Make White Phosphorus Nades Worth Something

Ok…so what stopped the defenders from just merc’ing the dude?

Being on fire, usually.
It was just as with impact nade spamming. Eventually one would go through and you’d be fucked. Sometimes you literally shot the dude, but he’d only get knocked down (so they’d still throw the nade)
And you’d be on fire.

Is it really that hard to go backwards (into cover/out of Attacker line of sight), prone, distinguish, and retaliate? What forced them to jump out in front of the dude’s gun? Honestly it sounds like a bunch of bad plays made by Defenders just because someone used a nade as it was intended, and then blamed the nade for their mistakes
It’s SUPPOSED to make you either leave the area or die. If you leave the area and walk right into the enemy’s bullets, well, buddy you chose poorly. 360° and you went the wrong way. This has literally nothing to do with the grenade and everything to do with the fact you chose to advance instead of retreat. Now you’re dead, your teammates are dead, and objective is captured because you and everyone else made a poor choice
Plus, objectives have only gotten BIGGER. Shoot half of Pacific’s objectives are so dang big that I don’t even actually know where their borders are. It’s just a whole cluster of straw buildings and eventually you just leave the circle if you walk in a straight line long enough. It is literally impossible to smoke an entire objective with just a single nade. Even ones that are just a building since 90% of them have a second floor that, unlike flamethrowers, WP doesn’t permeate through. Least I don’t think they do. Don’t know. I don’t ever see them used so maybe they do, maybe they don’t
There is 0 reason to not buff the range a little, the duration significantly, and the opaqueness a lot. If it’s really that bad then the damage can be lowered. Come on I don’t want to have to go buy more frags just so a couple dudes can have something genuinely useful in their hands. Just let the WP be WP and not just a spicy Smoke nade that’s literally just as useful if not less useful as a Smoke