These cosmetics could be in the form of event or premium squads, but could also be available for purchase on regular squads such as all the legacy “paratrooper” tech tree squads that are paratrooper divisions (a branch of the luftwaffe).
I agree. I would love to have more LuftWaffe squads, as well as having customization options for clothing and helmets in all campaigns. Berlin and Normandy have LW uniforms and helmets on the Mortar squad and the level 3 MG squad, yet if you play a different campaign they are in regular uniforms. I would LOVE to be able to have them wear LW uniforms on all campaigns, just different camouflages etc ofc.
I would also really like those smocks that go all the way to the thigh that the fallschirmjager have. I believe a few squads have that customization, but none of the tech tree squads do.
Well, its a shame that you cant get those short Luftwaffe helmets for customization.
I guess the devs didn’t add all that stuff because there specifically are paratroopers with such cosmetics - though some regular squads also are Luftwaffe based and still have those cosmetics.
god, imagine how much content could be created for the game if DF gave us the ability to create community content for the game after all this practice is becoming the norm and already games like WT have implemented it successfully
for DF it would be an excellent way to improve the relationship with a community that has been in pieces for months but above all it would give us the possibility to create updates for the game and DF more time to spend on fixing the game and major updates
a perfect example of what this community can offer to Enlisted if DF begins implementing community content updates
gray shirt could be replaced by the blue, however, the luftwaffe did had grey tunics
the mismatching of pants & knochensach / “jumpsuit” wasn’t uncommon at all
the german army didn’t always had matching options and most of the times actively retrofitted their own ranks with what they had available.
therefore the m43 pants with double buckle were widely used.
replacing the jumping pants as they were “reduced” to being actual ground units like the luftwaffe field division.
it would be great to give them an alternative option with blue pants.
as for the cosmetic set that i made, there are currently no matching olive pants unfortunately.
so i just went for the " rugged " look which it’s still historical.
one thing that i do know, gerat will be available to all squads as it was originally meant to be. and as i have been told, others sets such as the light tan airborne or generally any piece that can be bought, but it’s lacking pieces in one area or another are supposed to be present in the customization. however, some of these items do conflict with prem items. so we’ll see what they will do.
and various event squads will get the ability to be customizable.
but that doesnt mean it will come or it’s about to come around corner unfortunately. but still.
If they had unified grey outfit, I would prefer those.
I really don’t care about if mismatched was also HA thing. I just don’t like it.
That’s just me thing