M4A3 105mm

Yes it will be great when all these vehicles are added to the game but do you think that every vehicle has to be a 1 to 1 counter

It’s not like every other vehicle is useless

I could be a Panzer 3 N and still perform fine

the editor is part of the game.

so, it is definitely in the game.

just not in unlockable in the base game.

and it doesn’t have to come with the merge.

could come at any moment in the future.

which my answer was to highlight that it’s actually present

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The Panzer IV G is not removed yet, It’s still in the vehicles list, but I can’t find it on the research tree.

because its exclusive for stalingrad owners

Yeah no I don’t want paper tanks.

I would like to see the Sturmtiger for shits and giggles.

It’s not a counter to the M4 105 they have 2 very different roles also the Tiger II 105 never existed.

  1. necro lol
  2. You responded to the same post twice
  3. You do realize /s means sarcasm right?

I’m sorry I’ve literally never seen anyone use /s for sarcasm I saw you say something clearly stupid, so I said something.