Make the Lahiti-Saloranat M/26 a riflemen weapon

With the upcoming battle pass season one of the many weapons being added is the Gorov LMG, a pretty neat looking Bren-esc LMG for the Soviets! And one that seems to contain a special feature…

“it’s much more like a semi-automatic rifle. And that’s why you can arm most soldier classes with this machine gun!”

Which means this will be a riflemen weapon with the justification of it being more akin to a semi-rifles performance…

So that begs the question…why isn’t the Lahiti aswell? the pair even shared a magazine, both are automatic LMG gold orders, so why isn’t the Lahiti usable on Riflemen? I request that either the Gorov be moved to MG gunners only to match the other LMG gold orders, or the Lahiti be moved to a riflemen weapon aswell due to itd weak performance, the same justification used by the Gorov


Im not a fan of crossing established boundaries. Only a step away from every class using every weapon.

I agree with what you are getting at. I think the Gorov was a mistake (not the weapon…just who can use it. should be MG)

Also they reverted the MkB 35/III on "principle "The gorov is no exception and should follow suit


we’re so back lahtibros


Just a case of being selective about weapon classes. Again.

Lahtis in-game are classified as gunner weapons despite being automatic rifles.

The Gorov LMG uses the same Lahti magazines, but are somehow available to riflemen.

There is literally zero consistency here. It’s especially egregious when you consider that people use the “Well, the BAR was used as an LMG, so it should be a gunner weapon” excuse.


I wouldnt say that, But as a point of consistency Id say it should be restricted to MG.

As US squads makeup only had 1-2 BARs, while Germans had 1-2 MGs. is comparable enough to make sense…(even if the weapons arent techincally the same)

Much better than 9 Bars, 9 Mgs, etc etc (if available to enlisted riflemen)


I’m a lil stickler about weapon classification. For example, the Mkb is an Assault rifle and therefore it shouldn’t be available for Engineers. If the Gorov is an intended LMG then it should be for Machine Gunners

What would make you say that

I will just say it’s funny how sometimes weapon classes get convoluted and messy. For example, how do you tell the difference between an LMG and a battle rifle that happens to have a bipod lol

Battle rifles are a category that pretty much only existed after assault rifles were introduced, to distinguish service firearms that still fired full-powered cartridges over ones that fired intermediate ones.

Automatic rifles are just that. Rifles that can be fired in automatic.

LMG is a designation by role. If doctrine (and in the time period) makes a gun suitable for laying down suppressive fire in a more mobile fashion than a fixed emplacement, then it is called such- So you have funni cases of even pistol-caliber weapons being called “machine guns”, especially when the standard arms for a soldier at the time were merely bolt-action rifles.


So do you think the Gorov should be an LMG as in its original designation, or should it be another “universal” weapon

I’m leaning towards it being made strictly an LMG

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Stop changing classification of already existing weapons. I bought this fkn weapon for machinegunner, not for rifleman.


Gorov is also lighter than Lahti-Saloranta by like 3 kgs (9.3kg on empty unloaded? since on Jaegerplatoon DP-27 is listed as empty unloaded) vs 7.41kg/6.5kg loaded/empty unloaded, and all the MGs that are listed as Gunner weapons so far seemed to share this 9+kg weight value when loaded. Otherwise, lets also make FG42 a machine gun, along with AVT-40 and AVS-36, i definitely wouldnt mind seeing less automatic rifles in the hands of riflemen.

EDIT: yeah, not paying attention to event/premium weapons killed me there, forgot that 7kg Charlton is a MG.


I very much dislike how loose the devs are getting with allowing soldiers to use weapons that should be restricted to other classes.


Indeed. I am still of the opinion the AVT-40 was a sneaky inclusion. Being default Automatic should have been Stalingrad Engineers and assaulters only. “default” single fire would have been more consistent.


The only exception to this should be the VG1-5 and VG2

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Their policy is “Whatever we want this gun to be”.

Which is to say “We have no policy”.


Maybe at some point they will change it. Plus I keep saying that I think they should remove the Mkb from Stalingrad engineers

As with many things all I can say is we may have to deal with it for now……for now

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We have:

  • Automatic carbines for riflemen (M2 Carbines)
  • Automatic carbines for assaulters (M2A1 Carbines)
  • Assault rifles for engineers (Mkb 42 (H)s)
  • Automatic rifles for assaulters (Federovs)
  • Automatic rifles for gunners (BAR and derivatives, Lahti-Saloranta M/26)
  • Scoped machineguns for gunners (Type 97s)
  • Scoped assault rifles for snipers (Mkbs, StGs)
  • Semi-automatic carbines for assaulters (VG 1-5, Schmeisser)

I guess once this update drops, we can add to this list of examples.


I know things can get complicated and convoluted and there are a lot of differing factors.

First I would say they should remove the Mkb from Stalingrad Engineers because it is an explicit Assault rifle

For Snipers I understand they gave them scoped Assault rifles so they would have some variety. The question is should Snipers have access to basically all scoped weapons including the few machine guns. Or should should they just have scoped rifles be they bolt, semi, automatic, and assault

Semi-Automatic carbines should just be a universal weapon like the standard rifles so they can be used with Riflemen, AT, Mortars, Engineer, etc. The question is should automatic carbines also be available or should only Assaulters have automatic carbines. Plus there are a handful of scoped carbines, do they go to Snipers then

Automatic rifles are a highly controversial. On one hand it is true that they were generally supposed to be an evolution of the standard rifle for the infantryman, but the various auto rifles don’t necessarily fit into that context. For example, the AVS and BAR are both automatic rifles, but the BAR was pushed into the MG role. Given this game’s system would that mean every single class can use the BAR. Should only Assaulters have automatic rifles. Does that mean the infamous FG42 is only available to Assaulters.And then what do we do with scoped Auto rifles like the AVS and FG42. Do Snipers keep those variants

Also I was just gonna say that I consider the Lahti to be an LMG while the original BAR is an auto rifle

Or they should just add the 75 round plate mag saloranta as gold order or premium and exclusive to gunner class

Imo we are slowly approaching a point where we either reclasify guns and make them class secific or make every gun avalable for everybody. Current state is not possible to maintain in the long run.

My proposal of arbitrary classification
  • BA - everybody
  • BA with grenade launcher - rifleman (and AT I guess, though personally I don’t like this)
  • SA rifle - everybody or rifleman only (preffered)
  • SA carbine / intermediate round - everybody
  • SMG - assaulter, pilot, tanker
  • auto carbine / intermediate round <75 rounds- assaulter
  • auto carbine / intermediate round >75 rounds - gunner
  • auto rifle caliber - gunner

Quite harsh but imo it would keep good balance between clases while being “HA flawoured”.


I agree machine guns for gunners semiauto rifles and bolts for rifleman and smg and assault rifles for assaulters