Make White Phosphorus Nades Worth Something

Willy Pete has to be the least useful nade other than regular smoke nades, and even then there are people who can find uses for smoke nades (namely being annoying in buildings)
Either buff their damage, their range, or duration or something man. They’re just kinda pathetic in all honesty and I’d love to use em more often than I do and actually get something out of them

Side note, give tanks WP shells (I know the Sherman had some available to it)
Side side note, while we’re talking about giving Sherman’s more shells WHERE’S MY APCBC DARKFLOW?


I’d buff their range and nerf damage, so they’re more of a tool to get enemies out of their positions, right now it’s kinda hard since the radius is incredibly small but idk


I’m all for some assists. Lol

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Id be up for them returning to their previous Strenght BUT

only for assaulter class…therefore the assault has to pick large ammo…or large grenade bag…or maybe just fuck off large grenade bag (mainly cos vets could run all assaulter squad decks and we would be back to that phosphorus spam again)

Actually Id put all specialist grenades on assaulter…then you have to choose…impact…or phos…or ammo


I’m not really pro equipment limitations myself

Whats more preferable?

Restricted but strong

Not restricted but weak as piss (sort of a restriction in itself…no one uses it cos its shit)

thats generally what balancing resorts to.

I mean restricting it to certain classes. Not with general equipment at least

Just make a one WP per squad limit. Not every soldier was carrying a WP grenade with him, after all.

sorta what I was getting at with class restriction

for enlisteds purposes, its a specialist grenade. Everyone doesnt need them.

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I would make it so that damage is bigger the more enclosed the space is (small room very deadly because it’s more concentrated, open field a glorified smoke because wind blew it away) though I don’t know how feasible it is to program that.


Yes, but what about the grenade pouch? That is why I suggested the one WP per squad as well.

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This, of course, would have strengthened the Americans and Japanese.
But what was the USSR to do?

Shoot did the Krauts and Commies make WP nades?

yeah sure. That can work. also I said fuck off the grenade pouch :stuck_out_tongue: at least for specialist grenades. standard grenades/smoke only


Perhaps make the WP smoke actually obscure stuff??


That’d help

Buffing range would suck, imagine one nade clearing out an entire point lol

Yeah that’d be cool

No it wouldn’t lol, I’d quit

An entire defensive line shouldn’t be pushed out of position because one silly timmy decides to throw one grenade.

Americans are already doing it

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