Make White Phosphorus Nades Worth Something

I’m moreso talking about white phos pushing you out of your defensive spot in a rush forcing you to get gunned down

Ah, but counter point
The enemy cannot rush objective either now because WP has friendly fire
So learn to back off of obj for a second to let it disperse, and then jump back in there and slaughter some nerds

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Not before 95% of the defensive team is mowed down because they had to save themselves haha

Your grenades have the same effect; die honorably by running outside with a primed grenade soldier.

The fun thing about white phosphorus in the past was that
As long as you are within range, you will either be poisoned or burned to death.
I think everyone can accept the larger coverage area and smaller gas damage
Rather than a gas bomb that is more useless than a Molotov cocktail

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Personally i hate those kinds of restrictions, as thet single guy i need ALWAYS dies before I get to use them
That’s why i gave up on having radiomans in my engineer squad lmao. If I needed AT, single AT guy would always be dead. Needed arty? Radiomans managed to sudoku.
I guess I have to admit I don’t miss the damn grenades at all lmao, but I guess I’m biased. “Get 5 grenade kills” is like a sentence to me lol


Yeah definitely one of the most frustrating things. Especially when they die either right before you switch to them, or 2 seconds after you switch


Would you rather all of the squad have one of the most dangerous grenades in WW2 to spam or let one soldier be able to carry it in the squad? You could limit it to Assaulters, but then again, you would have one single soldier with a large grenade pouch filled with WP. What other option is left, that doesn’t make it the worst grenade in the game?

I just want em to be useful. I got like 3-5 of em and they suck

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As do I, but devs won’t let them be useful unless the option of spamming is no longer available.

I don’t see why everyone’s got their dang panties in a twist over “spamming”
Look, a WP grenade should be good at something. Area denial and annoyance. Right now it’s good at annoying me with its inability to do anything at all
Frag grenades should be good at killing people. Simple as
Impacts should be good at instant results. Too bad they only work 1/3-1/2 of the time
Explosion packs should be good at anti armor. Some people think they’re TOO effective. I like em
Smoke…is smoke. There’s not a game on the planet that does smoke nades justice
Rifle nades answer a simple question. What if a grenade’s yeetability was not determined by my ability to throw crap? Unfortunately it suffers the same problems as HE and impact nades, and has also been the victim of debuffs much like impact nades and WP

So my proposal is simple. Increase the range of the cloud ever so slightly, the duration of the cloud significantly, and the opaqueness of the cloud a lot. Decrease damage if you want

Do you not remember the Pacific release with the clouds of WP as soon as the match started?

Not really. To me it seemed like they were good for all of about 5 seconds and then they were garbage. Honestly don’t even properly remember how good they used to be
But every nade should have a purpose. A niche to fill. Wanna kill a man? Frag. Wanna kill a man faster? Impact. Want to obscure vision? Smoke. Want to deny an area? Molotov (forgot that one). Want to deny an area, obscure vision, AND annoy the enemy team/your teammates? WP. Wanna kill a vehicle? Explosion Pack. Wanna kill a man and not tear your rotator cuff cause he’s way out there? Rifle Nade. Wanna disrespect the local Puma and Pz II? M1 Garand with AT Nades

They won’t be spammed if they have a unique purpose, but they won’t be used at all if they’re worthless. And right now? There’s a LOT of worthless things in this game. Something needs some fixing up and dang it this is the one I want the most

I remember it vividly. I was playing as the Americans, and it seemed all of the Japanese had grenade pouches for WP. It was a sea of mist at Tenaru. That is why they received their first nerf. I am not saying the WP should or should not be nerfed; I am saying that a sea of WP will not be allowed by the developers.

If they were to be buffed and look like actual smoke, then they have two unique purposes: Infantry and obscuring vision. They will be spammed, and devs will not allow it, so it needs to be limited to a class and have a limit on the number of WP grenades that can be used per squad.

Then just simply help me advocate for what I just suggested
Increase the range of the cloud ever so slightly, the duration of the cloud significantly, and the opaqueness of the cloud a lot. Decrease damage if you want
This should be plenty to give it a purpose and a reason to be on my soldiers, while also making it so there are other more desirable choices for the purposes of mass slaughter of the enemy

I don’t see any issues with keeping it as is. Grenades should be specialty tools, not your default go to weapon.
Although with how gigantic some cap zones have gotten, it might be less of an issue, the fact that a SINGLE grenade was able to clear entire cap AND prevent people from defending was just riddiculous
And wp can still be extremely useful

Oh but you have to think of the retards who don’t know what the R2/RT/LMB buttons are, what they do, nor where they are located on their designated controls. So instead they just grab a large grenade backpack, something I literally only use for AT Gunners, take 3 of the most “op” nades they can find be they Impacts, WP, Rifle Nades, whatever have you, and then just spam those. Throw 3 nades, die, throw 3 nades, die, throw 3 nades, die
And these idiots are now causing the rest of us to suffer because now people are whining and they’re complaining. “X thing is too OP! Needs nerf!” And now X is borderline useless because some idjit couldn’t figure out how to shoot the rifle in his hands, so he decided he’s a REAL man and just gonna spam explosives everywhere and rack up the “big kill counts”

I hate grenades overall. To the point I wouldn’t be surprised most of my grenade kills in the stats are just tank crews.
But, as I’ve said, with WP, the biggest issue was literally the fact you could just cover most of the capzone by throwing one and just capping before you ran out of nades. Some of the maps were literally unplayable. A single guy could just completely shut down the game for minutes on end.
Maybe you could buff them eventually… But given a zyllion problems this game has I don’t think it would be a good idea anytime soon. There are simply too many map layouts where a large, long lasting no-go zone makes having fun impossible

How can you clean the entire objective with a WP and then sit on the objective while the WP is cleaning it out?

Usually people would burn everyone out of cover with one nade, then just repeatedly spam them in entry chokepoints. All you need is a small area on your side of the cap that isn’t killing you.
There are tons of cap zones with limited cover too. Burn the only viable cover for the opposite team and pick them off in the open