Lunar New Year

I agree they should add engineers to the old squads.

And for the people scared that they have to add a 10th soldier, there are other solutions the devs could consider. if the devs cant do it because they can not remove or add soldiers, then they could for example, add a ‘capture point’ item. That the main guy has a special event mine that makes him able to drop a spawn becon.

This is just one silly idea, I am sure the devs could think of something that works.

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I write once again asking for, can you please tone down this Event Stuff in the main menus? it’s all over the screen and looks outta place. It’s 1 not historical as in Germans, USSR WW2 do not celebrate Lunar Year cmon now so it’s breaks immersion and for me kinda ruins the athmosphere of playing WW2 especially with european factions, and then 2 it’s all over the screen cluttering and confusing when selecting Squads and managing them.
Please tone it down, atleast REmove that Lion that is way too much!
sincerely please thanks

Why I can´t place guns inside the mod editor?

It’s really not, some of us have been awaiting this weapon for quite some time, and semi too bolt is what this weapon is well known for. Do other weapons have this capability, yes, is that their defining trait as with this rifle, no.

Furthermore, this Chinese squad will now be seen from the deserts of Tunisia too the beaches of Normandy…I cannot help but be reminded of that far better system that was tested briefly which limited weapons to certain maps, it would have entirely side stepped this issue which will continue to plague this game.

This Chinese event squad being able to run around in Normandy etc is indicative of a deeper problem; that being the devs veering away from the games original vision. This games community once heavily favored slowing down movement speed and parkour elements, the devs implemented both these changes to much applause. Such a change would seem to never be allowed to happen again with the current development direction. I recall what happened with War Thunder, I was there, now I see it happening here.

Why is every update in this game becoming a monkey’s paw?

TLDR: Give us bolt action capability, and I’m seething at the devs lack of stated direction etc.


Yes the B.R coupled with the Campaign Limted system would be THE best to make the game more Historical and Fun as in more flavour and Different Campaigns with their Maps being unique. Now it’s just a cesspool of same shit on different Maps.

THis Games badly needs gamepace and Battle/Fire mechanics slowed down, from Stamina and movement of soldiers, to reloading and aiming which is on a shit level of being very unrealistic, it’s kinda Fortninte/CoD trash BS lvl.
A Couple of tryhards on each Team in say Battle of Berlin in CCQ inside some some buildings and you see what that kinda gameplay and pace leads to, just a shitfest of zerging rushing pray n spray all over wild goose chase that resembles nothign of actual combat. It is unrealistic, it’s boring as fck, no tacticatl thinking to it, it’s frustrating as hell and leads to frustration anger and just general hate of the stupid designed combat design and mechanics.

Enlisted could do with a healthy dose of both Historical correctness with what Tech on which Maps and in same lin-ups AND some realism for Gameplay in Combat, But movement and Gunplay

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This. However that “other” system wasn’t even tested preoperly – one weekend of test server 20 people testing Stewarts coming against Tigers is not “testing”, what must have been tested was brs PLUS map links.

The worst part here is that I might understand why the Merge was done and why some of pre-Merge squads found themselves in a weird place since they weren’t designed for it:

  • Volkssturm squad in business suits in Tunisia
  • Moroccan squad in bedouin robes in Normandy
  • M8 Greyhound covered in palm branches in Ardennes

What I can’t and won’t understand is

  • how NOTHING has been done in the YEAR since ther Merge to address those issues above
  • how the devs CONTINUE to add more and more stuff like that on purpose:

Volkssurm (!) German soldier with a fur hat (!) in Tunisia with a Soviet (!) PPS…

Are the devs oblivious to the fact that MANY of us players switched to Enlisted from BF/CoD exatly to NOT be forced see stuff like this in our WW2 game?



Btw @James_Grove how is the Cosmetic Filter coming along?


For those pre merge squads, There is Just one solution : let players to choose the uniform according to the campaign and don’t lock the customisation for the premium squads…

For exemple : I want to put british’s stuff on my Marocan because HA (and no US uniform in Normandy/Pacific or Tunisia)

But… Olds players lives doesn’t matter.


Lets face it. The Merge did being in good things, like not having to grind the MP40 5 times. However, the majority of what the Merge did was make this game just Fortnite with WWII skins with the BR system, hence Moroccans in Normandy and Chinese in Tunisia.

People are complaining (rightfully so IMHO) about this obvious move away from the “historically authentic” aspect that DF claims in all the videos I see on Facebook and Youtube. But we cant have a BR/Matchmaking system AND pick maps, restrict certain weapons from certain maps, etc… Its just not possible.

But we CAN have a realistic mode that is basically the same thing as what we have now (lets call that Arcade Mode) except you take away things like penetration and aircraft leading indicators.

And we can also have Historic Mode, where you can only join a game if you have the correct equipment for that map equipped. Experimental, Prototype, Fortnite-like skins, FG42s in the hands of regular infantry…all that crap would be restricted.

Enlisted needs three modes. Arcade, Realistic, and Historic.


Calling Enlisted Fortnite :sob:

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So trippling the number of ques yep that would be great

Well the devs can
a) not add squads like the Chinese or Germans in fur hats when we KNOW that they will appear in weird maps and scenarios
b) actually spend some time and give some thought to the squads so that for example this squad would be Chinese in the Pacific, but when places on other maps it would automatically change language, weapon and cosmetics to idk Arab volunteers in Tunisia, free French volunteers in Normandy and Belgian volunteers in Ardennes or something


No, why that’s four times as much work and they would still have the same weapons unless you wanted them to have tech tree garbage.

