section?)
we want to hear answers too.


So, Fox. How about you go to the Russian section and give us answers?


Why did no one explain to us at the Russian-language forum that the second weapon of premium units is not a mistake, but a feature?


Thank You for fixing D3AI, now back in line up and will main axis and make the fight tougher for allies…

As for medic changes, love it, keep up good work :+1:

Some bugs on ps5, never had before related to smoke and camps changing colours, I know it’s Halloween n all, but hope they also get fixed, reprioritized.


Hey dear fox! Do you like my engineering team? Its Awesome!

We can now change our engineer weapons to submachine guns and machine guns in campaign of normandy


As a medic enthusiast I am enthused.

As the Enlisted hyprocritic oath states, “first, do harm”

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