Make Germany great again!

Last update, Soviets and Western allies were pretty much dead and german was thriving. Playing germany between march and may was easy mode, for the same reason as playing Soviets and Western allies is easy mode right now.

This has nothing to do with “Faction X is better than Faction Y”. Enlisted is subject to a significant trending effect implying that most of the player base will migrate toward one faction or another once in the while, making the other faction more challenging to play.

(On a side note, I played some BR 4 germany yesterday and it was fine)


Puh Hard words for someone who has zero engineer points and only four objective kills.

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This is so ridiculous, Germany is an unpopular faction for just one week and the mains are already completely losing their minds.

What a tragedy.


On cross-play off allies have always been more popular. Cross-play on Germany is okayish.
Japan is doing much worse than Germany and they aren’t bitching.


Probably because lack of players.

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My first few games as germany today:

You should either get skill or friends, lol


Welp. Last long enough to become a Vet, and the population swings dont mater as much



Literaly me in My recent games

You want what???

Man You should try this:

1- GE beTer nUuB

2- play in a lower tier because in tier 2 and 1 You don’t suffer to much

But You should take a rest from the game like 1 or 2 week at least

Even me if You ask me all My games were hard lately but i won most of them so, where is the nerf? Don’t be like all the other Main Germany who cries for everything, make your Best and You Will win Game per Game trust me :wink:

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Well I am so unlucky that doesn’t matter which nation I play as I am suffering thanks to teammates.

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Im so tiered of carrying my noob team…

Wehraboos are a special kind of breed, sometimes I am ashamed of belonging to those animals.


time to enjoy a different part of the game. When carrying loses its luster.

Personally I like to pick small victories, Like winning air superiority all game, or getting the most tank or sniper kills, or being a pain with engineer emplacements…or something. Something different than trying to win

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My problem, playing the objective is so deeply burned into my playstyle, I can’t simply sit back and enjoy the game.

If I play as a vehicles, I want to harass the enemy so much that they start focusing me instead of playing the objective.

If I play as a sniper, I go for a flank, search for a defendable spot, start harassing their backline until they get mad and - again - focus me instead of playing the objective.

I am either carrying with a head on assault or i am playing in a support role where I try to take away the enemies attention. Playing in a support role is alot of fun to me - though, you can’t support your team that doesn’t exist in the first place.


Do not worry. I personally find commieboos and burgerboos just as gross…

any boo, really.

But when the trend become too unpleasant to bear, you can do the shameful thing and… join the trend, the easy faction… until one day, it hopefully equalize thanks to maybe, MAYBE good incentives (or the removal of ranks.)


Germany players when germany literally gets an event squad (they have by far the most event stuff).

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Git gud

I also notice this tendency to lose when I use Germans.
But often the blame lies with the players themselves.
Many only think about making kills.

ah the great teutonic horsseshoe

Same problem


Guys, try playing br1.

I write this without joking: if you use what veterans consider a “meme lineup”, which is to say NOT min maxed things, but entry lvl things any newcomers get access to…

You can get liberating, funny matches. Because you no longer have to care! No more are you the top equipped dog, someone else will be there for that: (real seal clubbers, min maxed br2). As such you can only enjoy… playing, without carrying.

I personally love this. I try to attack points with Mosin carbines (WHY IS REGULAR MOSIN BR2???) and mannlichers m93. I use my gold order… t60!!! My flakpz1! And it’s pure fun!

Who cares if I die and lose? I use shit equipment so I can expect it with no worries and just play for fun :smile:

Maybe it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. But do try before dismissal :slight_smile: