Make AA free for everyone

… You CAN get a standard engineer in almost every single squad (the exception being vehicle squads)! IDK what you’re talking about.

I think there is a big misconception in regard to this.

For the most part, Anything that can be purchased has pros and cons, just like anything else. The PROBLEM is that there are core gameplay mechanics that need to be adjusted and better balanced, so that these purchased items (and some standard equipment) aren’t used in what is pretty much an exploit type of way.

The Firefly tank for example. It is very good at taking out tanks, can be good against infantry, all around pretty good right? Yet it can still be taken down by AT weapons, TNT, AT mines etc.

HOWEVER, because players can sit in the greyzone indefinitely with tanks, it can seem like its outperforming everything else. Other tanks can do this too. If it were forced to push forward and assist its teammates, it wouldn’t be much different than any other tank.

This kind of thing can be applied to almost any of the premium content.

As far as extra squad slots, it simply allows you to take more squads, how you USE those squads is still up to you though, it doesn’t guarantee a win.

The premium time, just reduces the amount of time you have to grind in the game. Again, not really a P2W thing.

I turn crossplay on here and there, but as was talking about before, there are game mechanics that are just exploited like crazy, and that happens even more frequently on PC than console.

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I didn’t mean it like that. My bad.

Tanks and Planes should be separated, allowing F2P to have both. No need to pay money to unlock Vehicle slots.

Paratroopers?, Vehicle slots?

It’s hell, even more so if you play on PC…

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