Could be a lot of fun the slower velocity 105 mm mortar replacing the 75mm of the regular Sherman,
Turning the Sherman from more of an anti-tank or mixed to an anti-infantry tank
This Variant of the M4 Sherman would make a good event vehicle.
Yeah, I would run that event!
Is there an Axis counterpart to it?
if it has its over editor not texture for the pacific Type 97 Chi-Ha Short Gun / Short 12cm or stumpanzer 2 also not texture

There is the StuH 42. It is a variant of the StuG III G with a 105 mm howitzer instead of the 7.5 cm anti-tank gun.
It already has a model in war thunder, so it should not be a problem to get it in enlisted as well. In war thunder it is very similar to the sherman 105. SU-122 could also be an equivalent for the Soviets.
the stug 3 g normendie ?
There is the StuH 42. It is a variant of the StuG III G with a 105 mm howitzer instead of the 7.5 cm anti-tank gun.
ok thanks for info
As has been noted the STUH would have been a great equivalent foe the Sherman 105, and both could have been introduced instead of some of the foolishness that now exists.
eg OK - you've had your wee joke with Normandy armour.... can we fix it please?
Perhaps with the merge something might happen, but don’t hold your breath!
Tiger 2 105 as Axis counterpart yes? /s
US T29 as a counterpart yes?
At least this tank existed IRL as a protoype, that cannot be said of the Tiger 105
So my concern here is other than the gun caliber, what puts it on par with the other one? In my experience the ones like this that don’t have a rotating turret are an absolute nightmare to work with, and really don’t stop shells with their armor (despite it supposedly being built that way for that specific reason).
How is it’s mobility for example? Does it have enough horsepower to actually get up hills to make use of better firing positions or something?
Maybe event tanks
It’s just a StuG III with a 105mm gun so armor and mobility are effectively identical to that. However, it’s still a somewhat decent match for the M4A3 105, as the 105 Sherman’s terrible turret traverse basically makes the StuH 42 what the StuG III G is to the M10.
105 Sherman has manual turret rotation (like M10) because of the size of the gun. Its turret rotates very slowly. I don’t know how is the StuG in Enlisted, but in War Thunder StuH and Sherman 105 are well matched against each other.
Both gun are similar with a 10s reload. They fire similar ammunition, with HE and HEAT shell available (German one also has APHE but it lacks penetration value). Both would be very good against infantry and might struggle against tank.
Yes they will probably end-up as event or premium vehicles however. Or if they are in the normal progression, they would be added after the ‘merge’, as I don’t think that anyone would like to get them at level 40+ of the Normandy campaign.
It’s not in the game yet, I know it’s in the files, because I had a blast blowing up Soviet BT tanks with it in the game editor. But in the new update, it won’t be added, unfortunately. I already checked.
yes sad so much is in the editor and not the game