Making Enlisted a Better Place №20

Each update of “Making Enlisted a Better Place” focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic in which we’ve fixed bugs or have added interesting features.

The improvements are mostly or even completely based on the feedback you have left in the special topics and discussions on our forums and social media platforms.


No need to get up close and personal with a tank holding an explosives pack. You can light it up from a safe distance using an RPG. Still, owners of some Panzerfausts, Bazookas, GrB-39 and even rifle HEAT grenades might run into problems performing this task: even a successful armor penetration might have done less damage than was actually required.

We’ve updated the stats of some HEAT shells and have drastically increased their effect on the inner modules of the vehicles. Please note: the armor piercing strength remains the same, it’s the destructive force of the explosion after the armor has been breached that’s been raised.

The engine, the transmission, the fuel tanks, the ammo and even the crew (yes, all of those are inner modules) will suffer more damage in case of a successful hit: a chance to immobilize the vehicle, light it on fire or even blow it to pieces will become higher, making your AT gunner squad much more useful.


You create them, and we make the results of your labor more accessible.

Now clicking the mod-based user match will display the mod’s description written by its author — straight from the mod portal. Making it much easier to understand what to expect from the battle to come.

This description will be displayed in the room creation window when you click on one of the mods added to your personal collection.

Right now we’re working on even more important improvements for the mods. Follow the news, check out player missions and make them yourselves!


  • Damage of HEAT rounds used by infantry has been increased:
    • М1 Bazooka — x 2.5 times;
    • М9 Bazooka — x 1.3 times;
    • GrB-39 — x 2.5 times;
    • GGP 40 Rifle grenade — x 2 times;
    • M9A1 Rifle grenade — x 2 times;
    • Sturmpistole grenade — x 2 times.
  • In the “Custom matches” menu a description for mod-based rooms has been added. Same description has also been added to the room creation window. The description text is imported from the mod creator’s post on the portal.


Lots of exciting game mechanics have been realized or improved thanks to your ideas. We are watching our communities, other Enlisted sites and regularly check the forum for your feedback and reports.

So share, suggest, and report!


Keo, Can we have some news about summer marathon? Can’t wait any more.

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i want sell my 47 Sturmpistols
31- M1 Bazookas
27- GrB-39s

45 Flamethrowers
80 Mortars…


Didn’t buff the Offenrohr? Often needs a few shots to kill even Stuart. Why only buff the allies ones?


@1942786 there is a possibility to add the minium arming distance in the statistics for those weapon?

Excellent update . Obtaining a balance between tanks and anti-tank weapons is a hard core business :)-- I would have a main and only request as an exclusive custom game player:It should be possible to filter custom games based on allowed AI players. I find games with 20 AI players a lot less fun…
Thanks for the nice work of the dev team.


no PIAT buff? will still remain useless…

its far from useless but ok.


i would rather take down a tank with det pack than piat… even when it pens it does little damage (unless you hit ammo rack)

we aint playing the same game.


Good stuff.

Please add custom lobby names (even if from pre-approved words to avoid hate speech) like:

D-Day Big
War Thunder

Piat kils Panther from Front but ok … xD
it is also my NR1 Killer when i drive in Stug3

well i am a noob :stuck_out_tongue:
maybe i am just using it wrong… usually i am trying to hit side armor between front and center and sometimes aim at turrets. and getting lots of white markers. considering that only tigers side shouldnt be penned by its 80mm pen, idk what i could be doing wrong.

i think he has just forgetted to put it in the list

Good idea but dunno if just buffing the launchers without restricting the charges is a good idea.
Also AT rifles need some love.

well at least now there is a reason to use them at least in tunisia and moscow (at least for the axis)

Axis Moscow or Tunisia? HA Good Joke.

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Happy with changes yet to see how they work, descriptions for consoles is so much better, now if only there was a library so we could launch them on console ourselves…

Keep up good work!

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I do not want o play against aim-boting players with there consoles, how do I turn off console players? i’m on PC

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you cant