Low BR cancer - HMG and Airstrikes

100 drum mag tommy for everyone

We already have premium squad weapons in progression, johnson and as44 to name a few

I think they should transform premium paras into new soviet format and add Thompson 100 into tech tree.

I wanted to say they won’t give prem stuff for free but bomb fuel tanks (:face_vomiting:) happened.

It is very much possible.


“Now they can use other compact weapons”. They should have added a picture of paras droping with vickers for maximum irony.


It is time for a grenadier class:

Limit rifles with grenade launchers to them along with the grenade bag.

Or, limit the WP grenade class to a grenadier class and let them carry only one WP grenade. From there, they could buff it safely while also at the same time making the WP grenade look like WP and not a Febreze aerosol.




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i agree with the br +1/-1 improvement.

the HMGs though are fine, since they are necessary for historical accuracy and can be easily taken out with a bolt action sniper or even better with AT rifles. both weapon types are absolutely crucial for low BR battles (unlike high BR where they cant be played among all the full auto spam)

the arti strikes are also fine, the bomber raids are moderately annoying, but only due to no one wanting to play the bad fighter planes on low br.
the fact that most people still will use normal arti strikes over bomber raids and that AA guns are more prevalent on low br than on higher (because engineer squads are actually really good with their structures) solves solves the bomber raid issue, since only rarely will they be really strong (big bombs causing problems from time to time is absolutely HA).

also once the AA guns get actually un-castrated, bomber raids will stop being issues completely.

edit: bomber raids on low BR make the american MGMC even better than it already is, giving the americans a nice asymmetrical edge over other nations (they definitely need it on low BR)


Are we pushing for that or did they do that?

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DF still wants +2/-2. i personally strongly advocate for +1/-1
Edit: bandit advocates for +1/-1 in this post too, thatswhy i mentioned the topic.

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HMG is incredibility easy to take out with a sniper, nade launcher or a tank (either to HE shell or mg), they will be only a problem against BR1 players that doesn’t have Grant/T-50/PZ3/PZ4 that could survive their bullets.
Airstrikes shouldn’t be there in low BR. Biggest issue are constant explosive spam, you have nade launchers, ap mines, impact nades and also flamethrowers.

Best way of resolving that issue would be to add 6th tier, then offload those up to higher tiers so only BR3-4 and 5-6 would have those cancerous weapons of mass destruction.

+/-1 is the way to go
Prevents mega punching down


Take into account where those HMG will be played, in Moscow, where houses are made of paper.
I’m gonna personally spam them through wall all day long.

And the ±1 BR is coming as soon as current system works without much issues.
I would personally even prefer more queues just to add 3 permament bots per side to makes game more chill

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this is not ±2. this is high low queue with t3 having 50% chance ending in either one.

we either need 3 fixed queues (expand BR tiers to 6 and have t1-t2, t3-t4, t5-t6) or if it is not possible due to queue numbers we need 2.5 queues (t1 protected for newbies, t2-t3 and t4-t5).

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I think they do

I think I got a kill like that in berlin a while back firing at the ceiling randomly with a MG34

This solution is the best compromise for lowest queues possible while retaining 3 mm queues for balance

Br -+1 makes way too many queues (not saying it wouldnt be preferable). And DF isnt budging on 2 as it is

I think there is nothing wrong with having HMGs or air strikes or other powerful stuff in early battles. It’s better to completely sell the chaotic war sandbox

New players will learn what they signed up for. I never complain when I get killed by something

Plus say we eventually have Heavy AA guns like the Flak 8,8 which could also be used as an AT gun. Early in the war Germany used them as their best weapon against powerful tanks they could not deal with at that time. That is a valid strategy for early battles, giving early players a card in their fight against the enemy. If we keep the sandbox open then you will see heavy armaments in even the earliest battles

nice picture

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Solution could also be BR 1-+ and spreading out the end game smgs more.