M18 GMC not worth it?

Once somebody starts digging into it ( and there really isnt that much to dig about ) :smiley: the M18 has the same cannon as 76W but its completely vulnerable to everything, even more than M10

Now im no cannon gearhead but it seems that M10 has better cannon and far more better armor than M18 ?
This cannot be an upgrade

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It´s probably better because it´s one of the fastest tanks in Normandy. M10 isn´t much faster than an M4 and isn´t armored much better either so atleast you could in theory outrun german tanks before they aquire you. The best choice as always is picking an alrounder like your M4A1, kills Panthers and Tiger well enough.

It’s twice as fast, so that’s something. That combined with a fast turret speed and a good gun, and it could play well in maps where you can take advantage of flanks.

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its basically an open top BT-7 that actually deals damage.

one molotov or small bomb and your crew is done … m8 scott and m10 are enough , regardless i consider m18 a downgrade because M10 is way better in other ways if you play it right

i understand that maybe US army had only tank destroyers that could match german heavy tanks cannonwise

but here devs are trying to give a tank destroyer a new purpose … they want to make it a capable close fight tank :smiley: this is laughable , not only tank destroyers were always meant to be in the far back , but to put player behind wheels of fast tank destroyer that gets instantly killed by everything IS NOT UPGRADE

besides why would you play with M18 if you can play with 76W ?

how about unlockable Firefly? that would have made the most sense, the next step would basically be a Jackson… but I’m not too sure it saw combat in normady…

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Wont help much on D-Day

pretty much this

You could say the same about M18.

They developed had them to counter german armored spearheads like they where used in the early war.

That doesn´t even make sense, it doesn´t have the armor to be a brawler how did you come to that conclusion?

Meant to, doesn´t mean they did that in the field because it´s stupid. If you have tanks then you should use them instead of having them just sit around incase you need them later.

Sounds like a potential skill issue, you haven´t even used the damn thing yet.

So not Normandy?

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That map probably is one of the better maps for it to be honest. By the time the german tanks are in position you probably already left the beach and could try looking for them and take them out.

for game play purposes the m1 and m7 are the same though IRL the m1 is the better cannon as with all shermans using it while only a prototype heavy tank and the m10 using the m7 cannon

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i used open top convertible tanks in normandy before, not great fun if people know that molotov smokes out your gunner and commander altogether ,but it seems you havent used these tanks otherwise you would know :smiley:

because devs said it has faster turret and speed than M10 , so that doesnt mean people will use it as main battle tank and get killed in like 5 seconds ? even artilery strike can really hurt these tank destroyers mr.skillissue

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Add a tank that doesn’t fulfill its purpose on all maps. Speed and a good canon means sh*t, if you don’t have the space to flank. The same reason why currently, half-tracks wouldn’t be a good idea.


Yeah that would mean your team captured the first point by that time. The M18 might not be the biggest concern of the Germans though

You can throw a molotv on top of the engine of any tank wich burns the crew and blows up the tank so that´s not an excuse anymore. If you´re so scared of infantry getting on you tank just drive away? With M18 you can do it very easily.

I have… never even happened to me. Ergo skill issue on your end appearently. M8 is on of my favourite tanks in the game even.

Well there´s nothing in this game you could call a main battle tank in the game so I don´t know where you got that idea.

just drive away?

I´m not sure why you even bothered to make this post since you appearently already have come to an answer judging by what comments you like (people shitting on it) and what you´re telling me.


The Hellcat is sexy.

Counts for something? :smiley:


well … i agree with people who say it is not good , for me the 76W is superior to this GoKart flanking convertible lil tank … no matter how much skilled the opposite player in M18 is , once me as infantry get to its close vicinity there is literally dozens ways I know on how to instantly destroy it

even more so when his roof isnt protected and with its weak armor any ofenrohr or flamethrower is his nemesis, also his bot comrades surrounding him wont help

and if it wont be me who will have chance to destroy it, its more then likely that it will be left marked on the entire map for few minutes until JU-188 with its 6 or so bombs that rarely miss will kill it

good thing is even 50 kg bombs will do the trick

Oh ? you dont use your tanks as general purpose armored machines and rush them to the heat of battle ? surely this is something that tank destroyer is MEANT TO DO :smiley:

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got to see one in person back in 2021 for the first time and i can confirm this statement is true

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It’s a Beautiful thing.

Seems the “no armour is best armour” doesn’t apply here… But no matter. Would be the only worthy replacement of my trusthy Rhino.

Also, favourite vehicle from H&G bars none. Nothing was as versatile as this beauty.

And who knows… If the playing field becomes larger, like the maps in H&G were (devs hinted working on this aspect today!) It might become king again here as well.