Make AA free for everyone

Anti aircraft

There are AAs on the floor in various locations around respawn bases, for example:

And there must be a sandbag bunker to cover AA but remain invincible. It has unlimited ammo and can overheat. To answer all problems and needs of AA for the teammates.

AA all parties

Quadmount has 4 guns:

quad maxim has 4 guns:

flakvierling has 4 guns:

type 96 25mm has 3 guns:

Japan and Germany have AA models

Old AA that was used


I support adding more neutral vehicles and emplacements onto the map, including AA.

Especially considering that DF may be a loyal fan of BF series.


Americans are the cannon
The Germans are the cannon.
The Japanese are a cannon.
USSR - machine gun


yea i would love to use the jap triple aa gun and many other in the map

Changed to 37mm M1939 (61-K)?

or 45mm (21-K)?

i mean 49-K my bad

94km-2-e1532189824631 (1)
94-km-e1532189782983 (1)


I mean DShK 3 guns, my bad.

The DShK 3 guns looks great on the ground. This makes it an excellent replacement for a machine gun.

Personally, I think the ability to perhaps activate and repair these stronger AA guns with an engineer is the better route to go. Rather than just them BEING there, full function ready to go, and definitely not with infinite ammo.

HOWEVER, I think the better option is to allow players to break down various broken structures (and be given some supplies for it), and be capable of BUILDING the stronger AA guns.

This means that these sites could be MADE operational by an engineer squad, but they would also be able to build them elsewhere, in order to make it less easy for the enemy to identify where the shots are coming from (a premade site will always get targeted quickly, whereas an improvised location may take longer for them to find).


Cool idea, but they absolutely should be destructible.

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I thought so too, but It’s made more difficult by relying too much on engineers. The AA option of the engineer is the problem, not every match has an engineer in every squad or every team. There are many examples. And the time pressure is too fast, along with spamming bombs all the time, causing all of these things to break very easily. Almost didn’t get to use the example free cars on the map and free machine gun turrets. I’ll definitely agree with you. If the devs fix the problem of making engineer a class for new players, not snipers, engineer’s AA would be an option when wanting to use AA in an area without AA, you just build it and don’t have to go back to respawn bases to use it. Bases AA is better than AA engineer, that’s weak but can set AA anywhere you want.

I personally wish the AA was more used. I try to use it but it overheats way too quickly and I can’t ever get enough shots on target to cause any real damage.

I agree. Add more AA guns and remove overheat if it’s magazine fed.

Or make it overheat but unlimited ammo.


EVERY squad that has the option to put in an engineer, SHOULD be putting in an engineer. If they don’t then its nobody’s fault but theirs that they don’t have engineers around.

Standard engineers (those in other squads) would still be able to REPAIR and REARM the prebuilt AA guns, they just would not be able to set them up themselves.

Meanwhile, the Engineer SQUAD would have the ability to build the stronger AAs ANYWHERE (within parameters of course).

The autocannon AAs are very inconsistent.
Personally, I think the autocannons need to be changed into their own thing entirely, where they can be used against air targets OR ground targets.
IN ADDITION, the larger flak cannon type AAs need to be buildable, and these would only be able to angle toward the sky. These however would be massively more effective against aircraft. Not only would they offer much higher damage, but also much better range.
High flying aircraft would be decimated by it, while players cresting treetops would have a much higher chance of survival.

Why is that part important?
Because the most accurate attacks are usually done so with dive bombs. It would add in an element of necessary decision making from enemy pilots.
Do they want to fly high and dive bomb, but risk getting shot down easier?
Do they want to glide bomb and have generally less accuracy, but have a higher chance of surviving?


That’s the big problem.

You are telling me That people who refuse to combine engineer squads with standard engineers is wrong? I would like to ask, are you a console or pc player? and F2P?

Problem with AA is that planes are extremely effective, and really dont cost anything to spawn, and most people are not bothering to waste the 1-2 minutes rearming and just suicide to guarentee bomb drops, or worse suiciding to cycle in a new CAS plane to avoid the rearm time entirely.

Meanwhile if someone is dedicating themselves to AA, you just lost an inf squad, 1 of possibly 6 at worst, waiting for whats probably a suicide bomber anyways, praying you snipe the pilot in your first squirt otherwise hes just gonna drop bombs anyways.

As long as planes are just something you spawn into, and within 20 seconds drops your bombs on target, and it costs literally nothing to do so, anti air will just kinda be pointless unless it was overwhelmingly OP ie if someone is sitting in AA other team literally cannot get any CAS in (no fly zone).

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I am saying that it is highly advisable to have an engineer in every squad (I refer to these as “Standard” engineers, because they only have access to the standard list of fortifications.)

After all, look at how many people spam “Need a rally point” and “Need an ammo box” regularly.

Engineer SQUADS however, differ from the standard engineers in that they have a few unique fortifications that they can build. This being the “unique ability” of that particular squad.

I am a console player.

I was for a while, but the reality is that their prices for premium days in bulk is not bad (especially if you get them at the new year’s sale, $20 for a whole year is very worth it),
Its still better than paying $60-$80 for a base game with other major titles.

It can be done as a F2P player, I did it just fine when I was at that point.

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It would be a bit different if the AA and protecting structures weren’t so flimsy. Where you could build them on the roof or very close to the objective, where if you hear a plane coming in, you can access it quickly.

Personally, I often set up a hilltop with a field gun and an AA to provide both types of support with decent efficiency.

Yes! I think this would be great. And a good counter to CAS. But get rid of the negative vertical limiter, if it shoots at infantry then it gets blown up by infantry or armor. Placed randomly on the outskirts of the maps so that Air mains like me can’t memorize and prioritize AA positions, thus maintaining balance.

I would agree with you if devs switched to giving every squad a free standard engineers. Grinding is not required to have it, and new players will need an engineer squads instead of a sniper squads. We don’t want to be like WT without Free Parts.

Bro :skull:… You must try playing on PC.

May I ask you something? Do you like P2W?