Making Enlisted a Better Place №18

Each update of “Making Enlisted a Better Place” focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic in which we’ve fixed bugs or have added interesting features.

The improvements are mostly or even completely based on the feedback you have left in the special topics and discussions on our forums and social media platforms.


No necromancy, just a small but valuable change to the battle UI for each of us. Remember how you met an enemy squad in a narrow corridor, killed the first one of them and then lost sight of the others behind the huge skull icon?

Well, that’s in the past. Now the skull icon that confirms the kill will be shown above the target to clear the view of potential targets behind it.

Got any ideas how to make the game’s user interface better, even in small things like this one? Tell us in the comments!


This fix affects all the wheeled vehicles in the game: from simple motorcycles to ATVs that can be found in the Moscow, Normandy, and Tunisia campaigns.

The resistance of surfaces was corrected in such a way that wheeled vehicles became faster on roads with any surface and on solid ground. And the difference between solid surfaces and off-road surfaces is now more pronounced. Try out the wheeled vehicles and tell us how they feel!


  • Now after killing an enemy soldier the skull icon that confirms the kill will be raised up to free up the view.
  • Roads with any kind of surface are now less resistant to the movement of vehicles with a wheeled chassis.
  • In the Practice mode of the “Battle for Tunisia” campaign for the “Axis” powers a transport vehicle has been added that you can use to drive from the infantry shooting range to the tank polygon.


Lots of exciting game mechanics have been realized or improved thanks to your ideas. We are watching our communities, other Enlisted sites and regularly check the forum for your feedback and reports.

So share, suggest, and report!


Why not Making the skulls an option? To enable and disable them?.

Also, Can we have squads with vehicles by default like the bike squad!?

I wouldn’t mind spawning on an apc or jeep with an assaulter squad…


Raising the position of kill skulls is a good step, but maybe they could (also) quickly fade away (like, in the time they stay on screen, they go from 0% to 100% transparency).

Keo there is some new event this month? If yes can you give use a little hint, a clue to solve for entertain us? :smiley: please

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We’re also in dire need of more sensitivity sliders for each magnification, that’s at least for friends and me an important QOL feature these days.

  1. Allow players to customize the UI in general:
  • skulls bottom/top/off (maybe some people prefer it in the usual location)
  • minimap on/off/size
  • killfeed on/off/squad/nearby only
  • rank icons in killfeed on/off
  • controls hints on/off (reloading, use grenade, switch member, place an order etc)
  • objective and player markers opacity 1-100%
  • “You are controlling vehicle movement. Press F to leave the vehicle” on/off switch
  1. Add tank reticle colors customization options (I am colorblind, I can’t see the difference between red-green-yellow all too well):

  2. Allow players to buy weapons/gadgets in bulk (by entering the number we want)

  3. Add “custom vehicle decals on/off” to avoid seeing “funny eyed” tanks

  4. Fix the enormous amounts of google translate in English


And sell


very, very happy about those ( we can call them ) correction.

but… wasn’t a bit easier to work on opacity changes?

as… this issue also “persist” with capture points and marks.

but… one step at the time in the right direction :slight_smile:

In future.






Changes in this little update are self explanatory and great.


I have some other thing to ask for future MEaBP, can DEVs finally unlock these still locked squad upgrades that are there since OBT (about 15 months already).

Why the wait to make it available, either unlock it or remove it completely if it’s not going to happen.


Any news on the new animations?

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The best change


Yes, if this change is not planed just remove it. Otherwise it makes no sense to keep it in the interface

APC/Jeeps would be great!

Could have a Riders II squad in Tunisia with a Jeep with 30 cal for Allies and Kubelwagen with MG34 for Axis. Then Riders III with M3 Halftrack with a 50 cal for Allies, and a Sdkfz 251 with MG42 for Axis.


Number 3 is really necessary.

Are you saying that you can see troops like motorcycles in other battlefields besides Tunisia?

Seeing evil eyes and the sky…You look like a zombie. I hope what I expected is right!

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I would suggest :

  • Option to remove tips and unnecessary mensages on UI like “you are controlling the vehicle”
  • option to remove or enable the vehicle crosshair penetration status
  • option to enable and disable skulls from kill confirmations
  • more friendly colors for users with colour blind problems. (some users can’t destinguish red from yellow or yellow from green)
  • option to see friendly built structures further away. (example ammo boxes, right now you need to be way to close to them for the arrow pointing it to apear)

Make them as options, so users can select them how they please them.

Personal wishes for future make enlisted a better place :

  • better mounting system for mgs and bipoded guns overall
  • way to destroy already destroyed vehicles in the batlefield that clog the path on some maps
  • extra soldier and or engineer on 4 man and overall all old premium squads
  • way to select the payload on planes and or change shell type and amount on tanks.
  • machine guns on tank hulls don’t work right now, make them useable like jagdpanzer in berlin or auto fire like bots in plane gunners.
  • fix the bots getting stuck underground
  • better, way better ai.
  • way for free 2 play players to have extra vehicle as 1 plane and 1 tank.