Make the Lahiti-Saloranat M/26 a riflemen weapon

I’d rather keep it simpler and closer to what we have.

All automatic pistol/intermediate caliber weapons - Assaulters
High-capacity rifle-caliber automatic - Gunners
Grenadier weapons - Rifle/AT only
Low-capacity rifle caliber automatic - Rifle classes
All semi-auto rifle calibers - Rifle classes
All semi-auto carbines - Everyone
All BAs - Everyone

I’d rather avoid devaluing rifle classes as a whole.

The only thing you made “simpler” is AVS, FG and BAR being avalable to rifleman class. So it’s not about simplisity but about more daka.

Though I like that you want to restrict them to rifleman only instead of being avalable to everybody like it is now.


No. I impliedly made it so that the federov counts as a rifleman weapon due to its caliber.

I tried my hardest to avoid explicitly mentioning this for a month to avoid a funni derail.

By rifle classes I mean “Everyone else that can’t use what the gunners and assaulters can”. Basically, engineers, AT, mortars and riflemen share a weapon pool.

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So basically what we have now. An incoherent mess.
You solve nothing.


Federov is assault rifle so it shouldnt be used by riflemen fg is also more lmg than semi rifle

It fires rifle-caliber rounds.

It being arbitrarily designated as an assault rifle has lead to the funny situation where you have a weapon with the damage of a light machinegun/rifle but the controllability and ammunition capacity of an assault rifle.

Recategorizing it would reduce its ammunition count and make it more in-line with FG 42s and AVTs, instead of being a super gun with no drawbacks.

The way I see it,
LMGs have the ammunition capacity but lack controllability.
SMGs/ARs have the controllability but lack the damage.
Automatic rifles have the damage and controllability, but lack the ammunition capacity.

I’d rather give every class a niche in an all-auto environment than make them completely and utterly dependent on another class for automatic firepower. Especially when riflemen themselves don’t offer anything other than extra meat on the objective, compared to other classes.

With the introduction of matchmaking, at lower battle ratings, said rifle classes won’t be equipped with automatic rifles, but instead, tier-appropriate BAs and SAs.

The inherent fragility of troops and prevalence of increasingly easier to use automatic weapons at the end of a campaign necessitates something to address power scaling. And what you’re suggesting is kneecapping non-gunners and non-assaulters with SA rifles in those tiers, instead of giving them something to fight back with.


Well yeah it could work also that way we allow riflemen to use bars federovs and fgs like it is now

I’d rather remove full auto envioment than embrace it but since BR will be a thing I guess it doesn’t matter.


The battle rating will solve the full auto spam in low br and if you want to use federov stg go in high br

Jhonson is 5kg… and is a LMG

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I just realised this includes guns like ZB26 and johnson. Possibly MG13 and MG30 (box).
So yeah, no auto spam on low tiers (irony).

welp. all the more reasons to move AVT/AVS/FG and by extension Gorov/T20/sth else? to gunner, false equivalence is doing its magic

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Why stop there? They should remove class restrictions on all weapons, once you can shoot one gun you can shoot another it’s not like it takes special skills to pull a trigger. They should also remove the restrictions of having a backpack slot or a secondary weapon, they don’t use the same space on the soldiers back so they can al fit. In fact there should be a separate slot for ammunition pouches, explosives, and backpacks, since they can all be held in different areas. Each soldier should be a supersoldier unto themselves.

Also they should give every soldier power armor and jetpacks, re-add mechs, and just turn this game into the WWII themed fantasy game everyone really wants it to be.

That is indeed the irony.

We have low-capacity rifle-caliber automatics that have arbitrarily handling characteristics despite their supposed weight.

I did say that we lacked sorely in consistency, so this genuinely needs to be ironed out.

The things are right now, weight penalties and ADS times are also a matter of “whatever we feel like” from the devs.

There’s hardly any rules, only vague guidelines.

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So you say that every german soldier should be able to equip ZB26 and it shouldn’t have any of LMG penalties since it wouldn’t be MG. Did I understand it correctly?


Well about that…

See while that was what was recommended, officially the only thing stopping an entire squad from running around with BARs or really any oyher small arm was their CO pestering logistics enough to give them more. So in reality, 9 man BAR squads were a thing that was employed by the Americans, as were 9 man Thompson squads.

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Wait, full BAR team were a thing or could have been? Because I can’t really imagine a situation that would benefit from that setup.

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It’s not about benefits or being efficient, it’s about being cool and manly.
Classic American mindset.

at least until recently…

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From a simple history video

During the war US command noticed that people going around with full-auto weapon fighted more and better than people with semi-auto and bolt-action who usuall tend to stay behind and do blind fire, so they do some experiment

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I will guess and say it wasn’t overly succesfull as they didn’t leave the testing phase.