Make AA guns able to aim lower

I think AA guns aim too high, let us use AA guns against infantry!!!
and also because when building it shows it can aim low but when used it aims high.


yea i do think it angle should get unnerf now since it only one barrel unlike the godly 4 barrel


whatchu mean angle

i mean that what you call it going up and down right? the angle of fire

like how mg have a limited angle of fire so it cant aim too high (english is not my main language so idk how to explain it)

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ohhh dw bro im also not good in english

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The restriction was introduced even before the introduction of heavy stationary machine guns. If I remember correctly. This is because on open maps two or three such cannons crushed infantry.

They could restore the ability to lower the barrel.


I Would like the elevation angles back to normal aswell (unrestricted)

Machine Gun nest angles too. Horizontal is good now, vertical isnt


Cool, building AAA in buildings again :laughing:

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aw yep

The vertical angle of AAA gun is restricted to +7.5 degrees of elevation at the minimum.

The other reason why people used AAA gun against infantry is because it suck at performing its job, that is to shoot down aircraft. The old vertical rotation speed is 225% slower and the horizontal rotation speed is 50% slower than the current version.

They should remove the vertical angle restriction but instead aim to balance AAA gun with the number of magazine limitation and increasing the replenishment cost. That way AAA gun will have more freedom for vertical aim but can’t have long continuous fire.


I support undoing this nerf

  • 1: the AAA is now much weaker then it used to be (used to quad cannon etc)
  • 2: HMG’s now exist and penetration values were basically deleted so no more AA going through wood walls in Moscow
  • 3: SPAA can already aim down as can the quad cannon on Berlin’s train

It was able to shoot infantry. Later it was changed to this for a reason. I don’t think they are gonna change it back. Currently I’m doing ok with them when shooting planes. I have about 80% chance of success in destroying planes, though the actual damage is questionable. In terms of ammo capacity and stuff, they modeled the thing according to reality and it will be ridiculous to have a 20-round-looking mag which shoots out 50 rounds. No.

I’m against AA gun spam, I wouldn’t want to see people start shooting infantry again with them. It was tbh very annoying in corridors. Absolutely no.


if they implement proper hitboxes of the gunners on the aa guns it would be nice to have the prenerf aa guns back

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if AA can aim at ground target again then sure make it aim slower

More importantly, the aa gun has gun shield so it is hard to kill operator or destroy it.
Some of the current aa gun still have gun shield on it, I don’t think they should restore the ability unless they remove the gun shield.

The point, some say it will shoot at INF again, one can already do this with the TT, mobile AA, and Event mobile AA.

yeah, idk, about making them aim lower, but would be in favor, increasing of rotation, speed up :stuck_out_tongue:

I once created a similar topic, but more extensive.

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This should never ever be implemented in the game again. It’s the single best nerf they’ve done.

The flak-against-infantry-spam was horrendous. I’m glad you weren’t around back then.


HMGs are for infantry, AA guns are for planes, its fine the way it is

if you really want to shoot people with a 20mm bullet, then use a shovel to dig a hole, then build the AA cannon slanted down, so that it can shoot straight into infantry


it was good nerf when it was quad flak 38 with shield, but with current AA it is not really needed. HMG is superior compared to AA.

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