Make AA guns able to aim lower

Giant African Man

Would love to see AA guns back to fun mode so planes can’t dodge me. Killing infantry would be cool too.


God created the Browning machine gun to shoot at infantry, not anti-aircraft guns.

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AA guns are fine for shooting down planes right now.

Major cope

I would respectfully disagree, they are capable of taking down any aircraft, but they are not capable of consistently taking down an aircraft. I consistently fail to be able to deliver on an enemy plane, and when I do, the weapon either overheats or I have to reload the magazine. It is not a skill issue, I am able to use the gun very well against an enemy aircraft when I can, but the inconsistency of the overheating as well as the reload magazine Mechanic is absolutely horrendous and atrocious.


I’d be happy with less overheating.

Contrary to many, you do seem to agree that they are effective at shooting down planes though! Many act as if it’s not possible anymore and that’s just not true.

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When Flying, Generally I would say I die more to AA than other planes.A hit will either instantly end you, or make you bleed out slowly. (IL 2s are pretty much the only plane I have been able to survive an AA ambush consistantly and keep going)

Planes at least you can see coming, AA will always get the drop (unless used poorly),

A determined AA gunner might make me consider swapping to boots on the ground. Enemy pilots dont

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Good to know that since anytime a vehicles quest happen I will always sit in aa ready to destroy all plane that I spotted (it a nice change of pace for me NGL)

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