Make AA guns able to aim lower

It was able to shoot infantry. Later it was changed to this for a reason. I don’t think they are gonna change it back. Currently I’m doing ok with them when shooting planes. I have about 80% chance of success in destroying planes, though the actual damage is questionable. In terms of ammo capacity and stuff, they modeled the thing according to reality and it will be ridiculous to have a 20-round-looking mag which shoots out 50 rounds. No.

I’m against AA gun spam, I wouldn’t want to see people start shooting infantry again with them. It was tbh very annoying in corridors. Absolutely no.


if they implement proper hitboxes of the gunners on the aa guns it would be nice to have the prenerf aa guns back

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if AA can aim at ground target again then sure make it aim slower

More importantly, the aa gun has gun shield so it is hard to kill operator or destroy it.
Some of the current aa gun still have gun shield on it, I don’t think they should restore the ability unless they remove the gun shield.

The point, some say it will shoot at INF again, one can already do this with the TT, mobile AA, and Event mobile AA.

yeah, idk, about making them aim lower, but would be in favor, increasing of rotation, speed up :stuck_out_tongue:

I once created a similar topic, but more extensive.

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This should never ever be implemented in the game again. It’s the single best nerf they’ve done.

The flak-against-infantry-spam was horrendous. I’m glad you weren’t around back then.


HMGs are for infantry, AA guns are for planes, its fine the way it is

if you really want to shoot people with a 20mm bullet, then use a shovel to dig a hole, then build the AA cannon slanted down, so that it can shoot straight into infantry


it was good nerf when it was quad flak 38 with shield, but with current AA it is not really needed. HMG is superior compared to AA.

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That was a totally different AA.
Hint: It didnt had only one barrel.

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I doubt that they can do that since they overheat after around one mag anyways.

I know, but still don’t want that scenario when 2-3 ppl build those AA as infa instead of fighting with their guns.

And they would still be OP in choke points (lex Berlin)

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They aren’t weaker, they are a lot stronger. In the past, I could survive Anti-aircraft fire on a direct hit. Now I can’t. I see the tracers but I still get hit. I think they might have flack or AOE.

In the past they were 50 caliber, now they are 20mm (Axis anyway, not sure about allies or Soviet) but one hit and I am done.

People do that with AT guns currently. Its pretty common now, and i would say does more damage to the bots on your team.

Had a game last night on monastary, assaulting the river point was brutal. 2 tanks and 2 AT guns spamming HE from across the river. Only cover was the single building on the cap.

Id would prefer if they were doing it with AA :stuck_out_tongue:

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can you tell me where they are superior compared to HMG? they have limited ammo, slower ROF than HMG and are prone to rapid overheating. only advantage AA has over HMG is in its 360 turn radius and high vertical angles.

anyone who wants to build choke point would be better served with building couple of HMG.


In the past, every Anti Air for all factions was the same Quad Cannon. A Flak 38 20mm x 4. That Flak 38 is what I am referring to as what it used to be. The only thing I can think of is because of its quad cannon, the center was not where the shots went so it was harder to aim compared to the single cannons that we have now. But that is more player knowledge than how powerful the item was itself.

Was it historically able to aim that low?
And why don’t we give Germany back it’s Flak 38 to give AA some sense of usability.

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I think it was able to aim that low because ive heard AA used against infantry too



What I never understood, AA guns had splash damage against infantry right? While HE from T60 and Panzer II was basically worthless.

AA guns killing with a direct hit doesnt seem like an issue to me, however those 4 gun flaks had those nasty shields that made it increadibly difficult to kill the gunners.

I remember when people build them indoors in Berlin and spammed them in hallways - which was super easy to abuse, because once destroyed they would leave those impassable barriers…

Yeah, it used to be bad not gonna lie…