I guess you really don’t appreciate something until it’s gone.
Britain and Italy were beautiful unique factions within their Tunisia campaign (although the campaign itself was mostly dead).
Nowadays building a full British or Italian lineup in the Merge Enlisted is a real challenge (virtually impossible for new players).
Disclaimer: I support DF’s stance that Britain and Italy shouldn’t become separate factions right now primarily because personally I don’t want want to see “British BR5 assault rifle” and “Italian BR5 prototype tank”.
Hopefully and maybe if one day we get a better system where 1940 Britain together with 1940 France can exclusively fight 1940 Germany, that would be cool.
However, even with the Merge Enlisted limitations, there are definitely ways to make Britain and Italy fun and unique again:
1. Implement the “change soldier’s nationality” feature.
Currently there’s no way to get British or Italian riflemen for instance, so this would be an option when buying a soldier.
Feature mentioned in roadmap 2024.
2. Add every squad type for Britain/Italy.
Currently there’s no way to have an Italian assaulters squad wearing Italian tropical helmets (even if you had the soldiers themselves) for example, which makes pure British/Italian lineups limited.
It would be great to have these squads purchasable with spare XP/silver.
Italian guerrillas would be much appreciated as well, for instance.
3. Add European Italian uniforms and winter British uniforms.
Italians fought at Stalingrad, British fought during winter time, both need proper uniforms.
4. Activate British uniforms for the British soldiers when they are in reserve.
With Italians we can at least identify them by names but with the British currently it’s near impossible to guess who’s US and who’s UK in reserve.
5. Add British and Italian APC, machine gun nests, AT cannons, etc.
Driving around in a lorry instead of a truck and building a Vickers machine gun instead of a Browning would be much more satisfying.
6. Add similar to premium British vehicles to the tech tree.
It’s a real shame that Valentine, Matilda, Churchill, Firefly, etc. are all locked behind pay walls. Surely those vehicles had variants that could be introduced just like the premium and normal KV-2 were.
7. Add full range of radio command voice lines to British and Italian radiomen.
Currently they only have the standard artillery call-in voice lines from the campaign times, while bomber raid and supplies lines don’t exist.
8. Increase the chance of Tunisia map placement with predominantly British/Italian BR1/2 lineup.
I expect BR3 to be tricky here because that would for allow cheesy manipulation of down/up-tiering, but with BR 1/2 this should work fine.
It is indeed weird to see Crusader in the Pacific and yellow Autoblinda in snowy Ardennes.
It would make much more sense to see Britain and Italy see more North African action.
That’s it, Darkflow, nothing groundbreaking but would be really nice.