
I think their community managers just suck at communicating with the dev team and the dev team is too artistic to see any reason to tell us wtf theyre doing since its not their job.

this isnt the merge. the game is so broken right now. so many small things that need to be fixed before even thinking about the big things. plus we still have like 45 days left in the season. merge wont come till then at the soonest. you guys are setting your selves up for disappointment. Everytime there is a maintenance everyone gets all hyped about it being the merge… not happenin


Thats what Im thinking but we deserve a clear answer

Idk, if you are talking about James. My personal opinion is, he is very hardworking guy.
And you can see him basically everywhere. On forum, reddit, discord servers…

I really doubt problem is on his side.

I’m genuinely hoping it is not the merge in today’s maintenance.

So many more issues need to be addressed.


Idk but someone is fucking up

yea i also need my johnson from pacific since im literally 1 and a half lvl away

yea was gonna say- i love the T20. I have 3 all together and would love to field an entire infantry squad with them. amazing gun and the sights are awesome. its nice to shoot someone and they die instead of watching my bullet slowly arc towards them, knowing ill need to fire at least 3 more just like it just to get them in downed state. lol

Yeah, I do agree with that. I do remember the first time they showed us progression tech tree.

Literally everyone thought they are showing us BR tiers. And not a single helper or any other official bother to correct this misinterpretation for a few days. Until keo post news the progression tiers are not related to BRs.

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But in reality, except for a few, most of the content, thier developmental rating = br rating
The first time the development level was announced was in those 2 “preview images” that were released in May and June. Not the first release of the form, and not the first developmental test performed.
Compare the initial tech tree preview image, the current tech tree unlock order, and the current br.
You’ll notice very little change.
It’s like a story:
Party B completes Party A’s proposal, then Party A keeps asking for changes, forcing Party B to rework numerous new proposals, and finally Party A chooses the initial proposal that Party B provided.
Just a few additional minor changes were made.

I still remember the time when they F’ed up an update and they worked 24hour in weekends.
Choosing Monday to update the server data is… a wise idea…
And I bet they left a choice to rollback in case the merge is messed up.


My game has just been updated (> 5gb on pc, didnt look) but cant log in yet.
Wont be long now.


Same! Downloading now. Probably won’t play tonight but I’ll definitely be setting up my squads!

:checkered_flag: :red_car: :checkered_flag:



so merge is confirmed, soviet paras, new unlocks are in the game files now (hence the 5gb patch) i guess i was wrong this time about predictions




Enlisted Daimler Grand Prix starting off this week? :slight_smile:


I saw that 5gb download size and shed a single tear of joy.

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Still says “game under maintenance” even after the download. I guess we will to wait a little bit


Yeah, this has changed I think.