Make the Lahiti-Saloranat M/26 a riflemen weapon

From a simple history video

During the war US command noticed that people going around with full-auto weapon fighted more and better than people with semi-auto and bolt-action who usuall tend to stay behind and do blind fire, so they do some experiment

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I will guess and say it wasn’t overly succesfull as they didn’t leave the testing phase.


The opposite, it was sucesseful but the Bar dont was a good gun to give to everyone so they do some experiment with the garand (T20 and m14)

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Makes sense.

No. It’s about formulating the rules of what is and isn’t considered a gunner weapon.

I think magazine size should not dictate class. If it’s an LMG that happens to have 20 rounds or 75 rounds so be it

The original BAR is a designated auto rifle while the ZB is a designated LMG

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I somewhat lean more towards all Automatic rifles, barring sniper variants, being available for a single class irregardless of capacity. Question is should they remain universal, Assault, or MG. I somewhat lean towards Assault

The G43Kurz isn’t an Auto rifle, it’s technically an assault rifle so I think it could go for Assaulters. While the VG 1-5 is a semiautomatic rifle even though they use the same round

The 9-man BAR squad was a thing that the Americans did on occasion. The CO had to jump through a few hoops to do it, but it was a thing they did. However, full Thompson squads were more common as elite squads like the Marine Raiders would simply be issued enough Thompsons to do that, in addition to the normal squads simply requisitioning enough Thompsons to run a full squad of them. However, this function was indeed typically used for M1 Carbines, which explains why so many non-reserve line or non-heavy weapons users had carbines. However with how fleshed out the American logistics chain was, if the CO was persuasive enough he could get enough BARs to run 9 of them for whatever reason he wanted. However as you implied there really wasn’t any real point to it, not that it stopped the Americans from trying anyways.

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By you rules ZB is not a gunner weapon.

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You’re arguing against a brick wall. The people who want more automatic weapons for everyone will just keep ignoring valid arguments and moving the goalposts. It’s not a debate or something that their mind can be changed on. All they care about is more full auto run and gun and they’ll just keep making up reasons to get it.

Got no doubt they could do that and some may have. But hardly the standard

I bet not many wanted to carry the “bitch”. Couple of mates in the army that hated being they guy selected to carry the SAW lol. Loved the weapon, just didnt want to carry it.

Pretty sure the US soldier didn’t want tge BAR aside from logistic issue, is the weight that thing has, the gun is almost 10kg with bipod and loaded, compared to average 57 kh of the rest of the weapon, except the M1 carbine that thing has only 3kg peak, and lighter gun means people can carry more ammo

Yeah few probably wanted to carry it, but there are records of entire squads going into battle with BARs nonetheless. Why? Who knows, all I know is that they did and they were some crazy sons of bitches for that. Brotherhood through suffering I guess.


Aight. I’ll stick with that.

Starting with 25 round capacity rifle-caliber automatics, everything of equal or higher capacity is now a gunner weapon.

This is rich coming from someone who argued it’s some slippery slope that leads to every soldier being supersoldiers.

That was outside the scope of the suggestion.

If anything, you’re the one moving goalposts and turning this into something bigger than it was for.

Then new players will get shredded by german vets fully equipped with automatic weapons.
Great design :+1:

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We already brought up that automatic rifles for riflemen would be late-campaign shit for matchmaking purposes.

Please be consistent with your logic.

The plan isn’t to port them as-is, but to adjust them appropriately. Now I definitely know you never read and understood my intentions from the beginning.

mrw you explain everything concisely and completely, but you have to keep quoting yourself.

So ZB will be next to useless as it will compete with FG42.
Unless we make some magic on the level of fedorov.

The niche it occupies now is basically a stepping stone to the MG 34 in every campaign it’s in.

This will be no different.

Technically, that will be a gunner weapon now due to the magazine cap.

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Late response but I just happened to watch this today. Pretty interesting

Many points as to why a BAR wasnt standard (yes they are referring to converting it to semi auto) but the points about Weight, not meeting requirements (however misguided), and effectiveness of semi auto being more desirable than full auto with only 20 bullets.

For interest more than anything else.