Make Britain and Italy great again (without turning them into factions)

I guess you really don’t appreciate something until it’s gone.

Britain and Italy were beautiful unique factions within their Tunisia campaign (although the campaign itself was mostly dead).
Nowadays building a full British or Italian lineup in the Merge Enlisted is a real challenge (virtually impossible for new players).

Disclaimer: I support DF’s stance that Britain and Italy shouldn’t become separate factions right now primarily because personally I don’t want want to see “British BR5 assault rifle” and “Italian BR5 prototype tank”.

Hopefully and maybe if one day we get a better system where 1940 Britain together with 1940 France can exclusively fight 1940 Germany, that would be cool.

However, even with the Merge Enlisted limitations, there are definitely ways to make Britain and Italy fun and unique again:

1. Implement the “change soldier’s nationality” feature.
Currently there’s no way to get British or Italian riflemen for instance, so this would be an option when buying a soldier.
Feature mentioned in roadmap 2024.

2. Add every squad type for Britain/Italy.
Currently there’s no way to have an Italian assaulters squad wearing Italian tropical helmets (even if you had the soldiers themselves) for example, which makes pure British/Italian lineups limited.
It would be great to have these squads purchasable with spare XP/silver.
Italian guerrillas would be much appreciated as well, for instance.

3. Add European Italian uniforms and winter British uniforms.
Italians fought at Stalingrad, British fought during winter time, both need proper uniforms.

4. Activate British uniforms for the British soldiers when they are in reserve.
With Italians we can at least identify them by names but with the British currently it’s near impossible to guess who’s US and who’s UK in reserve.

5. Add British and Italian APC, machine gun nests, AT cannons, etc.
Driving around in a lorry instead of a truck and building a Vickers machine gun instead of a Browning would be much more satisfying.

6. Add similar to premium British vehicles to the tech tree.
It’s a real shame that Valentine, Matilda, Churchill, Firefly, etc. are all locked behind pay walls. Surely those vehicles had variants that could be introduced just like the premium and normal KV-2 were.

7. Add full range of radio command voice lines to British and Italian radiomen.
Currently they only have the standard artillery call-in voice lines from the campaign times, while bomber raid and supplies lines don’t exist.

8. Increase the chance of Tunisia map placement with predominantly British/Italian BR1/2 lineup.
I expect BR3 to be tricky here because that would for allow cheesy manipulation of down/up-tiering, but with BR 1/2 this should work fine.
It is indeed weird to see Crusader in the Pacific and yellow Autoblinda in snowy Ardennes.
It would make much more sense to see Britain and Italy see more North African action.

That’s it, Darkflow, nothing groundbreaking but would be really nice.


What about the announcer’s language?


There are many possible improvements for subfactions and oh boy, Darkflow has done none of them yet, even though the merge was more than a year ago.

I got this idea because of the new Chinese squad, so its not in the link I posted.
The game needs subfaction settings broken down to every subfaction (all of them, not just IT and GB but also GE and US) and every campaign.
the settings are:

  • historical
  • semi-historical
  • arcade

semi-historical is essentially an in between solution if possible, its 100% HA, but more immersive than arcade, for example French soldiers in Pacific would be turned into French speaking Canadians.

for example US 1940 battle of France settings:

  • historical: US soldiers are turned into French squad, they look French, they speak French.
  • semi-historical: US soldiers are turned into American volunteers of the Canadian army, they have US voice lines, but Canadian uniforms.
  • arcade: US soldiers in 1940 battle of France.

why are setting broken down to each faction each campaign?
because of player choice, for example I would have Italians in Tunisia, Stalingrad and Moscow, Italians serving in the Heer and SS in Normandy and have no Italians in Bulge, Berlin and Rzhev.

For this the Italian setting would be for each campaign

Moscow: arcade
Stalingrad: historical
Tunisia: historical
Rzhev: historical
Normandy: semi-historical
Bulge: historical
Berlin: historical

these settings only effect the game as you see it, well you will still see weapons and vehicles that are not historical accurate though, but these changes would improve immersion greatly.


Or we don’t distinguish americans from canadians, hehehe :smiling_imp:

Some additional references:


Could be tricky if a German squad is full of Italian soldiers or vice versa, but potentially indeed would be great to use British and Italian announcers again and not let them go to waste.

These are interesting concepts but right now look too intricate for DF to care enough to implement, I guess.


More references:

Italian European uniforms


British winter uniforms



I have never heard Italian or British announcers in this game… not even in Tunisia

The Italian one exists in the files but indeed I don’t remember it being used in Tunisia times


@MajorMcDonalds iirc you’re British so maybe you could lobby some attention/content for UK and Italy? :pray:
Innit old chap

Just because I’m British surely doesn’t mean I automatically want all British things in the game :joy:

(Except… It actually does. Same for Italy and other minor factions)

CMs are sending feedback about minor nations to developers often, and as per the roadmap there are some things planned and being done, so we’d recommend waiting for those!



I know now and then requests for “minor” nations pop up and that’s great.

But UK and Italy are really not “minor”, just hope first we can recover the content from Tunisia (like squads, uniforms, etc.) and fix some of the glaring issues caused by the Merge a year ago, before talking about additional nations/content.


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Italian motorcycle (folder it with the German one we have)

Guzzi Alce

British motorcycle (folder it with the American one we have)


And can’t we just activate Italian non-tropical cosmetics for European maps?

This Italian soldier

Could look like this in Moscow/Stalingrad/Rzhev/Normandy/Ardennes

Instead of this

Or maybe even like this on European non-winter maps?

I think this would look much more ‘Italian’ than just wearing German unifiroms.

The only question is, would those cosmetics be appropriate? @ErikaKalkbrenner

well, ugh.

uk forces were pretty much involved in all theaters. hence makes sense to see them there.

as far as it goes for italians,

they were only present ( that is, current enlisted campaigns ) moscow and tunisia.

technically, even in normandy & stalingrad.
though, by lesser number and / or around the flanks.

but as it goes for Rzhev, Berlin and battle of the bulge, no sir they weren’t there.

problem that we have in enlisted, we lack winter uniform and most uniforms for the italian army.

as… developers didn’t followed through outside Tunisia.
i’m not sure if they are planning on following through either.

because after the merge, available squads of these nationalities are very limited.

Well my specific question to you was more as an Italian uniforms expert: whether those green/blue uniforms would be appropriate for the Italian army in Europe?


well, yes.

the italian army didn’t had a vaste variety unlike other nations.

but lots of color variety ( different shades of green, gray, light blue, black, etc etc)
so yes, some of the uniforms ( that we already have too ) works fine.

just need more winter options and different colorations.

perhaps ranks and insignias similar to others.
sice the ones we have are somewhat lacking.

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