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I’ll take 1 proper WW2 squad over 4 BS squads every day of the week

I may have become a bit cynical overtime given all these changes that have come in recent times, in comparison to what Enlisted used to be when I first started playing like 4 years ago. I say this because I don’t really see the problem with having an all Chinese event squad as ‘terrible’ or game breaking as many people make it out to be.

In fact, I think it opens a path to give more representation to other underlooked nations, even if it’s just in the form of event squads. I personally would like to see ‘Osttruppen’ squads of mixed nationalities, or other small nations who also took a role in WW2. But the thing which I do get a bit tired of reading after a while is this very ‘Eurocentrist’ or ‘Westernized’ view of WW2, which I don’t agree with. And instead I like seeing it for what it actually was; A major world conflict with many smaller nations involved on both sides, not just the ‘big powers’.

On the other hand some people may find it “controversial” to add them, specially collaborationist nations under the Axis forces, and I understand that (that’s an entire topic in itself). But it think it would be much easier from a developer’s point of view giving them their appropriate place within the game through the release of dedicated event squads, instead of adding a full tech three, which many would be obviously lacking enough equipment to fully make it into BR V, without straight up copypasting or re-skinning. Of course, I still would like to see Italy or the UK/commonwealth as their own tech three, but I understand why they haven’t done it yet, or why there aren’t any plans for it in the near future.

Just my two cents in this discussion.

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The trouble is seeing squads in battlefields they do not belong on, imagine seeing Japanese soldiers defending Berlin. Russian troops fighting Japanese in Iowa Jima it be immersion breaking. Or hell take to to the extreme and add battle that never happened like operation sea lion. Now people who do not want china as a faction have a point people who did not want Chinese squads should grow up. Many countries fought in WW2 in luding the Philippines and France.

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I fully agree with your point. We’re currently under a very thin line between adding interesting squads and breaking immersion. Lastly what you said is what I was referring. There were just so many smaller countries involved in both sides. Many had their armies split up between supporting both sides at the same time, giving result to civil war clashes, etc. But yes, the list for adding smaller nations in the form of event squads in the future, is quite broad and there’s lots of potential content we could have. I feel like we just need to be a bit more open-minded.

I was also initially drawn to Enlisted’s then attempt at historical accuracy, despite some obvious compromises here and there, yet I’ve welcomed many of these recent additions. Like the French partisans and this Chinese squad. Because I want to see this game thrive with new content, and attracting more new players along the way.


Stop adding ‘foreign’ stuff until it has its own techtree.
Also stop adding that stuff until there is some sort of map selection.

Now we’re gonna have French squads in the Pacific and Chinese squads in Tunisia.
Totally ridiculous.


if uk/italy cant get a tech tree how would france china get a tech tree
so you are saying don’t add anything but japan, soviet, allies, axis
don’t talk

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It’s not “LUNAR” new year
It’s definitely Chinese New Year.
I’m sure a lot of East Asian players in the community group are saying that it’s not just you Chinese celebrating THE NEW YEAR.
We don’t want only Chinese people to celebrate Chinese New Year, just like Christmas, and I’m just as likely to celebrate the arrival of Christmas as Westerners.
We never said that only the Chinese could celebrate Chinese New Year.
In fact, We really blieve in ‘about celebrating together as one’, ‘sharing joy with the world’
But what we can’t accept it when people are clearly celebrating Chinese New Year on that day (01.29.2025) but then try to take the ‘CHINESE’ out of it.
Maybe some smartass saying : “We should all be more inclusive.”
I didn’t force somebody to say ‘Chinese New Year,’ and I don’t have the power. but this isn’t about inclusive.
If you try saying’ Lunar New Year’ tries to erase our cultural roots, and as Chinese people, we need to protect our culture.
And, Chinese New Year falls on a different date in every year, which brings us back to ‘Lunar’.
The Gregorian calendar is based on the Earth’s orbit around the sun, while the lunar calendar it based on the moon’s orbit around the Earth
Chinese New Year it based on a combined solar and lunar calendar, which takes into account the 24 solar terms(Chinese Ancestral Command), leap months, and the lunar cycle to determine the date.
So you can see, using ‘lunar New Year’ alone it incorrect and disrespctful to our cultural root.
If we let Luanr be the reference, the first new moon of 2025 should be at 01:27 GMT on January 1, 2025, and people who call the Chinese New Year of January 29, 2025 Lunar New Year should celebrate their New Year on January 1.
Although as a Chinese, We still celebrate Christmas, and that’s totally fine.
That’s not about cultural tolerance.
That’s about stealing and appropriating someone else’s culture.

The Spring Festival, AKA. Chinese New year, has successfully been added to the World Heritage list in 2024.
I hope everyone celebrating Chinese New Year had a great day.

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Or let the foreign aspect of the squad be available only in campaigns it belongs to.

With upcoming option to change nationalities of soldiers it should be quite easy. Especially if you could change nationality of soldiers for each customization preset separately.

But you are quite right. They should stop adding stuff like this until they figure out scenarios such as “Chinese in Tunisia”.

It just shouldn’t be possible. And it’s annoying that devs are completely ignoring this issue.